#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-5374 ISSUE: 5374 TITLE: Metadata extration (ISQL -X): "CREATE PROCEDURE/FUNCTION" statement contains reference to column of table(s) that not yet exists if this procedure had parameter of such type when it was created DESCRIPTION: Test creates database with table 'TEST' and standalone and packaged procedures and functions which have parameters or variables with referencing to the table 'TEST' column. Also, there are DB-level and DDL-level triggers with similar references. Then we extract metadata and save it into file as 'initial' text. After this we drop all objects and make attempt to APPLY just extracted metadata script. It should perform without errors. Finally, we extract metadata again and do COMPARISON of their current content and those which are stored 'initial' file. JIRA: CORE-5089 FBTEST: bugs.core_5089 [25.11.2023] pzotov Writing code requires more care since ISQL does not allow to specify THE SAME terminator twice, i.e. set term @; select 1 from rdb$database @ set term @; - will not compile ("Unexpected end of command" raises). """ import pytest from difflib import unified_diff from firebird.qa import * init_script = """ create domain dm_test int not null check ( value >=-1 ); create table test(mode varchar(30), result dm_test); commit; set term ^; create procedure sp_test( i1 dm_test ,i2 type of dm_test ,i3 type of column test.result ) returns ( o1 dm_test ,o2 type of dm_test ,o3 type of column test.result ) as declare v1 dm_test = 3; declare v2 type of dm_test = 7; declare v3 type of column test.result = 9; begin o1 = v1 * i1; o2 = v2 * i2; o3 = v3 * i3; suspend; end ^ create function fn_test( i1 dm_test ,i2 type of dm_test ,i3 type of column test.result ) returns type of column test.result as declare v1 dm_test = 11; declare v2 type of dm_test = 13; declare v3 type of column test.result = 17; begin return v1 * i1 + v2 * i2 + v3 * i3; end ^ create package pg_test as begin procedure pg_proc( i1 dm_test ,i2 type of dm_test ,i3 type of column test.result ) returns ( o1 dm_test ,o2 type of dm_test ,o3 type of column test.result ); function pg_func( i1 dm_test ,i2 type of dm_test ,i3 type of column test.result ) returns type of column test.result; end ^ create package body pg_test as begin procedure pg_proc( i1 dm_test ,i2 type of dm_test ,i3 type of column test.result ) returns ( o1 dm_test ,o2 type of dm_test ,o3 type of column test.result ) as declare v1 dm_test = 19; declare v2 type of dm_test = 23; declare v3 type of column test.result = 29; begin o1 = v1 * i1; o2 = v2 * i2; o3 = v3 * i3; suspend; end function pg_func( i1 dm_test ,i2 type of dm_test ,i3 type of column test.result ) returns type of column test.result as declare v1 dm_test = 13; declare v2 type of dm_test = 17; declare v3 type of column test.result = 19; begin return v1 * i1 + v2 * i2 + v3 * i3; end end ^ create or alter trigger trg_connect on connect as declare v1 dm_test = 19; declare v2 type of dm_test = 23; declare v3 type of column test.result = 29; begin /* 1st db-level trigger, on CONNECT event */ end ^ create or alter trigger trg_commit on transaction commit as declare v1 dm_test = 19; declare v2 type of dm_test = 23; declare v3 type of column test.result = 29; begin /* 2nd db-level trigger, on transaction COMMIT event */ end ^ create or alter trigger trg_ddl_before before any ddl statement as declare v1 dm_test = 19; declare v2 type of dm_test = 23; declare v3 type of column test.result = 29; begin /* DDL-level trigger before any ddl statement */ end ^ set term ;^ commit; """ db = db_factory(charset='UTF8', init=init_script) act = python_act('db') ddl_clear_all = """ drop trigger trg_ddl_before; drop trigger trg_commit; drop trigger trg_connect; drop package pg_test; drop function fn_test; drop procedure sp_test; drop table test; drop domain dm_test; commit; """ @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0') def test_1(act: Action): # Extract metadata act.isql(switches=['-x'], combine_output = True) initial_metadata = act.stdout # Clear all act.reset() act.isql(switches=[], input=ddl_clear_all, combine_output = True) # Apply extracted metadata act.reset() act.isql(switches=[], input=initial_metadata, combine_output = True) # Extract new metadata act.reset() act.isql(switches=['-x'], combine_output = True) new_metadata = act.stdout # Check assert list(unified_diff(initial_metadata, new_metadata)) == []