#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-1535 ISSUE: 1535 TITLE: gfix -sweep makes "reconnect" when it is removed from mon$attachments by delete command (issued in another window) DESCRIPTION: We create table with very long char field and fill it with uuid data. Then we create index for this field and finally - delete all rows. Such table will require valuable time to be swept, about 4 seconds. After this, we launch asynchronously ISQL which makes delay ~2 seconds inside itself. Also, we launch trace for logging. After this we run 'gfix -sweep' in another process (synchronously). When delay in ISQL expires, ISQL connection executes 'DELETE FROM MON$ATTACHMENT' command which should kill gfix connection. This command is issued with 'set count on' for additional check that isql really could find this record in momn$attachments table. Process of GFIX should raise error 'connection shutdown'. Trace log should contain line with text 'SWEEP_FAILED' and after this line we should NOT discover any lines with 'ATTACH_DATABASE' event - this is especially verified. Finally, we compare content of firebird.log: new lines in it should contain messages about interrupted sweep ('error during sweep' and 'connection shutdown'). Checked on WI-V3.0.2.32620 (SS/SC/CS), (SS/SC). Total time of test run is ~25 seconds (data filling occupies about 3 seconds). NOTES: [11.05.2017] checked on WI-T4.0.0.638 - added filtering to messages about shutdown state, see comments below. [26.09.2017] adjusted expected_stdout section to current FB 3.0+ versions: firebird.log now does contain info about DB name which was swept (see CORE-5610, "Provide info about database (or alias) which was in use...") [19.11.2021] pcisar Small difference in reimplementation of sweep killer script On v4.0.0.2496 COMMIT after delete from mon#attachments fails with: STATEMENT FAILED, SQLSTATE = HY008, OPERATION WAS CANCELLED Without commit this test PASSES, i.e. sweep is terminated with all outputs as expected JIRA: CORE-4337 FBTEST: bugs.core_4337 """ import pytest import re import time import subprocess from difflib import unified_diff from pathlib import Path from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import DbWriteMode substitutions = [('[ ]+', ' '), ('TRACE_LOG:.* SWEEP_START', 'TRACE_LOG: SWEEP_START'), ('TRACE_LOG:.* SWEEP_FAILED', 'TRACE_LOG: SWEEP_FAILED'), ('TRACE_LOG:.* ERROR AT JPROVIDER::ATTACHDATABASE', 'TRACE_LOG: ERROR AT JPROVIDER::ATTACHDATABASE'), ('.*KILLED BY DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR.*', ''), ('TRACE_LOG:.*GFIX.EXE.*', 'TRACE_LOG: GFIX.EXE'), ('OIT [0-9]+', 'OIT'), ('OAT [0-9]+', 'OAT'), ('OST [0-9]+', 'OST'), ('NEXT [0-9]+', 'NEXT'), ('FIREBIRD.LOG:.* ERROR DURING SWEEP OF .*TEST.FDB.*', 'FIREBIRD.LOG: + ERROR DURING SWEEP OF TEST.FDB')] # 16K page is neccessary ! Smaller size will cause failure with: # key size exceeds implementation restriction for index "T_S01" db = db_factory(page_size=16384) act = python_act('db', substitutions=substitutions) make_garbage = """ set list on; select current_time from rdb$database; recreate table t(s01 varchar(4000)); commit; set term ^; execute block as declare n int = 20000; declare w int; begin select f.rdb$field_length from rdb$relation_fields rf join rdb$fields f on rf.rdb$field_source=f.rdb$field_name where rf.rdb$relation_name=upper('t') into w; while (n>0) do insert into t(s01) values( rpad('', :w, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid())) ) returning :n-1 into n; end^ set term ;^ commit; select count(*) check_total_cnt, min(char_length(s01)) check_min_length from t; create index t_s01 on t(s01); commit; delete from t; commit; -- overall time for data filling , create index and delete all rows: ~ 3 seconds. -- This database requires about 4 seconds to be swept (checked on P-IV 3.0 GHz). select current_time from rdb$database; --show database; quit; """ expected_stdout = """ CONNECTION SHUTDOWN ISQL LOG: WAITING FOR GFIX START SWEEP ISQL LOG: STARTING TO DELETE GFIX PROCESS FROM MON$ATTACHMENTS ISQL LOG: RECORDS AFFECTED: 1 ISQL LOG: FINISHED DELETING GFIX PROCESS FROM MON$ATTACHMENTS TRACE_LOG: SWEEP_FAILED FIREBIRD.LOG: + SWEEP IS STARTED BY SYSDBA FIREBIRD.LOG: + OIT, OAT, OST, NEXT FIREBIRD.LOG: + ERROR DURING SWEEP OF TEST.FDB FIREBIRD.LOG: + CONNECTION SHUTDOWN """ killer_script = """ set list on; recreate table tmp4wait(id int); commit; insert into tmp4wait(id) values(1); commit; set transaction lock timeout 2; ------------------ D E L A Y update tmp4wait set id=id; select 'Waiting for GFIX start SWEEP' as " " from rdb$database; set term ^; execute block as begin in autonomous transaction do begin update tmp4wait set id=id; when any do begin -- NOP -- end end end ^ set term ;^ commit; --select MON$PAGE_BUFFERS from mon$database; select 'Starting to delete GFIX process from mon$attachments' as " " from rdb$database; set count on; delete from mon$attachments where mon$remote_process containing 'gfix'; -- On v4.0.0.2496 COMMIT fails with: STATEMENT FAILED, SQLSTATE = HY008, OPERATION WAS CANCELLED -- Without commit this test PASSES, i.e. sweep is terminated with all outputs as expected -- commit; set count off; select 'Finished deleting GFIX process from mon$attachments' as " " from rdb$database; """ killer_script_file = temp_file('killer.sql') sweep_killer_out = temp_file('killer.out') sweep_killer_err = temp_file('killer.err') sweep_out = temp_file('sweep.out') trace = ['time_threshold = 0', 'log_errors = true', 'log_sweep = true', 'log_connections = true', ] @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0') def test_1(act: Action, capsys, killer_script_file: Path, sweep_killer_out: Path, sweep_killer_err: Path, sweep_out: Path): killer_script_file.write_text(killer_script) with act.connect_server() as srv: # get firebird log before action srv.info.get_log() log_before = srv.readlines() # Change FW to OFF in order to speed up initial data filling srv.database.set_write_mode(database=act.db.db_path, mode=DbWriteMode.ASYNC) # make garbage act.isql(switches=[], input=make_garbage) # REDUCE number of cache buffers in DB header in order to sweep make its work as long as possible srv.database.set_default_cache_size(database=act.db.db_path, size=100) # Change FW to ON (in order to make sweep life harder :)) srv.database.set_write_mode(database=act.db.db_path, mode=DbWriteMode.SYNC) # Start trace with act.trace(db_events=trace): # Launch (async.) ISQL which will make small delay and then kill GFIX attachment with open(sweep_killer_out, 'w') as killer_out, \ open(sweep_killer_err, 'w') as killer_err: p_killer = subprocess.Popen([act.vars['isql'], '-i', str(killer_script_file), '-user', act.db.user, '-password', act.db.password, act.db.dsn], stdout=killer_out, stderr=killer_err) try: time.sleep(2) # Launch GFIX -SWEEP (sync.). It should be killed by ISQL which we have # launched previously after delay in its script will expire: act.expected_stderr = 'We expect errors' act.gfix(switches=['-sweep', act.db.dsn]) gfix_out = act.stdout gfix_err = act.stderr finally: p_killer.terminate() # # get firebird log after action with act.connect_server() as srv: srv.info.get_log() log_after = srv.readlines() # construct final stdout for checks print(gfix_out.upper()) print(gfix_err.upper()) # sweep filler output for line in sweep_killer_out.read_text().splitlines(): if line: print('ISQL LOG:', line.upper()) for line in sweep_killer_err.read_text().splitlines(): if line: print('ISQL ERR:', line.upper()) # Trace log found_sweep_failed = 0 for line in act.trace_log: if 'SWEEP_FAILED' in line: print('TRACE_LOG:' + (' '.join(line.split()).upper())) found_sweep_failed = 1 if found_sweep_failed == 1 and ('ATTACH_DATABASE' in line): print('TRACE: ATTACH DETECTED AFTER SWEEP FAILED! ') print('TRACE_LOG:' + (' '.join(line.split()).upper())) # pattern = re.compile("\\+[\\s]+OIT[ ]+[0-9]+,[\\s]*OAT[\\s]+[0-9]+,[\\s]*OST[\\s]+[0-9]+,[\\s]*NEXT[\\s]+[0-9]+") for line in unified_diff(log_before, log_after): if line.startswith('+'): line = line.upper() if 'SWEEP' in line or 'CONNECTION' in line or pattern.match(line): print( 'FIREBIRD.LOG: ' + (' '.join(line.split())) ) # # check act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout