#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6677 ISSUE: 6677 TITLE: Ability to query Firebird configuration using SQL DESCRIPTION: Test found FB_HOME directory and makes copy its firebird.conf and database.conf files. Then: * for Windows it founds free TCP port and overwrites content of firebird.conf: this new port will be specified for RemoveServicePort and some other parameters also will be added. * for Linux it will use local protocol rather than TCP (it is not possible to connect to any database using TCP if new FB instance is launched using subprocess.Popen('firebird'); the reason of this is unknown) File \\databases.conf is also changed: we add new alias for database that will be self-security and specify lot of per-database parameters for it. Some numeric parameters intentionally will be assigned to huge bigint values, namely: * FileSystemCacheThreshold * TempCacheLimit Their huge values do not affect on actual work; this is done only for check proper interpretation of them. ServerMode is set to SuperClassic. After this test: * for Windows: launches Firebird as application (see async. call of Popen()) and make connect to new database by launching ISQL. * for Linux: makes connection to database using local (embedded) protocol. When connect is established, we query RDB$CONFIG table two times: * as SYSDBA (in this case all config parameters and their actual values must be seen); * as NON-privileged user (zero rows must be issued for query to RDB$CONFIG). Finally (after return from ISQL, and only for Windows) test terminates Firebird application process. ::: CAUTION-1 ::: This test will fail if new parameter will appear in firebird.conf or if old one removed from there. One need to adjust expected_stdout in this case. ::: CAUTION-2 ::: Windows Firewall can block attempt to launch FB as application (dialog window appears in this case). One may need to configure Firewall so that process \\firebird.exe is enable to operate on any port. Perhaps, following command will be useful: netsh advfirewall set privateprofile state off ::: CAUTION-3 ::: Default values for some parameters differ on Windows and Linux. They are: IpcName, MaxUnflushed* and OutputRedirectionFile. Because of such valuable differences, it was decided to make code for Windows and Linux separate. Initially checked on (Windows only). Checked on - after adapted for work both Windows and Linux. Checked on - parameter 'TempTableDirectory' appeared. NOTES: [22.05.2021] definition of full path and name to security.db was wrong because it supposed that FB major version corresponds to numeric suffix of security database (FB 3.x --> security3.fdb; FB 4.x --> security4.fdb). But in major version FB 5.x currently remains to use security4.fdb. Proper way is either to use Services API (call to get_security_database_path()) or get this info from fbtest built-in context variable context['isc4_path']. [27.1.2022] pcisar Original Python test code moved to multiline strings, so they could be easily compared for differences via pytest asserts. JIRA: CORE-6444 """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * subs_linux = [('[ \t]+', ' '), ('[=]+', '')] subs_windows = [('OutputRedirectionFile.*', ''), ('[ \t]+', ' '), ('[=]+', '')] db = db_factory() # version: 4.0 - Linux test_script_1 = """ #--- # # import sys # import os # import shutil # import time # import datetime # import tempfile # import subprocess # from fdb import services # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def flush_and_close(file_handle): # # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync # # If you're starting with a Python file object f, # # first do f.flush(), and # # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk. # global os # # file_handle.flush() # if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb'): # # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"! # os.fsync(file_handle.fileno()) # file_handle.close() # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def cleanup( f_names_list ): # global os # for i in range(len( f_names_list )): # if type(f_names_list[i]) == file: # del_name = f_names_list[i].name # elif type(f_names_list[i]) == str: # del_name = f_names_list[i] # else: # print('Unrecognized type of element:', f_names_list[i], ' - can not be treated as file.') # print('type(f_names_list[i])=',type(f_names_list[i])) # del_name = None # # if del_name and os.path.isfile( del_name ): # os.remove( del_name ) # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def find_free_port(): # import socket # from contextlib import closing # # AF_INET - constant represent the address (and protocol) families, used for the first argument to socket() # # A pair (host, port) is used for the AF_INET address family, where host is a string representing either a # # hostname in Internet domain notation like 'daring.cwi.nl' or an IPv4 address like '', and port is an integer. # # SOCK_STREAM means that it is a TCP socket. # # SOCK_DGRAM means that it is a UDP socket. # with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s: # s.bind(('', 0)) # s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # return s.getsockname()[1] # # #-------------------------------------------- # # svc = fdb.services.connect(host='localhost', user=user_name, password=user_password) # FB_HOME = svc.get_home_directory() # SEC_FDB = context['isc4_path'] # svc.close() # # db_conn.close() # # fdb_test = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.fdb') # # dts = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S") # # fbconf_cur = os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'firebird.conf') # fbconf_bak = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'firebird_'+dts+'.bak') # # dbconf_cur = os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'databases.conf') # dbconf_bak = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'databases_'+dts+'.bak') # # shutil.copy2( fbconf_cur, fbconf_bak ) # shutil.copy2( dbconf_cur, dbconf_bak ) # # shutil.copy2( SEC_FDB, fdb_test ) # # TEMP_DIRECTORIES_VALUE = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'examples') ) # TTABLE_DIRECTORY_VALUE = os.path.normpath( context['temp_directory'] ) # # TMP_FREE_PORT = find_free_port() # # cfg_params_to_change= { # 'AllowEncryptedSecurityDatabase' : 'true' # ,'AuthClient' : 'Srp' # ,'AuthServer' : 'Legacy_Auth, Srp' # ,'BugcheckAbort' : '1' # ,'ClientBatchBuffer' : '256k' # ,'ConnectionIdleTimeout' : '77' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'ConnectionTimeout' : '123' # ,'DeadlockTimeout' : '15' # ,'DatabaseAccess' : 'None' # In order to display only ALIAS of database rather than its full name # ,'DefaultDbCachePages' : '1234' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'DefaultTimeZone' : '-7:00' # ,'DummyPacketInterval' : '11' # ,'EventMemSize' : '12321' # ,'ExtConnPoolLifeTime' : '1212' # ,'ExtConnPoolSize' : '123' # ,'FileSystemCacheThreshold' : '8589934591G' # ,'IpcName' : 'fb4x_tmp_c6444' # ,'IPv6V6Only' : '1' # ,'InlineSortThreshold' : '8k' # ,'LockHashSlots' : '33333' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'LockMemSize' : '17m' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'MaxUserTraceLogSize' : '100' # ,'ReadConsistency' : '0' # ,'RemoteServiceName' : 'tmp_fbs_6444' # ,'RemoteServicePort' : str(TMP_FREE_PORT) # ,'ServerMode' : 'SuperClassic' # ,'StatementTimeout' : '777' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'TcpLoopbackFastPath' : '0' # ,'TcpNoNagle' : 'false' # ,'TcpRemoteBufferSize' : '5555' # ,'TempBlockSize' : '5m' # ,'TempDirectories' : TEMP_DIRECTORIES_VALUE # ,'TempTableDirectory' : os.path.normpath( tempfile.gettempdir() ) # since, 21.04.2021 # ,'UDFaccess' : 'Restrict UDF' # ,'UseFileSystemCache' : 'false' # ,'WireCompression' : 'true' # ,'WireCrypt' : 'Required' # ,'WireCryptPlugin' : 'Arc4' # # } # # f_fbconf=open( fbconf_cur, 'w') # for k,v in sorted(cfg_params_to_change.items()): # f_fbconf.write( ''.join( (k, ' = ', v, '\\n') ) ) # flush_and_close( f_fbconf ) # # alias_data=''' # # Added temporarily for executing test core_6444.fbt # tmp_6444 = %(fdb_test)s { # # SecurityDatabase = tmp_6444 # # RemoteAccess = true # DatabaseGrowthIncrement = 123m # DataTypeCompatibility = 3.0 # DefaultDbCachePages = 4321 # ClearGTTAtRetaining = 1 # # # Set number of minutes after which idle attachment will be disconnected by the engine. Zero means no timeout is set. # ConnectionIdleTimeout = 99 # # ExternalFileAccess = Full # # LockHashSlots = 49999 # LockMemSize = 29m # # MaxIdentifierByteLength = 31 # MaxIdentifierCharLength = 31 # MaxUnflushedWrites = 111 # MaxUnflushedWriteTime = 15 # # Providers = Engine13, Remote # # SnapshotsMemSize = 99m # # # Set number of seconds after which statement execution will be automatically cancelled by the engine. Zero means no timeout is set. # StatementTimeout = 999 # # TempBlockSize = 3m # TempCacheLimit = 8589934591G # # ############################### # # Appeared since, 21.04.2021; per-database: # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Directory to put data of temporary tables and blobs # # When empty, not exists or not accessible, default directory will be used # # as determined by FIREBIRD_TMP, TEMP or TMP environment variables. # # Per-database configurable. # # Type: string # #TempTableDirectory = # ############################### # TempTableDirectory = %(TTABLE_DIRECTORY_VALUE)s # # TipCacheBlockSize = 3m # # UserManager = Legacy_UserManager, Srp # } # ''' % locals() # # f_dbconf=open( dbconf_cur, 'w') # f_dbconf.write(alias_data) # flush_and_close( f_dbconf ) # # # LINUX: we use local protocol rather than remote (as on Windows): # CONN_STR = 'tmp_6444' # # sql_text=''' # -- set echo on; # set wng off; # connect 'tmp_6444'; # create or alter user %(user_name)s password '%(user_password)s' using plugin Srp; # create or alter user tmp$c6444 password '123' using plugin Srp; # revoke all on all from tmp$c6444; # create or alter view v_config as # select # g.rdb$config_name param_name # ,iif( trim(g.rdb$config_value)='' # ,'[empty]' # ,iif( upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper('TempDirectories') and upper(g.rdb$config_value) = upper('%(TEMP_DIRECTORIES_VALUE)s') # or upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper('TempTableDirectory') and upper(g.rdb$config_value) = upper('%(TTABLE_DIRECTORY_VALUE)s') # or upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper('RemoteServicePort') and g.rdb$config_value = %(TMP_FREE_PORT)s # ,'[MATCHES]' # ,g.rdb$config_value # ) # ) param_value # ,iif(trim(g.rdb$config_default)='', '[empty]', replace(g.rdb$config_default,'%(FB_HOME)s','') ) param_default # ,g.rdb$config_is_set param_is_set # ,g.rdb$config_source param_source # from rdb$config g # order by param_name # ; # commit; # grant select on v_config to tmp$c6444; # commit; # # connect '%(CONN_STR)s' user %(user_name)s password '%(user_password)s'; # # set count on; # set width param_name 50; # set width param_value 64; # set width param_default 64; # set width param_source 64; # # select * from v_config; -- SYSDBA: must see all parameters with their effective values # # commit; # connect '%(CONN_STR)s' user tmp$c6444 password '123'; # # select * from v_config; -- NON-PRIVILEGED user: must see 0 rows # # /* # -- for debug only: # set list on; # select # current_user as who_am_i # ,m.mon$database_name as db_name # ,m.mon$page_buffers as db_buffers # ,m.mon$sec_database as db_sec_name # ,a.mon$server_pid as server_pid # ,a.mon$remote_protocol # ,a.mon$idle_timeout # ,a.mon$statement_timeout # ,a.mon$wire_compressed # ,a.mon$wire_encrypted # ,a.mon$wire_crypt_plugin # from mon$database m # cross join mon$attachments a # where a.mon$attachment_id = current_connection # ; # --*/ # # commit; # connect '%(CONN_STR)s' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; # drop user tmp$c6444 using plugin Srp; # commit; # # ''' % dict(globals(), **locals()) # # f_sql_cmd = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.sql'), 'w') # f_sql_cmd.write( sql_text ) # flush_and_close( f_sql_cmd ) # # f_sql_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.log'), 'w') # f_sql_err=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.err'), 'w') # # subprocess.call( [context['isql_path'], '-q', '-pag', '999999', '-i', f_sql_cmd.name, '-user', 'SYSDBA'], stdout=f_sql_log, stderr=f_sql_err ) # # flush_and_close( f_sql_log ) # flush_and_close( f_sql_err ) # # shutil.move( fbconf_bak, fbconf_cur ) # shutil.move( dbconf_bak, dbconf_cur ) # # with open(f_sql_err.name, 'r') as f: # for line in f: # if line.split(): # print('UNEXPECTED STDERR: ' + line) # # with open(f_sql_log.name, 'r') as f: # for line in f: # if line.split(): # print(line) # # time.sleep(1) # # f_list=( f_sql_log, f_sql_err, f_sql_cmd ) # # # Cleanup # ########## # # cleanup( [ i.name for i in f_list ] + [fdb_test] ) # #--- """ act_1 = python_act('db', substitutions=subs_linux) expected_stdout_1 = """ PARAM_NAME PARAM_VALUE PARAM_DEFAULT PARAM_IS_SET PARAM_SOURCE ================================================== ================================================================ ================================================================ ============ ================================================================ AllowEncryptedSecurityDatabase true false firebird.conf AuditTraceConfigFile [empty] [empty] AuthClient Srp Srp256, Srp, Legacy_Auth firebird.conf AuthServer Legacy_Auth, Srp Srp256 firebird.conf BugcheckAbort true false firebird.conf ClearGTTAtRetaining true false databases.conf ClientBatchBuffer 262144 131072 firebird.conf ConnectionIdleTimeout 99 0 databases.conf ConnectionTimeout 123 180 firebird.conf CpuAffinityMask 0 0 DataTypeCompatibility 3.0 databases.conf DatabaseAccess None Full firebird.conf DatabaseGrowthIncrement 128974848 134217728 databases.conf DeadlockTimeout 15 10 firebird.conf DefaultDbCachePages 4321 2048 databases.conf DefaultTimeZone -7:00 firebird.conf DummyPacketInterval 11 0 firebird.conf EventMemSize 12321 65536 firebird.conf ExtConnPoolLifeTime 1212 7200 firebird.conf ExtConnPoolSize 123 0 firebird.conf ExternalFileAccess Full None databases.conf FileSystemCacheSize 0 0 FileSystemCacheThreshold 9223372035781033984 65536 firebird.conf GCPolicy combined combined GuardianOption 1 1 IPv6V6Only true false firebird.conf InlineSortThreshold 8192 1000 firebird.conf IpcName fb4x_tmp_c6444 FirebirdIPI firebird.conf KeyHolderPlugin [empty] [empty] LegacyHash true true LockAcquireSpins 0 0 LockHashSlots 49999 8191 databases.conf LockMemSize 30408704 1048576 databases.conf MaxIdentifierByteLength 31 252 databases.conf MaxIdentifierCharLength 31 63 databases.conf MaxUnflushedWriteTime 15 -1 databases.conf MaxUnflushedWrites 111 -1 databases.conf MaxUserTraceLogSize 100 10 firebird.conf OutputRedirectionFile /dev/null /dev/null ProcessPriorityLevel 0 0 Providers Engine13, Remote Remote, Engine13, Loopback databases.conf ReadConsistency false true firebird.conf Redirection false false RelaxedAliasChecking false false RemoteAccess true true databases.conf RemoteAuxPort 0 0 RemoteBindAddress RemoteFileOpenAbility false false RemotePipeName interbas interbas RemoteServiceName tmp_fbs_6444 gds_db firebird.conf RemoteServicePort [MATCHES] 0 firebird.conf SecurityDatabase tmp_6444 security4.fdb databases.conf ServerMode SuperClassic Super firebird.conf SnapshotsMemSize 103809024 65536 databases.conf StatementTimeout 999 0 databases.conf TcpLoopbackFastPath false true firebird.conf TcpNoNagle false true firebird.conf TcpRemoteBufferSize 5555 8192 firebird.conf TempBlockSize 5242880 1048576 firebird.conf TempCacheLimit 9223372035781033984 67108864 databases.conf TempDirectories [MATCHES] firebird.conf TempTableDirectory [MATCHES] [empty] databases.conf TipCacheBlockSize 3145728 4194304 databases.conf TraceDSQL 0 0 TracePlugin fbtrace fbtrace UdfAccess Restrict UDF None firebird.conf UseFileSystemCache false true firebird.conf UserManager Legacy_UserManager, Srp Srp databases.conf WireCompression true false firebird.conf WireCrypt Required Required firebird.conf WireCryptPlugin Arc4 ChaCha64, ChaCha, Arc4 firebird.conf Records affected: 71 Records affected: 0 """ @pytest.mark.skip('FIXME: databases.conf / firebird.conf') @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0,<5.0') @pytest.mark.platform('Linux') def test_1(act_1: Action): pytest.fail("Not IMPLEMENTED") # version: 4.0 - Windows test_script_2 = """ #--- # # import sys # import os # import shutil # import time # import datetime # import tempfile # import subprocess # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def flush_and_close( file_handle ): # # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync # # If you're starting with a Python file object f, # # first do f.flush(), and # # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk. # global os # # file_handle.flush() # if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb') and file_handle.name != os.devnull: # # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"! # os.fsync(file_handle.fileno()) # file_handle.close() # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def cleanup( f_names_list ): # global os # for i in range(len( f_names_list )): # if type(f_names_list[i]) == file: # del_name = f_names_list[i].name # elif type(f_names_list[i]) == str: # del_name = f_names_list[i] # else: # print('Unrecognized type of element:', f_names_list[i], ' - can not be treated as file.') # print('type(f_names_list[i])=',type(f_names_list[i])) # del_name = None # # if del_name and os.path.isfile( del_name ): # os.remove( del_name ) # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def find_free_port(): # import socket # from contextlib import closing # # AF_INET - constant represent the address (and protocol) families, used for the first argument to socket() # # A pair (host, port) is used for the AF_INET address family, where host is a string representing either a # # hostname in Internet domain notation like 'daring.cwi.nl' or an IPv4 address like '', and port is an integer. # # SOCK_STREAM means that it is a TCP socket. # # SOCK_DGRAM means that it is a UDP socket. # with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s: # s.bind(('', 0)) # s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # return s.getsockname()[1] # # #-------------------------------------------- # # svc = fdb.services.connect(host='localhost', user=user_name, password=user_password) # FB_HOME = svc.get_home_directory() # SEC_FDB = svc.get_security_database_path() # # context['isc4_path'] # svc.close() # # db_conn.close() # # fdb_test = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.fdb') # # dts = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S") # # fbconf_cur = os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'firebird.conf') # fbconf_bak = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'firebird_'+dts+'.bak') # # dbconf_cur = os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'databases.conf') # dbconf_bak = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'databases_'+dts+'.bak') # # shutil.copy2( fbconf_cur, fbconf_bak ) # shutil.copy2( dbconf_cur, dbconf_bak ) # # shutil.copy2( SEC_FDB, fdb_test ) # # TEMP_DIRECTORIES_VALUE = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'examples') ) # TTABLE_DIRECTORY_VALUE = os.path.normpath( context['temp_directory'] ) # # TMP_FREE_PORT = find_free_port() # #TMP_FREE_PORT = 57456 # # cfg_params_to_change= { # 'AllowEncryptedSecurityDatabase' : 'true' # ,'AuthClient' : 'Srp' # ,'AuthServer' : 'Legacy_Auth, Srp' # ,'BugcheckAbort' : '1' # ,'ClientBatchBuffer' : '256k' # ,'ConnectionIdleTimeout' : '77' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'ConnectionTimeout' : '123' # ,'DeadlockTimeout' : '15' # ,'DatabaseAccess' : 'None' # In order to display only ALIAS of database rather than its full name # ,'DefaultDbCachePages' : '1234' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'DefaultTimeZone' : '-7:00' # ,'DummyPacketInterval' : '11' # ,'EventMemSize' : '12321' # ,'ExtConnPoolLifeTime' : '1212' # ,'ExtConnPoolSize' : '123' # ,'FileSystemCacheThreshold' : '8589934591G' # ,'IpcName' : 'fb4x_tmp_c6444' # ,'IPv6V6Only' : '1' # ,'InlineSortThreshold' : '8k' # ,'LockHashSlots' : '33333' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'LockMemSize' : '17m' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'MaxUserTraceLogSize' : '100' # ,'ReadConsistency' : '0' # ,'RemoteServiceName' : 'tmp_fbs_6444' # ,'RemoteServicePort' : str(TMP_FREE_PORT) # ,'ServerMode' : 'SuperClassic' # ,'StatementTimeout' : '777' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'TcpLoopbackFastPath' : '0' # ,'TcpNoNagle' : 'false' # ,'TcpRemoteBufferSize' : '5555' # ,'TempBlockSize' : '5m' # ,'TempDirectories' : TEMP_DIRECTORIES_VALUE # ,'TempTableDirectory' : os.path.normpath( tempfile.gettempdir() ) # since, 21.04.2021 # ,'UDFaccess' : 'Restrict UDF' # ,'UseFileSystemCache' : 'false' # ,'WireCompression' : 'true' # ,'WireCrypt' : 'Required' # ,'WireCryptPlugin' : 'Arc4' # # } # # f_fbconf=open( fbconf_cur, 'w') # for k,v in sorted(cfg_params_to_change.items()): # f_fbconf.write( ''.join( (k, ' = ', v, '\\n') ) ) # flush_and_close( f_fbconf ) # # alias_data=''' # # Added temporarily for executing test core_6444.fbt # tmp_6444 = %(fdb_test)s { # # SecurityDatabase = tmp_6444 # # RemoteAccess = true # DatabaseGrowthIncrement = 123m # DataTypeCompatibility = 3.0 # DefaultDbCachePages = 4321 # ClearGTTAtRetaining = 1 # # # Set number of minutes after which idle attachment will be disconnected by the engine. Zero means no timeout is set. # ConnectionIdleTimeout = 99 # # ExternalFileAccess = Full # # LockHashSlots = 49999 # LockMemSize = 29m # # MaxIdentifierByteLength = 31 # MaxIdentifierCharLength = 31 # MaxUnflushedWrites = 111 # MaxUnflushedWriteTime = 15 # # Providers = Engine13, Remote # # SnapshotsMemSize = 99m # # # Set number of seconds after which statement execution will be automatically cancelled by the engine. Zero means no timeout is set. # StatementTimeout = 999 # # TempBlockSize = 3m # TempCacheLimit = 8589934591G # # ############################### # # Appeared since, 21.04.2021; per-database: # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Directory to put data of temporary tables and blobs # # When empty, not exists or not accessible, default directory will be used # # as determined by FIREBIRD_TMP, TEMP or TMP environment variables. # # Per-database configurable. # # Type: string # #TempTableDirectory = # ############################### # TempTableDirectory = %(TTABLE_DIRECTORY_VALUE)s # # TipCacheBlockSize = 3m # # UserManager = Legacy_UserManager, Srp # } # ''' % locals() # # f_dbconf=open( dbconf_cur, 'w') # f_dbconf.write(alias_data) # flush_and_close( f_dbconf ) # # p_tmp_fb_pid = subprocess.Popen( [ os.path.join( FB_HOME, 'firebird' ), '-a'] ) # time.sleep(2) # CONN_STR = 'localhost/%(TMP_FREE_PORT)s:tmp_6444' % locals() # # sql_text=''' # -- set echo on; # set wng off; # connect 'tmp_6444'; # create or alter user %(user_name)s password '%(user_password)s' using plugin Srp; # create or alter user tmp$c6444 password '123' using plugin Srp; # revoke all on all from tmp$c6444; # create or alter view v_config as # select # g.rdb$config_name param_name # ,iif( trim(g.rdb$config_value)='' # ,'[empty]' # ,iif( upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper('TempDirectories') and upper(g.rdb$config_value) = upper('%(TEMP_DIRECTORIES_VALUE)s') # or upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper('TempTableDirectory') and upper(g.rdb$config_value) = upper('%(TTABLE_DIRECTORY_VALUE)s') # or upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper('RemoteServicePort') and g.rdb$config_value = %(TMP_FREE_PORT)s # ,'[MATCHES]' # ,g.rdb$config_value # ) # ) param_value # ,iif(trim(g.rdb$config_default)='', '[empty]', replace(g.rdb$config_default,'%(FB_HOME)s','') ) param_default # ,g.rdb$config_is_set param_is_set # ,g.rdb$config_source param_source # from rdb$config g # order by param_name # ; # commit; # grant select on v_config to tmp$c6444; # commit; # # connect '%(CONN_STR)s' user %(user_name)s password '%(user_password)s'; # # set count on; # set width param_name 50; # set width param_value 64; # set width param_default 64; # set width param_source 64; # # select * from v_config; -- SYSDBA: must see all parameters with their effective values # # commit; # connect '%(CONN_STR)s' user tmp$c6444 password '123'; # # select * from v_config; -- NON-PRIVILEGED user: must see 0 rows # # /* # -- for debug only: # set list on; # select # current_user as who_am_i # ,m.mon$database_name as db_name # ,m.mon$page_buffers as db_buffers # ,m.mon$sec_database as db_sec_name # ,a.mon$server_pid # ,a.mon$remote_protocol # ,a.mon$idle_timeout # ,a.mon$statement_timeout # ,a.mon$wire_compressed # ,a.mon$wire_encrypted # ,a.mon$wire_crypt_plugin # from mon$database m # cross join mon$attachments a # where a.mon$attachment_id = current_connection # ; # --*/ # # commit; # connect '%(CONN_STR)s' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; # drop user tmp$c6444 using plugin Srp; # commit; # # ''' % dict(globals(), **locals()) # # f_sql_cmd = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.sql'), 'w') # f_sql_cmd.write( sql_text ) # flush_and_close( f_sql_cmd ) # # f_sql_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.log'), 'w') # f_sql_err=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.err'), 'w') # # #subprocess.call( [context['isql_path'], 'localhost/%(TMP_FREE_PORT)s:tmp_6444' % locals(), '-i', f_sql_cmd.name], stdout=f_sql_log, stderr=f_sql_err ) # subprocess.call( [context['isql_path'], '-q', '-pag', '999999', '-i', f_sql_cmd.name, '-user', 'SYSDBA'], stdout=f_sql_log, stderr=f_sql_err ) # # flush_and_close( f_sql_log ) # flush_and_close( f_sql_err ) # # if p_tmp_fb_pid: # p_tmp_fb_pid.terminate() # # shutil.move( fbconf_bak, fbconf_cur ) # shutil.move( dbconf_bak, dbconf_cur ) # # with open(f_sql_err.name, 'r') as f: # for line in f: # if line.split(): # print('UNEXPECTED STDERR: ' + line) # # with open(f_sql_log.name, 'r') as f: # for line in f: # if line.split(): # print(line) # # # # Cleanup # ########## # time.sleep(1) # cleanup( ( f_sql_log, f_sql_err, f_sql_cmd, fdb_test ) ) # #--- """ act_2 = python_act('db', substitutions=subs_windows) expected_stdout_2 = """ PARAM_NAME PARAM_VALUE PARAM_DEFAULT PARAM_IS_SET PARAM_SOURCE ================================================== ================================================================ ================================================================ ============ ================================================================ AllowEncryptedSecurityDatabase true false firebird.conf AuditTraceConfigFile [empty] [empty] AuthClient Srp Srp256, Srp, Win_Sspi, Legacy_Auth firebird.conf AuthServer Legacy_Auth, Srp Srp256 firebird.conf BugcheckAbort true false firebird.conf ClearGTTAtRetaining true false databases.conf ClientBatchBuffer 262144 131072 firebird.conf ConnectionIdleTimeout 99 0 databases.conf ConnectionTimeout 123 180 firebird.conf CpuAffinityMask 0 0 DataTypeCompatibility 3.0 databases.conf DatabaseAccess None Full firebird.conf DatabaseGrowthIncrement 128974848 134217728 databases.conf DeadlockTimeout 15 10 firebird.conf DefaultDbCachePages 4321 2048 databases.conf DefaultTimeZone -7:00 firebird.conf DummyPacketInterval 11 0 firebird.conf EventMemSize 12321 65536 firebird.conf ExtConnPoolLifeTime 1212 7200 firebird.conf ExtConnPoolSize 123 0 firebird.conf ExternalFileAccess Full None databases.conf FileSystemCacheSize 0 0 FileSystemCacheThreshold 9223372035781033984 65536 firebird.conf GCPolicy combined combined GuardianOption 1 1 IPv6V6Only true false firebird.conf InlineSortThreshold 8192 1000 firebird.conf IpcName fb4x_tmp_c6444 FIREBIRD firebird.conf KeyHolderPlugin [empty] [empty] LegacyHash true true LockAcquireSpins 0 0 LockHashSlots 49999 8191 databases.conf LockMemSize 30408704 1048576 databases.conf MaxIdentifierByteLength 31 252 databases.conf MaxIdentifierCharLength 31 63 databases.conf MaxUnflushedWriteTime 15 5 databases.conf MaxUnflushedWrites 111 100 databases.conf MaxUserTraceLogSize 100 10 firebird.conf OutputRedirectionFile nul nul ProcessPriorityLevel 0 0 Providers Engine13, Remote Remote, Engine13, Loopback databases.conf ReadConsistency false true firebird.conf Redirection false false RelaxedAliasChecking false false RemoteAccess true true databases.conf RemoteAuxPort 0 0 RemoteBindAddress RemoteFileOpenAbility false false RemotePipeName interbas interbas RemoteServiceName tmp_fbs_6444 gds_db firebird.conf RemoteServicePort [MATCHES] 0 firebird.conf SecurityDatabase tmp_6444 security4.fdb databases.conf ServerMode SuperClassic Super firebird.conf SnapshotsMemSize 103809024 65536 databases.conf StatementTimeout 999 0 databases.conf TcpLoopbackFastPath false true firebird.conf TcpNoNagle false true firebird.conf TcpRemoteBufferSize 5555 8192 firebird.conf TempBlockSize 5242880 1048576 firebird.conf TempCacheLimit 9223372035781033984 67108864 databases.conf TempDirectories [MATCHES] firebird.conf TempTableDirectory [MATCHES] [empty] databases.conf TipCacheBlockSize 3145728 4194304 databases.conf TraceDSQL 0 0 TracePlugin fbtrace fbtrace UdfAccess Restrict UDF None firebird.conf UseFileSystemCache false true firebird.conf UserManager Legacy_UserManager, Srp Srp databases.conf WireCompression true false firebird.conf WireCrypt Required Required firebird.conf WireCryptPlugin Arc4 ChaCha64, ChaCha, Arc4 firebird.conf Records affected: 71 Records affected: 0 """ @pytest.mark.skip('FIXME: databases.conf / firebird.conf') @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0,<5.0') @pytest.mark.platform('Windows') def test_2(act_2: Action): pytest.skip("Requires change to databases.conf / firebird.conf") # version: 5.0 - Linux test_script_3 = """ #--- # # import sys # import os # import shutil # import time # import datetime # import tempfile # import subprocess # from fdb import services # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def flush_and_close(file_handle): # # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync # # If you're starting with a Python file object f, # # first do f.flush(), and # # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk. # global os # # file_handle.flush() # if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb'): # # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"! # os.fsync(file_handle.fileno()) # file_handle.close() # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def cleanup( f_names_list ): # global os # for i in range(len( f_names_list )): # if type(f_names_list[i]) == file: # del_name = f_names_list[i].name # elif type(f_names_list[i]) == str: # del_name = f_names_list[i] # else: # print('Unrecognized type of element:', f_names_list[i], ' - can not be treated as file.') # print('type(f_names_list[i])=',type(f_names_list[i])) # del_name = None # # if del_name and os.path.isfile( del_name ): # os.remove( del_name ) # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def find_free_port(): # import socket # from contextlib import closing # # AF_INET - constant represent the address (and protocol) families, used for the first argument to socket() # # A pair (host, port) is used for the AF_INET address family, where host is a string representing either a # # hostname in Internet domain notation like 'daring.cwi.nl' or an IPv4 address like '', and port is an integer. # # SOCK_STREAM means that it is a TCP socket. # # SOCK_DGRAM means that it is a UDP socket. # with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s: # s.bind(('', 0)) # s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # return s.getsockname()[1] # # #-------------------------------------------- # # svc = fdb.services.connect(host='localhost', user=user_name, password=user_password) # FB_HOME = svc.get_home_directory() # SEC_FDB = context['isc4_path'] # svc.close() # # db_conn.close() # # fdb_test = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.fdb') # # dts = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S") # # fbconf_cur = os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'firebird.conf') # fbconf_bak = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'firebird_'+dts+'.bak') # # dbconf_cur = os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'databases.conf') # dbconf_bak = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'databases_'+dts+'.bak') # # shutil.copy2( fbconf_cur, fbconf_bak ) # shutil.copy2( dbconf_cur, dbconf_bak ) # # shutil.copy2( SEC_FDB, fdb_test ) # # TEMP_DIRECTORIES_VALUE = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'examples') ) # TTABLE_DIRECTORY_VALUE = os.path.normpath( context['temp_directory'] ) # # TMP_FREE_PORT = find_free_port() # # cfg_params_to_change= { # 'AllowEncryptedSecurityDatabase' : 'true' # ,'AuthClient' : 'Srp' # ,'AuthServer' : 'Legacy_Auth, Srp' # ,'BugcheckAbort' : '1' # ,'ClientBatchBuffer' : '256k' # ,'ConnectionIdleTimeout' : '77' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'ConnectionTimeout' : '123' # ,'DeadlockTimeout' : '15' # ,'DatabaseAccess' : 'None' # In order to display only ALIAS of database rather than its full name # ,'DefaultDbCachePages' : '1234' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'DefaultTimeZone' : '-7:00' # ,'DummyPacketInterval' : '11' # ,'EventMemSize' : '12321' # ,'ExtConnPoolLifeTime' : '1212' # ,'ExtConnPoolSize' : '123' # ,'FileSystemCacheThreshold' : '8589934591G' # ,'IpcName' : 'fb4x_tmp_c6444' # ,'IPv6V6Only' : '1' # ,'InlineSortThreshold' : '8k' # ,'LockHashSlots' : '33333' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'LockMemSize' : '17m' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'MaxUserTraceLogSize' : '100' # ,'ReadConsistency' : '0' # ,'RemoteServiceName' : 'tmp_fbs_6444' # ,'RemoteServicePort' : str(TMP_FREE_PORT) # ,'ServerMode' : 'SuperClassic' # ,'StatementTimeout' : '777' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'TcpLoopbackFastPath' : '0' # ,'TcpNoNagle' : 'false' # ,'TcpRemoteBufferSize' : '5555' # ,'TempBlockSize' : '5m' # ,'TempDirectories' : TEMP_DIRECTORIES_VALUE # ,'TempTableDirectory' : os.path.normpath( tempfile.gettempdir() ) # since, 21.04.2021 # ,'UDFaccess' : 'Restrict UDF' # ,'UseFileSystemCache' : 'false' # ,'WireCompression' : 'true' # ,'WireCrypt' : 'Required' # ,'WireCryptPlugin' : 'Arc4' # # } # # f_fbconf=open( fbconf_cur, 'w') # for k,v in sorted(cfg_params_to_change.items()): # f_fbconf.write( ''.join( (k, ' = ', v, '\\n') ) ) # flush_and_close( f_fbconf ) # # alias_data=''' # # Added temporarily for executing test core_6444.fbt # tmp_6444 = %(fdb_test)s { # # SecurityDatabase = tmp_6444 # # RemoteAccess = true # DatabaseGrowthIncrement = 123m # DataTypeCompatibility = 3.0 # DefaultDbCachePages = 4321 # ClearGTTAtRetaining = 1 # # # Set number of minutes after which idle attachment will be disconnected by the engine. Zero means no timeout is set. # ConnectionIdleTimeout = 99 # # ExternalFileAccess = Full # # LockHashSlots = 49999 # LockMemSize = 29m # # MaxIdentifierByteLength = 31 # MaxIdentifierCharLength = 31 # MaxUnflushedWrites = 111 # MaxUnflushedWriteTime = 15 # # Providers = Engine13, Remote # # SnapshotsMemSize = 99m # # # Set number of seconds after which statement execution will be automatically cancelled by the engine. Zero means no timeout is set. # StatementTimeout = 999 # # TempBlockSize = 3m # TempCacheLimit = 8589934591G # # ############################### # # Appeared since, 21.04.2021; per-database: # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Directory to put data of temporary tables and blobs # # When empty, not exists or not accessible, default directory will be used # # as determined by FIREBIRD_TMP, TEMP or TMP environment variables. # # Per-database configurable. # # Type: string # #TempTableDirectory = # ############################### # TempTableDirectory = %(TTABLE_DIRECTORY_VALUE)s # # TipCacheBlockSize = 3m # # UserManager = Legacy_UserManager, Srp # } # ''' % locals() # # f_dbconf=open( dbconf_cur, 'w') # f_dbconf.write(alias_data) # flush_and_close( f_dbconf ) # # # LINUX: we use local protocol rather than remote (as on Windows): # CONN_STR = 'tmp_6444' # # sql_text=''' # -- set echo on; # set wng off; # connect 'tmp_6444'; # create or alter user %(user_name)s password '%(user_password)s' using plugin Srp; # create or alter user tmp$c6444 password '123' using plugin Srp; # revoke all on all from tmp$c6444; # create or alter view v_config as # select # g.rdb$config_name param_name # ,iif( trim(g.rdb$config_value)='' # ,'[empty]' # ,iif( upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper('TempDirectories') and upper(g.rdb$config_value) = upper('%(TEMP_DIRECTORIES_VALUE)s') # or upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper('TempTableDirectory') and upper(g.rdb$config_value) = upper('%(TTABLE_DIRECTORY_VALUE)s') # or upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper('RemoteServicePort') and g.rdb$config_value = %(TMP_FREE_PORT)s # ,'[MATCHES]' # ,g.rdb$config_value # ) # ) param_value # ,iif(trim(g.rdb$config_default)='', '[empty]', replace(g.rdb$config_default,'%(FB_HOME)s','') ) param_default # ,g.rdb$config_is_set param_is_set # ,g.rdb$config_source param_source # from rdb$config g # order by param_name # ; # commit; # grant select on v_config to tmp$c6444; # commit; # # connect '%(CONN_STR)s' user %(user_name)s password '%(user_password)s'; # # set count on; # set width param_name 50; # set width param_value 64; # set width param_default 64; # set width param_source 64; # # select * from v_config; -- SYSDBA: must see all parameters with their effective values # # commit; # connect '%(CONN_STR)s' user tmp$c6444 password '123'; # # select * from v_config; -- NON-PRIVILEGED user: must see 0 rows # # /* # -- for debug only: # set list on; # select # current_user as who_am_i # ,m.mon$database_name as db_name # ,m.mon$page_buffers as db_buffers # ,m.mon$sec_database as db_sec_name # ,a.mon$server_pid as server_pid # ,a.mon$remote_protocol # ,a.mon$idle_timeout # ,a.mon$statement_timeout # ,a.mon$wire_compressed # ,a.mon$wire_encrypted # ,a.mon$wire_crypt_plugin # from mon$database m # cross join mon$attachments a # where a.mon$attachment_id = current_connection # ; # --*/ # # commit; # connect '%(CONN_STR)s' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; # drop user tmp$c6444 using plugin Srp; # commit; # # ''' % dict(globals(), **locals()) # # f_sql_cmd = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.sql'), 'w') # f_sql_cmd.write( sql_text ) # flush_and_close( f_sql_cmd ) # # f_sql_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.log'), 'w') # f_sql_err=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.err'), 'w') # # subprocess.call( [context['isql_path'], '-q', '-pag', '999999', '-i', f_sql_cmd.name, '-user', 'SYSDBA'], stdout=f_sql_log, stderr=f_sql_err ) # # flush_and_close( f_sql_log ) # flush_and_close( f_sql_err ) # # shutil.move( fbconf_bak, fbconf_cur ) # shutil.move( dbconf_bak, dbconf_cur ) # # with open(f_sql_err.name, 'r') as f: # for line in f: # if line.split(): # print('UNEXPECTED STDERR: ' + line) # # with open(f_sql_log.name, 'r') as f: # for line in f: # if line.split(): # print(line) # # time.sleep(1) # # f_list=( f_sql_log, f_sql_err, f_sql_cmd ) # # # Cleanup # ########## # # cleanup( [ i.name for i in f_list ] + [fdb_test] ) # #--- """ act_3 = python_act('db', substitutions=subs_linux) expected_stdout_3 = """ PARAM_NAME PARAM_VALUE PARAM_DEFAULT PARAM_IS_SET PARAM_SOURCE ================================================== ================================================================ ================================================================ ============ ================================================================ AllowEncryptedSecurityDatabase true false firebird.conf AuditTraceConfigFile [empty] [empty] AuthClient Srp Srp256, Srp, Legacy_Auth firebird.conf AuthServer Legacy_Auth, Srp Srp256 firebird.conf BugcheckAbort true false firebird.conf ClearGTTAtRetaining true false databases.conf ClientBatchBuffer 262144 131072 firebird.conf ConnectionIdleTimeout 99 0 databases.conf ConnectionTimeout 123 180 firebird.conf CpuAffinityMask 0 0 DataTypeCompatibility 3.0 databases.conf DatabaseAccess None Full firebird.conf DatabaseGrowthIncrement 128974848 134217728 databases.conf DeadlockTimeout 15 10 firebird.conf DefaultDbCachePages 4321 2048 databases.conf DefaultTimeZone -7:00 firebird.conf DummyPacketInterval 11 0 firebird.conf EventMemSize 12321 65536 firebird.conf ExtConnPoolLifeTime 1212 7200 firebird.conf ExtConnPoolSize 123 0 firebird.conf ExternalFileAccess Full None databases.conf FileSystemCacheSize 0 0 FileSystemCacheThreshold 9223372035781033984 65536 firebird.conf GCPolicy combined combined GuardianOption 1 1 IPv6V6Only true false firebird.conf InlineSortThreshold 8192 1000 firebird.conf IpcName fb4x_tmp_c6444 FirebirdIPI firebird.conf KeyHolderPlugin [empty] [empty] LegacyHash true true LockAcquireSpins 0 0 LockHashSlots 49999 8191 databases.conf LockMemSize 30408704 1048576 databases.conf MaxIdentifierByteLength 31 252 databases.conf MaxIdentifierCharLength 31 63 databases.conf MaxUnflushedWriteTime 15 -1 databases.conf MaxUnflushedWrites 111 -1 databases.conf MaxUserTraceLogSize 100 10 firebird.conf OutputRedirectionFile /dev/null /dev/null ProcessPriorityLevel 0 0 Providers Engine13, Remote Remote, Engine13, Loopback databases.conf ReadConsistency false true firebird.conf Redirection false false RelaxedAliasChecking false false RemoteAccess true true databases.conf RemoteAuxPort 0 0 RemoteBindAddress RemoteFileOpenAbility false false RemotePipeName interbas interbas RemoteServiceName tmp_fbs_6444 gds_db firebird.conf RemoteServicePort [MATCHES] 0 firebird.conf SecurityDatabase tmp_6444 security5.fdb databases.conf ServerMode SuperClassic Super firebird.conf SnapshotsMemSize 103809024 65536 databases.conf StatementTimeout 999 0 databases.conf TcpLoopbackFastPath false true firebird.conf TcpNoNagle false true firebird.conf TcpRemoteBufferSize 5555 8192 firebird.conf TempBlockSize 5242880 1048576 firebird.conf TempCacheLimit 9223372035781033984 67108864 databases.conf TempDirectories [MATCHES] firebird.conf TempTableDirectory [MATCHES] [empty] databases.conf TipCacheBlockSize 3145728 4194304 databases.conf TraceDSQL 0 0 TracePlugin fbtrace fbtrace UdfAccess Restrict UDF None firebird.conf UseFileSystemCache false true firebird.conf UserManager Legacy_UserManager, Srp Srp databases.conf WireCompression true false firebird.conf WireCrypt Required Required firebird.conf WireCryptPlugin Arc4 ChaCha64, ChaCha, Arc4 firebird.conf Records affected: 71 Records affected: 0 """ @pytest.mark.skip('FIXME: databases.conf / firebird.conf') @pytest.mark.version('>=5.0') @pytest.mark.platform('Linux') def test_3(act_3: Action): pytest.skip("Requires change to databases.conf / firebird.conf") # version: 5.0 - Windows test_script_4 = """ #--- # # import sys # import os # import shutil # import time # import datetime # import tempfile # import subprocess # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def flush_and_close( file_handle ): # # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync # # If you're starting with a Python file object f, # # first do f.flush(), and # # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk. # global os # # file_handle.flush() # if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb') and file_handle.name != os.devnull: # # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"! # os.fsync(file_handle.fileno()) # file_handle.close() # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def cleanup( f_names_list ): # global os # for i in range(len( f_names_list )): # if type(f_names_list[i]) == file: # del_name = f_names_list[i].name # elif type(f_names_list[i]) == str: # del_name = f_names_list[i] # else: # print('Unrecognized type of element:', f_names_list[i], ' - can not be treated as file.') # print('type(f_names_list[i])=',type(f_names_list[i])) # del_name = None # # if del_name and os.path.isfile( del_name ): # os.remove( del_name ) # # #-------------------------------------------- # # def find_free_port(): # import socket # from contextlib import closing # # AF_INET - constant represent the address (and protocol) families, used for the first argument to socket() # # A pair (host, port) is used for the AF_INET address family, where host is a string representing either a # # hostname in Internet domain notation like 'daring.cwi.nl' or an IPv4 address like '', and port is an integer. # # SOCK_STREAM means that it is a TCP socket. # # SOCK_DGRAM means that it is a UDP socket. # with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s: # s.bind(('', 0)) # s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # return s.getsockname()[1] # # #-------------------------------------------- # # svc = fdb.services.connect(host='localhost', user=user_name, password=user_password) # FB_HOME = svc.get_home_directory() # SEC_FDB = svc.get_security_database_path() # # context['isc4_path'] # svc.close() # # db_conn.close() # # fdb_test = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.fdb') # # dts = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S") # # fbconf_cur = os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'firebird.conf') # fbconf_bak = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'firebird_'+dts+'.bak') # # dbconf_cur = os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'databases.conf') # dbconf_bak = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'databases_'+dts+'.bak') # # shutil.copy2( fbconf_cur, fbconf_bak ) # shutil.copy2( dbconf_cur, dbconf_bak ) # # shutil.copy2( SEC_FDB, fdb_test ) # # TEMP_DIRECTORIES_VALUE = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'examples') ) # TTABLE_DIRECTORY_VALUE = os.path.normpath( context['temp_directory'] ) # # TMP_FREE_PORT = find_free_port() # #TMP_FREE_PORT = 57456 # # cfg_params_to_change= { # 'AllowEncryptedSecurityDatabase' : 'true' # ,'AuthClient' : 'Srp' # ,'AuthServer' : 'Legacy_Auth, Srp' # ,'BugcheckAbort' : '1' # ,'ClientBatchBuffer' : '256k' # ,'ConnectionIdleTimeout' : '77' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'ConnectionTimeout' : '123' # ,'DeadlockTimeout' : '15' # ,'DatabaseAccess' : 'None' # In order to display only ALIAS of database rather than its full name # ,'DefaultDbCachePages' : '1234' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'DefaultTimeZone' : '-7:00' # ,'DummyPacketInterval' : '11' # ,'EventMemSize' : '12321' # ,'ExtConnPoolLifeTime' : '1212' # ,'ExtConnPoolSize' : '123' # ,'FileSystemCacheThreshold' : '8589934591G' # ,'IpcName' : 'fb4x_tmp_c6444' # ,'IPv6V6Only' : '1' # ,'InlineSortThreshold' : '8k' # ,'LockHashSlots' : '33333' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'LockMemSize' : '17m' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'MaxUserTraceLogSize' : '100' # ,'ReadConsistency' : '0' # ,'RemoteServiceName' : 'tmp_fbs_6444' # ,'RemoteServicePort' : str(TMP_FREE_PORT) # ,'ServerMode' : 'SuperClassic' # ,'StatementTimeout' : '777' # will be also specified in databases.conf; effective value must be from databases.conf, NOT from here! # ,'TcpLoopbackFastPath' : '0' # ,'TcpNoNagle' : 'false' # ,'TcpRemoteBufferSize' : '5555' # ,'TempBlockSize' : '5m' # ,'TempDirectories' : TEMP_DIRECTORIES_VALUE # ,'TempTableDirectory' : os.path.normpath( tempfile.gettempdir() ) # since, 21.04.2021 # ,'UDFaccess' : 'Restrict UDF' # ,'UseFileSystemCache' : 'false' # ,'WireCompression' : 'true' # ,'WireCrypt' : 'Required' # ,'WireCryptPlugin' : 'Arc4' # # } # # f_fbconf=open( fbconf_cur, 'w') # for k,v in sorted(cfg_params_to_change.items()): # f_fbconf.write( ''.join( (k, ' = ', v, '\\n') ) ) # flush_and_close( f_fbconf ) # # alias_data=''' # # Added temporarily for executing test core_6444.fbt # tmp_6444 = %(fdb_test)s { # # SecurityDatabase = tmp_6444 # # RemoteAccess = true # DatabaseGrowthIncrement = 123m # DataTypeCompatibility = 3.0 # DefaultDbCachePages = 4321 # ClearGTTAtRetaining = 1 # # # Set number of minutes after which idle attachment will be disconnected by the engine. Zero means no timeout is set. # ConnectionIdleTimeout = 99 # # ExternalFileAccess = Full # # LockHashSlots = 49999 # LockMemSize = 29m # # MaxIdentifierByteLength = 31 # MaxIdentifierCharLength = 31 # MaxUnflushedWrites = 111 # MaxUnflushedWriteTime = 15 # # Providers = Engine13, Remote # # SnapshotsMemSize = 99m # # # Set number of seconds after which statement execution will be automatically cancelled by the engine. Zero means no timeout is set. # StatementTimeout = 999 # # TempBlockSize = 3m # TempCacheLimit = 8589934591G # # ############################### # # Appeared since, 21.04.2021; per-database: # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Directory to put data of temporary tables and blobs # # When empty, not exists or not accessible, default directory will be used # # as determined by FIREBIRD_TMP, TEMP or TMP environment variables. # # Per-database configurable. # # Type: string # #TempTableDirectory = # ############################### # TempTableDirectory = %(TTABLE_DIRECTORY_VALUE)s # # TipCacheBlockSize = 3m # # UserManager = Legacy_UserManager, Srp # } # ''' % locals() # # f_dbconf=open( dbconf_cur, 