#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-3455 ISSUE: 3455 TITLE: Better performance for (table.field = :param or :param = -1) in where clause DESCRIPTION: Test adds 20'000 rows into a table with single field and two indices on it (asc & desc). Indexed field will have values which will produce very poor selectivity (~1/3). Then we check number of indexed and natural reads using mon$ tables and prepared view from .fbk. We check cases when SP count rows using equality (=), IN and BETWEEN expr. When we pass NULLs then procedure should produce zero or low value (<100) of indexed reads. When we pass not null value then SP should produce IR with number ~ 1/3 of total rows in the table. NOTES: [15.05.2018] TODO LATER, using Python: Alternate code for possible checking (use trace with and ensure that only IR will occur when input arg is not null): set term ^; execute block as begin begin execute statement 'drop sequence g'; when any do begin end end end ^ set term ;^ commit; create sequence g; commit; create or alter procedure sp_test as begin end; commit; recreate table test(x int, y int); commit; insert into test select mod( gen_id(g,1), 123), mod( gen_id(g,1), 321) from rdb$types,rdb$types rows 10000; commit; create index test_x on test(x); create index test_x_plus_y_asc on test computed by ( x - y ); create descending index test_x_plus_y_dec on test computed by ( x+y ); commit; set term ^; create or alter procedure sp_test( i1 int default null, i2 int default null ) as declare n int; declare s_x varchar(1000); declare s_y varchar(1000); begin s_x = 'select count(*) from test where x = :input_arg or :input_arg is null'; s_y = 'select count(*) from test where x + y <= :input_sum and x - y >= :input_arg or :input_sum is null'; execute statement (s_x) ( input_arg := :i1 ) into n; execute statement (s_y) ( input_arg := :i1, input_sum := :i2 ) into n; end ^ set term ;^ commit; execute procedure sp_test( 65, 99 ); Trace log should contain following statistics for two ES: Table Natural Index ***************************************************** TEST 82 Table Natural Index ***************************************************** TEST 90 JIRA: CORE-3076 FBTEST: bugs.core_3076 """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory(from_backup='mon-stat-gathering-3_0.fbk') test_script = """ set bail on; set term ^; execute block as begin execute statement 'drop sequence g'; when any do begin end end ^ set term ;^ commit; create sequence g; commit; create or alter procedure sp_test_x as begin end; create or alter procedure sp_test_y as begin end; commit; recreate table test(x int, y int); recreate table tcnt(q int); -- this serves only for storing total number of rows in 'TEST' table. commit; set term ^ ; create or alter procedure sp_test_x(arg_a int, arg_b int) -- for testing ASCENDING index as declare c int; begin if ( :arg_a = 0 ) then select count(*) from test where x = :arg_a or :arg_a is null into c; else if ( :arg_a = 1 ) then select count(*) from test where x in (:arg_a, :arg_b) or :arg_a is null into c; else select count(*) from test where x between :arg_a and :arg_b or :arg_a is null into c; end ^ create or alter procedure sp_test_y(arg_a int, arg_b int) -- for testing DESCENDING index as declare c int; begin if ( :arg_a = 0 ) then select count(*) from test where y = :arg_a or :arg_a is null into c; else if ( :arg_a = 1 ) then select count(*) from test where y in (:arg_a, :arg_b) or :arg_a is null into c; else select count(*) from test where y between :arg_a and :arg_b or :arg_a is null into c; end ^ set term ; ^ commit; insert into test (x, y) select mod( gen_id(g,1), 3 ), mod( gen_id(g,1), 3 ) from rdb$types, rdb$types rows 20000; insert into tcnt(q) select count(*) from test; commit; create index test_x on test(x); create descending index test_y on test(y); commit; connect '$(DSN)' user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey'; -- mandatory! execute procedure sp_truncate_stat; commit; -------------------------------- execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; execute procedure sp_test_x(0, 0); ----- 1: where x = 0 or 0 is null // 'x' has ascending index execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; -------------------------------- execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; execute procedure sp_test_y(0, 0); ----- 2: where y = 0 or 0 is null // 'y' has descend index execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; -------------------------------- execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; execute procedure sp_test_x(1, 1); ----- 3: where x in (1, 1) or 1 is null // 'x' has ascending index execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; -------------------------------- execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; execute procedure sp_test_y(1, 1); ----- 4: where y in (1, 1) or 1 is null // 'y' has descend index execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; -------------------------------- execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; execute procedure sp_test_x(2, 2); ----- 5: where x between 2 and 2 or 2 is null // 'x' has ascending index execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; -------------------------------- execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; execute procedure sp_test_y(2, 2); ----- 6: where y between 2 and 2 or 2 is null // 'y' has descend index execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; -------------------------------- execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; -- check that asc index will NOT be in use when count for :a is null execute procedure sp_test_x(null, null); -- 7: where x between NULL and NULL or NULL is null // 'x' has ascending index execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; -------------------------------- execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; -- check that desc index will NOT be in use when count for :a is null execute procedure sp_test_y(null, null); -- 8: : where y between NULL and NULL or NULL is null // 'y' has descend index execute procedure sp_gather_stat; commit; SET LIST ON; select * from ( select 'When input arg is NOT null' as what_we_check, rowset, iif( natural_reads <= nr_threshold and indexed_reads - total_rows/3.00 < ir_threshold -- max detected IR was: 6685 for c.total_rows=20'000 ,'OK' ,'POOR:'|| ' NR=' || coalesce(natural_reads, '') || ', IR='|| coalesce(indexed_reads, '') || ', ir-cnt/3='|| coalesce(indexed_reads - total_rows/3.00, '') ) as result from ( select v.rowset ,v.natural_reads ,v.indexed_reads ,c.q as total_rows ,iif( rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','ENGINE_VERSION') starting with '3.', 0, 2 ) as nr_threshold -- max detected NR=2 for 4.0 (SS, CS) ,iif( rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','ENGINE_VERSION') starting with '3.', 45, 45 ) as ir_threshold -- max detected=44 for 4.0 (SS, CS) from v_agg_stat v cross join tcnt c where rowset <= 6 ) UNION ALL select 'When input arg is NULL' as what_we_check, rowset, iif( natural_reads = total_rows and indexed_reads < 100 -- 27.07.2016: detected IR=13 for FB ,'OK' ,'POOR:'|| ' NR=' || coalesce(natural_reads, '') || ', IR='|| coalesce(indexed_reads, '') ) as result from ( select v.rowset, v.natural_reads, v.indexed_reads, c.q as total_rows from v_agg_stat v cross join tcnt c where rowset > 6 ) ) order by rowset; """ act = isql_act('db', test_script) expected_stdout = """ WHAT_WE_CHECK When input arg is NOT null ROWSET 1 RESULT OK WHAT_WE_CHECK When input arg is NOT null ROWSET 2 RESULT OK WHAT_WE_CHECK When input arg is NOT null ROWSET 3 RESULT OK WHAT_WE_CHECK When input arg is NOT null ROWSET 4 RESULT OK WHAT_WE_CHECK When input arg is NOT null ROWSET 5 RESULT OK WHAT_WE_CHECK When input arg is NOT null ROWSET 6 RESULT OK WHAT_WE_CHECK When input arg is NULL ROWSET 7 RESULT OK WHAT_WE_CHECK When input arg is NULL ROWSET 8 RESULT OK """ @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0') def test_1(act: Action): act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.execute() assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout