#coding:utf-8 # # id: functional.syspriv.use_gstat_utility # title: Check ability to obtain database statistics. # decription: # We create user and grant system privileges USE_GSTAT_UTILITY and IGNORE_DB_TRIGGERS to him. # Then we check that this user can extract DB statistics in TWO ways: # 1) common data except encryption info (it is called here 'base "sts_" output') # 2) only encryption info (I don't know why "sts_encryption" can not be used together with other switches...) # Both these actions should not produce any error. # Also, logs of them should contain all needed 'check words' and patterns - and we check this. # Finally, we ensure that when user U01 gathered DB statistics then db-level trigger did NOT fire. # # Checked on # 31.10.2019: added check for generator pages in encryption block. # Checked on: # SS: 2.660s. # CS: 3.164s. # # tracker_id: # min_versions: ['4.0.0'] # versions: 4.0 # qmid: None import pytest from firebird.qa import db_factory, isql_act, Action # version: 4.0 # resources: None substitutions_1 = [('[ \t]+', ' '), ('.* data pages: total [\\d]+[,]{0,1} encrypted [\\d]+[,]{0,1} non-crypted [\\d]+', 'data pages total encrypted non-crypted'), ('.* index pages: total [\\d]+[,]{0,1} encrypted [\\d]+[,]{0,1} non-crypted [\\d]+', 'index pages total encrypted non-crypted'), ('.* blob pages: total [\\d]+[,]{0,1} encrypted [\\d]+[,]{0,1} non-crypted [\\d]+', 'blob pages total encrypted non-crypted'), ('.* generator pages: total [\\d]+[,]{0,1} encrypted [\\d]+[,]{0,1} non-crypted [\\d]+', 'generator pages total encrypted non-crypted')] init_script_1 = """ set wng off; set bail on; set list on; set count on; create or alter view v_check as select mon$database_name ,current_user as who_ami ,r.rdb$role_name ,rdb$role_in_use(r.rdb$role_name) as RDB_ROLE_IN_USE ,r.rdb$system_privileges from mon$database m cross join rdb$roles r; commit; create or alter user u01 password '123' revoke admin role; revoke all on all from u01; commit; create or alter trigger trg_connect active on connect as begin end; commit; recreate table att_log ( att_user varchar(255), att_prot varchar(255) ); commit; recreate table test(s char(1000) unique using index test_s_unq); commit; insert into test select rpad('', 1000, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()) ) from rdb$types; commit; grant select on v_check to public; grant select on att_log to public; --------------------------------- [ !! ] -- do NOT: grant select on test to u01; -- [ !! ] commit; set term ^; execute block as begin execute statement 'drop role role_for_use_gstat_utility'; when any do begin end end ^ create or alter trigger trg_connect active on connect as begin if ( upper(current_user) <> upper('SYSDBA') ) then in autonomous transaction do insert into att_log( att_user, att_prot ) select mon$user ,mon$remote_protocol from mon$attachments where mon$user = current_user ; end ^ set term ;^ commit; -- Ability to get database statistics. -- NB: 'IGNORE_DB_TRIGGERS' - required for get full db statistics, otherwise: -- Unable to perform operation: system privilege IGNORE_DB_TRIGGERS is missing create role role_for_use_gstat_utility set system privileges to USE_GSTAT_UTILITY, IGNORE_DB_TRIGGERS; commit; grant default role_for_use_gstat_utility to user u01; commit; """ db_1 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1) # test_script_1 #--- # # import os # import subprocess # import re # # db_file=db_conn.database_name # db_conn.close() # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def flush_and_close( file_handle ): # # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync # # If you're starting with a Python file object f, # # first do f.flush(), and # # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk. # global os # # file_handle.flush() # if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb') and file_handle.name != os.devnull: # # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"! # os.fsync(file_handle.fileno()) # file_handle.close() # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def cleanup( f_names_list ): # global os # for f in f_names_list: # if type(f) == file: # del_name = f.name # elif type(f) == str: # del_name = f # else: # print('Unrecognized type of element:', f, ' - can not be treated as file.') # del_name = None # # if del_name and os.path.isfile( del_name ): # os.remove( del_name ) # # #-------------------------------------------- # # f_db_stat_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_dbstat.log'), 'w') # f_db_stat_err=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_dbstat.err'), 'w') # subprocess.call([context['fbsvcmgr_path'],"localhost:service_mgr", # "user","U01","password","123", # "action_db_stats", # "dbname", db_file, # "sts_record_versions", # "sts_data_pages", # "sts_idx_pages", # "sts_sys_relations" # ], # stdout=f_db_stat_log, # stderr=f_db_stat_err # ) # # flush_and_close( f_db_stat_log ) # flush_and_close( f_db_stat_err ) # # # Separate call for get encryption statistics: # # f_db_encr_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_dbencr.log'), 'w') # f_db_encr_err=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_dbencr.err'), 'w') # # subprocess.call([context['fbsvcmgr_path'],"localhost:service_mgr", # "user","U01","password","123", # "action_db_stats", # "dbname", db_file, # "sts_encryption" # ], # stdout=f_db_encr_log, # stderr=f_db_encr_err # ) # # flush_and_close( f_db_encr_log ) # flush_and_close( f_db_encr_err ) # # #----------------------- # # # # Check content of logs: # ####### # # # Must be EMPTY: # with open( f_db_stat_err.name,'r') as f: # for line in f: # print('UNEXPECTED GSTAT STDERR: '+line.upper()) # # # Pointer pages: 1, data page slots: 2 # # Data pages: 2, average fill: 8% # # Primary pages: 1, secondary pages: 1, swept pages: 0 # # Empty pages: 0, full pages: 0 # # Blobs: 9, total length: 160, blob pages: 0 # # # Must contain: # check_words=[ # "rdb$database" # ,"rdb$index" # ,"primary pointer page" # ,"index root page" # ,"total formats" # ,"total records" # ,"total versions" # ,"total fragments" # ,"compression ratio" # ,"pointer pages" # ,"data pages" # ,"primary pages" # ,"empty pages" # ,"blobs" # ,"swept pages" # ,"full pages" # ,"fill distribution" # ,"0 - 19%" # ,"80 - 99%" # ] # # f = open( f_db_stat_log.name, 'r') # lines = f.read().lower() # for i in range(len(check_words)): # if check_words[i].lower() in lines: # print( 'Found in base "sts_" output: ' + check_words[i].lower() ) # else: # print( 'UNEXPECTEDLY NOT found in base "sts_" output: ' + check_words[i].lower() ) # flush_and_close( f ) # # # # Must be EMPTY: # with open( f_db_encr_err.name,'r') as f: # for line in f: # print('UNEXPECTED STS_ENCRYPTION STDERR: '+line.upper()) # # # # Encryption statistics should be like this: # # --------------------- # # Data pages: total NNN, encrypted 0, non-crypted NNN # # Index pages: total MMM, encrypted 0, non-crypted MMM # # Blob pages: total 0, encrypted 0, non-crypted 0 # # Generator pages: total PPP, encrypted 0, non-crypted PPP ------------- 31.10.2019 NB: THIS WAS ADDED RECENLTLY # # enc_pattern=re.compile(".*total[\\s]+[\\d]+,[\\s]+encrypted[\\s]+[\\d]+,[\\s]+non-crypted[\\s]+[\\d]+") # with open( f_db_encr_log.name,'r') as f: # for line in f: # # if enc_pattern.match(line): # if 'encrypted' in line: # print('Found in "sts_encryption" output: ' + line.lower()) # # # # Cleanup: # ########## # # sql_final=''' # set list on; # set count on; # select * from att_log; -- this should output: "Records affected: 0" because U01 must ignore DB-level trigger # commit; # drop user u01; # commit; # ''' # runProgram('isql',[dsn,'-user',user_name, '-pas', user_password], sql_final) # # cleanup( (f_db_stat_log, f_db_stat_err, f_db_encr_log, f_db_encr_err) ) # # #--- #act_1 = python_act('db_1', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions_1) expected_stdout_1 = """ Found in base "sts_" output: rdb$database Found in base "sts_" output: rdb$index Found in base "sts_" output: primary pointer page Found in base "sts_" output: index root page Found in base "sts_" output: total formats Found in base "sts_" output: total records Found in base "sts_" output: total versions Found in base "sts_" output: total fragments Found in base "sts_" output: compression ratio Found in base "sts_" output: pointer pages Found in base "sts_" output: data pages Found in base "sts_" output: primary pages Found in base "sts_" output: empty pages Found in base "sts_" output: blobs Found in base "sts_" output: swept pages Found in base "sts_" output: full pages Found in base "sts_" output: fill distribution Found in base "sts_" output: 0 - 19% Found in base "sts_" output: 80 - 99% Found in "sts_encryption" output: data pages: total 131, encrypted 0, non-crypted 131 Found in "sts_encryption" output: index pages: total 150, encrypted 0, non-crypted 150 Found in "sts_encryption" output: blob pages: total 0, encrypted 0, non-crypted 0 Found in "sts_encryption" output: generator pages: total 1, encrypted 0, non-crypted 1 Records affected: 0 """ @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') @pytest.mark.xfail def test_1(db_1): pytest.fail("Test not IMPLEMENTED")