'w') # f_dbconf.write(alias_data) # flush_and_close( f_dbconf ) # # p_tmp_fb_pid = subprocess.Popen( [ os.path.join( FB_HOME, 'firebird' ), '-a'] ) # time.sleep(2) # CONN_STR = 'localhost/%(TMP_FREE_PORT)s:tmp_6444' % locals() # # sql_text=''' # -- set echo on; # set wng off; # connect 'tmp_6444'; # create or alter user %(user_name)s password '%(user_password)s' using plugin Srp; # create or alter user tmp$c6444 password '123' using plugin Srp; # revoke all on all from tmp$c6444; # create or alter view v_config as # select # g.rdb$config_name param_name # ,iif( trim(g.rdb$config_value)='' # ,'[empty]' # ,iif( upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper('TempDirectories') and upper(g.rdb$config_value) = upper('%(TEMP_DIRECTORIES_VALUE)s') # or upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper('TempTableDirectory') and upper(g.rdb$config_value) = upper('%(TTABLE_DIRECTORY_VALUE)s') # or upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper('RemoteServicePort') and g.rdb$config_value = %(TMP_FREE_PORT)s # ,'[MATCHES]' # ,g.rdb$config_value # ) # ) param_value # ,iif(trim(g.rdb$config_default)='', '[empty]', replace(g.rdb$config_default,'%(FB_HOME)s','') ) param_default # ,g.rdb$config_is_set param_is_set # ,g.rdb$config_source param_source # from rdb$config g # order by param_name # ; # commit; # grant select on v_config to tmp$c6444; # commit; # # connect '%(CONN_STR)s' user %(user_name)s password '%(user_password)s'; # # set count on; # set width param_name 50; # set width param_value 64; # set width param_default 64; # set width param_source 64; # # select * from v_config; -- SYSDBA: must see all parameters with their effective values # # commit; # connect '%(CONN_STR)s' user tmp$c6444 password '123'; # # select * from v_config; -- NON-PRIVILEGED user: must see 0 rows # # /* # -- for debug only: # set list on; # select # current_user as who_am_i # ,m.mon$database_name as db_name # ,m.mon$page_buffers as db_buffers # ,m.mon$sec_database as db_sec_name # ,a.mon$server_pid # ,a.mon$remote_protocol # ,a.mon$idle_timeout # ,a.mon$statement_timeout # ,a.mon$wire_compressed # ,a.mon$wire_encrypted # ,a.mon$wire_crypt_plugin # from mon$database m # cross join mon$attachments a # where a.mon$attachment_id = current_connection # ; # --*/ # # commit; # connect '%(CONN_STR)s' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; # drop user tmp$c6444 using plugin Srp; # commit; # # ''' % dict(globals(), **locals()) # # f_sql_cmd = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.sql'), 'w') # f_sql_cmd.write( sql_text ) # flush_and_close( f_sql_cmd ) # # f_sql_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.log'), 'w') # f_sql_err=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_c6444.err'), 'w') # # #subprocess.call( [context['isql_path'], 'localhost/%(TMP_FREE_PORT)s:tmp_6444' % locals(), '-i', f_sql_cmd.name], stdout=f_sql_log, stderr=f_sql_err ) # subprocess.call( [context['isql_path'], '-q', '-pag', '999999', '-i', f_sql_cmd.name, '-user', 'SYSDBA'], stdout=f_sql_log, stderr=f_sql_err ) # # flush_and_close( f_sql_log ) # flush_and_close( f_sql_err ) # # if p_tmp_fb_pid: # p_tmp_fb_pid.terminate() # # shutil.move( fbconf_bak, fbconf_cur ) # shutil.move( dbconf_bak, dbconf_cur ) # # with open(f_sql_err.name, 'r') as f: # for line in f: # if line.split(): # print('UNEXPECTED STDERR: ' + line) # # with open(f_sql_log.name, 'r') as f: # for line in f: # if line.split(): # print(line) # # # # Cleanup # ########## # time.sleep(1) # cleanup( ( f_sql_log, f_sql_err, f_sql_cmd, fdb_test ) ) # #--- """ act_4 = python_act('db', substitutions=subs_windows) expected_stdout_4 = """ PARAM_NAME PARAM_VALUE PARAM_DEFAULT PARAM_IS_SET PARAM_SOURCE ================================================== ================================================================ ================================================================ ============ ================================================================ AllowEncryptedSecurityDatabase true false firebird.conf AuditTraceConfigFile [empty] [empty] AuthClient Srp Srp256, Srp, Win_Sspi, Legacy_Auth firebird.conf AuthServer Legacy_Auth, Srp Srp256 firebird.conf BugcheckAbort true false firebird.conf ClearGTTAtRetaining true false databases.conf ClientBatchBuffer 262144 131072 firebird.conf ConnectionIdleTimeout 99 0 databases.conf ConnectionTimeout 123 180 firebird.conf CpuAffinityMask 0 0 DataTypeCompatibility 3.0 databases.conf DatabaseAccess None Full firebird.conf DatabaseGrowthIncrement 128974848 134217728 databases.conf DeadlockTimeout 15 10 firebird.conf DefaultDbCachePages 4321 2048 databases.conf DefaultTimeZone -7:00 firebird.conf DummyPacketInterval 11 0 firebird.conf EventMemSize 12321 65536 firebird.conf ExtConnPoolLifeTime 1212 7200 firebird.conf ExtConnPoolSize 123 0 firebird.conf ExternalFileAccess Full None databases.conf FileSystemCacheSize 0 0 FileSystemCacheThreshold 9223372035781033984 65536 firebird.conf GCPolicy combined combined GuardianOption 1 1 IPv6V6Only true false firebird.conf InlineSortThreshold 8192 1000 firebird.conf IpcName fb4x_tmp_c6444 FIREBIRD firebird.conf KeyHolderPlugin [empty] [empty] LegacyHash true true LockAcquireSpins 0 0 LockHashSlots 49999 8191 databases.conf LockMemSize 30408704 1048576 databases.conf MaxIdentifierByteLength 31 252 databases.conf MaxIdentifierCharLength 31 63 databases.conf MaxUnflushedWriteTime 15 5 databases.conf MaxUnflushedWrites 111 100 databases.conf MaxUserTraceLogSize 100 10 firebird.conf OutputRedirectionFile nul nul ProcessPriorityLevel 0 0 Providers Engine13, Remote Remote, Engine13, Loopback databases.conf ReadConsistency false true firebird.conf Redirection false false RelaxedAliasChecking false false RemoteAccess true true databases.conf RemoteAuxPort 0 0 RemoteBindAddress RemoteFileOpenAbility false false RemotePipeName interbas interbas RemoteServiceName tmp_fbs_6444 gds_db firebird.conf RemoteServicePort [MATCHES] 0 firebird.conf SecurityDatabase tmp_6444 security5.fdb databases.conf ServerMode SuperClassic Super firebird.conf SnapshotsMemSize 103809024 65536 databases.conf StatementTimeout 999 0 databases.conf TcpLoopbackFastPath false true firebird.conf TcpNoNagle false true firebird.conf TcpRemoteBufferSize 5555 8192 firebird.conf TempBlockSize 5242880 1048576 firebird.conf TempCacheLimit 9223372035781033984 67108864 databases.conf TempDirectories [MATCHES] firebird.conf TempTableDirectory [MATCHES] [empty] databases.conf TipCacheBlockSize 3145728 4194304 databases.conf TraceDSQL 0 0 TracePlugin fbtrace fbtrace UdfAccess Restrict UDF None firebird.conf UseFileSystemCache false true firebird.conf UserManager Legacy_UserManager, Srp Srp databases.conf WireCompression true false firebird.conf WireCrypt Required Required firebird.conf WireCryptPlugin Arc4 ChaCha64, ChaCha, Arc4 firebird.conf Records affected: 71 Records affected: 0 """ @pytest.mark.skip('FIXME: databases.conf / firebird.conf') @pytest.mark.version('>=5.0') @pytest.mark.platform('Windows') def test_4(act_4: Action): pytest.fail("Not IMPLEMENTED")