#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-5864 ISSUE: 5864 TITLE: Error "block size exceeds implementation restriction" while inner joining large datasets with a long key using the HASH JOIN plan DESCRIPTION: Hash join have to operate with keys of total length >= 1 Gb if we want to reproduce runtime error "Statement failed, SQLSTATE = HY001 / unable to allocate memory from operating system" If test table that serves as the source for HJ has record length about 65 Kb than not less than 16K records must be added there. If we use charset UTF8 than record length in bytes will be 8 times of declared field_len, so we declare field with len = 8191 charactyer (and this is current implementation limit). Than we add into this table >= 16Kb rows of unicode (NON-ascii!) characters. Finally, we launch query against this table and this query will use hash join because of missed indices. We have to check that NO errors occured during this query. Discussed with dimitr: letters 08-jan-2018 .. 06-feb-2018. JIRA: CORE-5598 FBTEST: bugs.core_5598 NOTES: [07.04.2022] pzotov FB and later: data sources with equal cardinality now present in the HASH plan in order they are specified in the query. Reversed order was used before this build. Because of this, two cases of expected stdout must be taken in account, see variables 'fb3x_checked_stdout' and 'fb5x_checked_stdout'. """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * substitutions = [('[ \t]+', ' '), ('.*RECORD LENGTH:[ \t]+[\\d]+[ \t]*\\)', ''), ('.*COUNT[ \t]+[\\d]+', ''), ('(?m)DATABASE:.*\\n?', '')] db = db_factory(charset='UTF8') act = python_act('db', substitutions=substitutions) fb3x_checked_stdout = """ PLAN HASH (B NATURAL, A NATURAL) """ fb5x_checked_stdout = """ PLAN HASH (A NATURAL, B NATURAL) """ MIN_RECS_TO_ADD = 17000 test_script = """ set list on; set plan on; select count(*) from test a join test b using(id, s); quit; """ @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0.3') def test_1(act: Action): with act.db.connect(charset='utf8') as con: con.execute_immediate('create table test(id int, s varchar(8191))') con.commit() c = con.cursor() c.execute(f"insert into test(id, s) select row_number()over(), lpad('', 8191, 'Алексей, Łukasz, Máté, François, Jørgen, Νικόλαος') from rdb$types,rdb$types rows {MIN_RECS_TO_ADD}") con.commit() engine_major = int(con.info.engine_version) # #act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.expected_stdout = fb3x_checked_stdout if engine_major < 5 else fb5x_checked_stdout act.isql(switches=['-q'], input=test_script) act.stdout = act.stdout.upper() assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout