#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-5502 ISSUE: 5502 TITLE: SELECT WITH LOCK may raise unexpected update conflict errors under concurrent load DESCRIPTION: Prototype: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/firebird-support/conversations/messages/128920 Done with suggestions from dimitr, see letter 01-may-2016 09:15. Confirmed on WI-V3.0.0.32366, WI-V3.0.0.32483, (SS,SC,CS) - it was enough to async. start THREE child ISQLs sessions, one or two of them always raise exception after few seconds with text: 'deadlock / update conflicts' and could not finish its job. NOTES: [12.08.2018] It is unclear now how this test can be implemented on 4.0 after introduction of READ CONSISTENCY with default value ReadConsistency = 1. According to doc: === If ReadConsistency set to 1 (by default) engine ignores [NO] RECORD VERSION flags and makes all read-committed transactions READ COMMITTED READ CONSISTENCY. === Also, doc\\README.read_consistency.md says that: "Old read-committed isolation modes (**RECORD VERSION** and **NO RECORD VERSION**) are still allowed but considered as legacy and not recommended to use." This mean that one can NOT to check issues of this ticket under 4.0 using default (and recommended) value of config parameter 'ReadConsistency'. For that reason it was decided to make new EMPTY section of test for 4.0. JIRA: CORE-5222 FBTEST: bugs.core_5222 """ from __future__ import annotations from typing import List import pytest import subprocess import time import re from pathlib import Path from firebird.qa import * # version: 3.0 init_script = """ create or alter procedure p_increment as begin end; commit; recreate table gen_tab( id bigint primary key ); recreate table gen_log ( id bigint primary key, id_new bigint not null, id_diff bigint not null ); set term ^; alter procedure p_increment (a_iter_cnt int default 1000) returns ( proc_start timestamp, selected_id bigint, proc_finish timestamp ) as declare i bigint; declare id_new bigint; begin i = 1; proc_start = 'now'; while (i <= a_iter_cnt ) do begin in autonomous transaction do begin select id from gen_tab with lock -- this raised SQLSTATE = 40001 / -update conflicts with concurrent update into selected_id; i = i + 1; id_new = selected_id + 1; insert into gen_log(id, id_new, id_diff) values( :selected_id, :id_new, :id_new - :selected_id); update gen_tab set id = :id_new where id = :selected_id; end end proc_finish = 'now'; suspend; -- outputs row with three fields: 'PROC_START ', 'SELECTED_ID ', 'PROC_FINISH ' end ^ set term ;^ commit; insert into gen_tab (id) values (0); commit; """ db = db_factory(init=init_script) act = python_act('db') test_script = """ commit; set list on; set transaction read committed no record_version lock timeout 3; select current_timestamp as before_proc from rdb$database; select * from p_increment(10); select current_timestamp as after_proc from rdb$database; """ expected_stdout = """ EXPECTED, LOG #0: BEFORE_PROC EXPECTED, LOG #0: PROC_START EXPECTED, LOG #0: SELECTED_ID EXPECTED, LOG #0: PROC_FINISH EXPECTED, LOG #0: AFTER_PROC EXPECTED, LOG #1: BEFORE_PROC EXPECTED, LOG #1: PROC_START EXPECTED, LOG #1: SELECTED_ID EXPECTED, LOG #1: PROC_FINISH EXPECTED, LOG #1: AFTER_PROC EXPECTED, LOG #2: BEFORE_PROC EXPECTED, LOG #2: PROC_START EXPECTED, LOG #2: SELECTED_ID EXPECTED, LOG #2: PROC_FINISH EXPECTED, LOG #2: AFTER_PROC """ PLANNED_DML_ATTACHMENTS = 3 run_sql = temp_file('core_5222_run.sql') dml_logs = temp_files([f'tmp_dml_5222_{i+1}' for i in range(PLANNED_DML_ATTACHMENTS)]) @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0,<4') def test_1(act: Action, run_sql: Path, dml_logs: List[Path], capsys): pattern = re.compile("BEFORE_PROC*|PROC_START*|SELECTED_ID*|PROC_FINISH*|AFTER_PROC*") run_sql.write_text(test_script) # Launching several concurrent child ISQL processes which perform `run_sql` script f_logs = [] p_dml = [] try: for dml_log in dml_logs: # Contains PLANNED_DML_ATTACHMENTS items f = open(dml_log, mode='w') f_logs.append(f) p_dml.append(subprocess.Popen([act.vars['isql'], '-i', str(run_sql), '-user', act.db.user, '-password', act.db.password, act.db.dsn], stdout=f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)) # time.sleep(PLANNED_DML_ATTACHMENTS * 5) finally: for f in f_logs: f.close() for p in p_dml: p.terminate() # # 1. Each log _should_ contain ONLY following lines: # BEFORE_PROC 2016-05-03 09:27:57.6210 # PROC_START 2016-05-03 09:27:57.6210 # SELECTED_ID 1569 # PROC_FINISH 2016-05-03 09:28:04.0740 # AFTER_PROC 2016-05-03 09:28:04.0740 # 2. _NO_ log should contain 'SQLSTATE = 40001' # # Open every log and print 1st word from each line, ignoring values of timestamp and ID. i = 0 for dml_log in dml_logs: for line in dml_log.read_text().splitlines(): if line.split(): if pattern.match(line): print(f'EXPECTED, LOG #{i}: {line.split()[0]}') else: print(f'UNEXPECTED, LOG #{i}: {line}') i += 1 # Check act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout # version: 4.0 @pytest.mark.skip('FIXME: Not IMPLEMENTED') @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_2(act: Action): pytest.fail("Not IMPLEMENTED")