#coding:utf-8 # # id: bugs.core_4503 # title: ISQL command SHOW USERS display only me # decription: # 29.07.2016: instead of issuing SHOW USERS which has unstable output (can be changed multiple times!) # it was decided to replace it with SQL query which actually is done by this command. # This query can be easily found in trace when we run SHOW USERS. # Also, we limit output with only those users who is enumerated here thus one may do not warry about # another user logins which could left in securitiN.fdb after some test failed. # # 29.03.2018: changed user names, replaced count of SYSDBA attachments with literal 1. # Checked on: # fb30Cs, build OK, 3.781s. # FB30SS, build OK, 1.312s. # FB40CS, build OK, 4.547s. # FB40SS, build OK, 2.094s. # # tracker_id: CORE-4503 # min_versions: ['3.0'] # versions: 3.0 # qmid: import pytest from firebird.qa import db_factory, python_act, Action, user_factory, User # version: 3.0 # resources: None substitutions_1 = [] init_script_1 = "" db_1 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1) # test_script_1 #--- # import os # os.environ["ISC_USER"] = user_name # os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = user_password # # db_conn.close() # # con_0a = kdb.connect(dsn=dsn.encode()) # con_0b = kdb.connect(dsn=dsn.encode()) # # con_1a = kdb.connect(dsn=dsn.encode(),user='TMP$C4503_BILL',password='123') # con_1b = kdb.connect(dsn=dsn.encode(),user='TMP$C4503_BILL',password='123') # con_1c = kdb.connect(dsn=dsn.encode(),user='TMP$C4503_BILL',password='123') # con_1d = kdb.connect(dsn=dsn.encode(),user='TMP$C4503_BILL',password='123') # con_1e = kdb.connect(dsn=dsn.encode(),user='TMP$C4503_BILL',password='123') # # con_2a = kdb.connect(dsn=dsn.encode(),user='TMP$C4503_JOHN',password='456') # con_2b = kdb.connect(dsn=dsn.encode(),user='TMP$C4503_JOHN',password='456') # con_2c = kdb.connect(dsn=dsn.encode(),user='TMP$C4503_JOHN',password='456') # con_2d = kdb.connect(dsn=dsn.encode(),user='TMP$C4503_JOHN',password='456') # # con_3a = kdb.connect(dsn=dsn.encode(),user='TMP$C4503_MICK',password='789') # script = ''' # set list on; # -- "SHOW USERS" command actually runs following query: # select # case # when coalesce(mon$user, sec$user_name) = current_user # then '#' # when sec$user_name is distinct from null # then ' ' # else '-' # end is_current_user # ,coalesce(m.mon$user, u.sec$user_name) user_name # ,iif( m.mon$user = upper('SYSDBA'), 1, count(m.mon$user) ) keeps_attachments # from mon$attachments m # full join sec$users u on m.mon$user = u.sec$user_name # where # coalesce(mon$system_flag, 0) = 0 # and coalesce(m.mon$user, u.sec$user_name) in ( upper('TMP$C4503_BILL'), upper('TMP$C4503_BOSS'), upper('TMP$C4503_JOHN'), upper('TMP$C4503_MICK'), upper('SYSDBA') ) # group by mon$user, sec$user_name # order by coalesce(mon$user, sec$user_name); # commit; # # drop user TMP$C4503_BILL; # drop user TMP$C4503_JOHN; # drop user TMP$C4503_MICK; # drop user TMP$C4503_BOSS; # ''' # runProgram('isql',[dsn,'-q'],script) #--- act_1 = python_act('db_1', substitutions=substitutions_1) expected_stdout_1 = """ IS_CURRENT_USER # USER_NAME SYSDBA KEEPS_ATTACHMENTS 1 IS_CURRENT_USER USER_NAME TMP$C4503_BILL KEEPS_ATTACHMENTS 5 IS_CURRENT_USER USER_NAME TMP$C4503_BOSS KEEPS_ATTACHMENTS 0 IS_CURRENT_USER USER_NAME TMP$C4503_JOHN KEEPS_ATTACHMENTS 4 IS_CURRENT_USER USER_NAME TMP$C4503_MICK KEEPS_ATTACHMENTS 1 """ user_bill = user_factory('db_1', name='TMP$C4503_BILL', password='123') user_john = user_factory('db_1', name='TMP$C4503_JOHN', password='456') user_mick = user_factory('db_1', name='TMP$C4503_MICK', password='789') user_boss = user_factory('db_1', name='TMP$C4503_BOSS', password='000') @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0') def test_1(act_1: Action, user_bill: User, user_john: User, user_mick: User, user_boss: User): with act_1.db.connect() as con_0a, act_1.db.connect(), \ act_1.db.connect(user='TMP$C4503_BILL', password='123'), \ act_1.db.connect(user='TMP$C4503_BILL', password='123'), \ act_1.db.connect(user='TMP$C4503_BILL', password='123'), \ act_1.db.connect(user='TMP$C4503_BILL', password='123'), \ act_1.db.connect(user='TMP$C4503_BILL', password='123'), \ act_1.db.connect(user='TMP$C4503_JOHN', password='456'), \ act_1.db.connect(user='TMP$C4503_JOHN', password='456'), \ act_1.db.connect(user='TMP$C4503_JOHN', password='456'), \ act_1.db.connect(user='TMP$C4503_JOHN', password='456'), \ act_1.db.connect(user='TMP$C4503_MICK', password='789'): # script = """ set list on; -- "SHOW USERS" command actually runs following query: select case when coalesce(mon$user, sec$user_name) = current_user then '#' when sec$user_name is distinct from null then ' ' else '-' end is_current_user ,coalesce(m.mon$user, u.sec$user_name) user_name ,iif( m.mon$user = upper('SYSDBA'), 1, count(m.mon$user) ) keeps_attachments from mon$attachments m full join sec$users u on m.mon$user = u.sec$user_name where coalesce(mon$system_flag, 0) = 0 and coalesce(m.mon$user, u.sec$user_name) in ( upper('TMP$C4503_BILL'), upper('TMP$C4503_BOSS'), upper('TMP$C4503_JOHN'), upper('TMP$C4503_MICK'), upper('SYSDBA') ) group by mon$user, sec$user_name order by coalesce(mon$user, sec$user_name); commit; """ act_1.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_1 act_1.isql(switches=['-q'], input=script) assert act_1.clean_stdout == act_1.clean_expected_stdout