#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-7186 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/7186 TITLE: Nbackup RDB$BACKUP_HISTORY cleanup DESCRIPTION: Test verifies ability to specify command switches '-clean_history' and 'keep N rows' in NBACKUP utility. Temporary user and role are created. System privilege USE_NBACKUP_UTILITY is granted to role, and role is granted to this user. All executions of NBACKUP are performed as this temporary user. Several levels of incremental backups are created WITHOUT this command switches (see 'NBK_COUNT_BEFORE_CLEANUP'). Then we run nbackup times with switch '-clean_hist' and require to keep rows. Finally, we check content of RDB$BACKUP_HISTORY table: only NBK_KEEP_ROWS records must be selected from it. ::: NB ::: It seems that currently firebird-driver does not support Services API parameters related to cleanup history (isc_spb_nbk_clean_history; isc_spb_nbk_keep_days and isc_spb_nbk_keep_rows ). Test will be modified after introducing this supoport. Checked on SS/CS, SS/CS -- all fine. """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * from typing import List from pathlib import Path import subprocess import re import locale import time db = db_factory() act = python_act('db') NBK_COUNT_BEFORE_CLEANUP = 6 tmp_nbk_files_before_cleanup = temp_files( [ f'tmp_7186.nbk{i}' for i in range(NBK_COUNT_BEFORE_CLEANUP) ] ) NBK_COUNT_WITH_CLEANUP = 4 tmp_nbk_files_with_cleanup = temp_files( [ f'tmp_7186.nbk{i}' for i in range(NBK_COUNT_BEFORE_CLEANUP, NBK_COUNT_BEFORE_CLEANUP + NBK_COUNT_WITH_CLEANUP) ] ) NBK_KEEP_ROWS = 3 tmp_user = user_factory('db', name='gh_7186_user', password = '123') tmp_role = role_factory('db', name='gh_7186_role') expected_stdout = """ """ @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0.3') def test_1(act: Action, tmp_nbk_files_before_cleanup: List[Path], tmp_nbk_files_with_cleanup: List[Path], tmp_user: User, tmp_role: Role, capsys): init_sql = f""" recreate table test(id int generated always as identity (start with 0)); grant insert,select on test to public; alter role {tmp_role.name} set system privileges to USE_NBACKUP_UTILITY; grant default {tmp_role.name} to user {tmp_user.name}; commit; """ act.expected_stdout = '' act.isql(switches=[], input = init_sql, combine_output=True) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset() with act.db.connect() as con: for i,tmp_nbk_i in enumerate(tmp_nbk_files_before_cleanup): con.execute_immediate('insert into test default values') con.commit() act.expected_stderr = '' act.nbackup(switches=['-user', tmp_user.name, '-pas', tmp_user.password, '-b', str(i), act.db.dsn, tmp_nbk_i], credentials = False, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding()) assert act.clean_stderr == act.clean_expected_stderr act.reset() # Now we try to cleanup history of nbackups, using only ROWS: # act.nbackup(switches=['-user', tmp_user.name, '-pas', tmp_user.password, '-b', str(i), act.db.dsn, tmp_nbk_i], combine_output = True, credentials = False, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding()) # nbackup -B 10 C:\temp\pytest-of-PashaZ\pytest-110\test_10\TEST.FDB C:\temp\pytest-of-PashaZ\pytest-110\test_10\tmp_7186.nbk10 -clean_hist -keep 3 row for i,tmp_nbk_i in enumerate(tmp_nbk_files_with_cleanup): act.expected_stderr = '' act.nbackup(switches=['-user', tmp_user.name, '-pas', tmp_user.password, '-b', str(NBK_COUNT_BEFORE_CLEANUP + i), act.db.dsn, tmp_nbk_i, '-clean_hist', '-keep', str(NBK_KEEP_ROWS), 'row'], credentials = False, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding()) assert act.clean_stderr == act.clean_expected_stderr act.reset() test_sql = """ set list on; set count on; select rdb$backup_id, rdb$backup_level from rdb$backup_history order by rdb$backup_id; """ act.expected_stdout = f""" RDB$BACKUP_ID {NBK_COUNT_BEFORE_CLEANUP + NBK_COUNT_WITH_CLEANUP - 2} RDB$BACKUP_LEVEL {NBK_COUNT_BEFORE_CLEANUP + NBK_COUNT_WITH_CLEANUP - 3} RDB$BACKUP_ID {NBK_COUNT_BEFORE_CLEANUP + NBK_COUNT_WITH_CLEANUP - 1} RDB$BACKUP_LEVEL {NBK_COUNT_BEFORE_CLEANUP + NBK_COUNT_WITH_CLEANUP - 2} RDB$BACKUP_ID {NBK_COUNT_BEFORE_CLEANUP + NBK_COUNT_WITH_CLEANUP - 0} RDB$BACKUP_LEVEL {NBK_COUNT_BEFORE_CLEANUP + NBK_COUNT_WITH_CLEANUP - 1} Records affected: {NBK_KEEP_ROWS} """ act.isql(switches=[], input = test_sql, combine_output=True) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset()