#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-7772 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/7772 TITLE: Blob corruption in FB4.0.3 (embedded) DESCRIPTION: Problem appears when we use big streamed blobs with size 64K ... 128K. Test creates table and fills it using BLOB_APPEND() function. Then we do b/backup and make restore using embedded (local) mode. Values of octet_length and hash for blob in restored DB must be unchanged. NOTES: [01.10.2023] pzotov Thanks to Vlad for provided example for test. Confirmed bug on restored database contains blob with size = 4464 which is less than initial size. Checked on, (intermediate build), (intermediate build) -- all fine. """ from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path import pytest from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import SrvRestoreFlag BLOB_DATA_LEN = 70000 init_sql = f""" set term ^; create table t_blb ( id int ,blb blob sub_type text ) ^ commit ^ create or alter function gen_blb(asize int) returns blob as declare b blob; declare str varchar(36); begin str = uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()); while (asize > 0) do begin if (asize < 36) then begin str = substring(str from 1 for asize); asize = 0; end else asize = asize - 36; b = blob_append(b, str); end return b; end ^ commit ^ insert into t_blb values (1, gen_blb({BLOB_DATA_LEN})) ^ commit ^ """ db = db_factory(init = init_sql) act = python_act('db') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_blob_octets_hash(act: Action): blob_octets_len, blob_hash = -1, -1 with act.db.connect() as con: cur = con.cursor() #cur.execute('select octet_length(blb) from t_blb') cur.execute('select octet_length(blb), crypt_hash(blb using sha512) from t_blb') for r in cur: blob_octets_len = r[0] blob_hash = r[1] # Convert binary to more readable view: blob_hash = format(int.from_bytes(blob_hash, 'big'), 'x') blob_hash = blob_hash.upper().rjust(128, '0') return blob_octets_len, blob_hash #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0.4') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): init_len, init_hash = get_blob_octets_hash(act) # backup + restore without creating .fbk: # bkp_data = BytesIO() with act.connect_server() as srv: srv.database.local_backup(database = act.db.db_path, backup_stream = bkp_data) bkp_data.seek(0) srv.database.local_restore(backup_stream = bkp_data, database = act.db.db_path, flags = SrvRestoreFlag.REPLACE) curr_len, curr_hash = get_blob_octets_hash(act) expected_stdout = "EXPECTED: blob data did not changed after backup-restore" if init_len == curr_len and init_hash == curr_hash: print(expected_stdout) else: print('UNEXPECTED: blob data CHANGED after backup-restore!') print(f'Initial len: {init_len}') print(f'Initial hash: {init_hash}') print(f'Current len: {curr_len}') print(f'Current hash: {curr_hash}') act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset()