#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6321 ISSUE: 6321 TITLE: Restore of encrypted backup of database with SQL dialect 1 fails DESCRIPTION: Database is created in dialect 3, then encrypted and after this we apply 'gfix -sql_dialect 1' to it. Then we restore database and validate it. Confirmed bug on (build date: 11-apr-2019), got error on restore: SQL error code = -817 Metadata update statement is not allowed by the current database SQL dialect 1 JIRA: CORE-6071 FBTEST: bugs.core_6071 NOTES: [15.06.2022] pzotov There is some bug on LINUX with gbak when we have to make backup/restore ENCRYPTED database: 1. If we use names of encryption plugin and keyholder WITHOUT quotes (i.e. ENCRYPTION_PLUGIN = 'fbSampleDbCrypt' and ENCRYPTION_HOLDER = 'fbSampleKeyHolder') then backup works fine but *restore* fails with following message: > act.gbak(switches=['-c', '-KEYHOLDER', ENCRYPTION_HOLDER, str(tmp_fbk), str(tmp_res) ]) gbak: ERROR:unsuccessful metadata update gbak: ERROR: ALTER DATABASE failed gbak: ERROR: Crypt plugin FBSAMPLEDBCRYPT failed to load 2. If we enclose names into double quotes then *backup* fails like this: > act.gbak(switches=['-b', '-KEYHOLDER', '"'+ENCRYPTION_HOLDER+'"', '-crypt', '"'+ENCRYPTION_PLUGIN+'"', str(act.db.dsn), str(tmp_fbk)]) gbak: ERROR:Key holder plugin "fbSampleKeyHolder" failed to load gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors Until this weird error will be fixed, this test must be run only on WINDOWS. Sent example with bug reproducing to Alex et al, 16-jun-2022 01:04. Waiting for reply. Checked on, """ import os import re import datetime as py_dt from datetime import timedelta import time import pytest from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import DatabaseError from pathlib import Path ########################### ### S E T T I N G S ### ########################### # QA_GLOBALS -- dict, is defined in qa/plugin.py, obtain settings # from act.files_dir/'test_config.ini': enc_settings = QA_GLOBALS['encryption'] # ACHTUNG: this must be carefully tuned on every new host: # MAX_WAITING_ENCR_FINISH = int(enc_settings['MAX_WAIT_FOR_ENCR_FINISH_WIN' if os.name == 'nt' else 'MAX_WAIT_FOR_ENCR_FINISH_NIX']) assert MAX_WAITING_ENCR_FINISH > 0 ENCRYPTION_PLUGIN = enc_settings['encryption_plugin'] # fbSampleDbCrypt ENCRYPTION_KEY = enc_settings['encryption_key'] # Red ENCRYPTION_HOLDER = enc_settings['encryption_holder'] # fbSampleKeyHolder db = db_factory() #act = python_act('db', substitutions=[('\\d+ BYTES WRITTEN', '')]) act = python_act('db') tmp_fbk = temp_file( filename = 'tmp_core_6071_encrypted.fbk') tmp_res = temp_file( filename = 'tmp_core_6071_restored.fdb') tmp_log = temp_file( filename = 'tmp_core_6071_bkup_rest.log') @pytest.mark.encryption @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') @pytest.mark.platform('Windows') def test_1(act: Action, tmp_fbk: Path, tmp_res: Path, tmp_log: Path, capsys): encryption_started = False encryption_finished = False with act.db.connect() as con: t1=py_dt.datetime.now() d1 = t1-t1 sttm = f'alter database encrypt with "{ENCRYPTION_PLUGIN}" key "{ENCRYPTION_KEY}"' try: con.execute_immediate(sttm) con.commit() encryption_started = True except DatabaseError as e: # -ALTER DATABASE failed # -Crypt plugin fbSampleDbCrypt failed to load # ==> no sense to do anything else, encryption_started remains False. print( e.__str__() ) while encryption_started: t2=py_dt.datetime.now() d1=t2-t1 if d1.seconds*1000 + d1.microseconds//1000 > MAX_WAITING_ENCR_FINISH: print(f'TIMEOUT EXPIRATION: encryption took {d1.seconds*1000 + d1.microseconds//1000} ms which exceeds limit = {MAX_WAITING_ENCR_FINISH} ms.') break # Possible output: # Database not encrypted # Database encrypted, crypt thread not complete act.isql(switches=['-q'], input = 'show database;', combine_output = True) if 'Database encrypted' in act.stdout: if 'not complete' in act.stdout: pass else: encryption_finished = True break act.reset() if encryption_finished: act.expected_stdout = '' act.expected_stderr = '' # All following command must NOT issue anything. # Any output must be considered as errror: # act.gfix(switches=['-sql_dialect', '1', act.db.dsn]) act.gbak(switches=['-b', '-KEYHOLDER', ENCRYPTION_HOLDER, '-crypt', ENCRYPTION_PLUGIN, str(act.db.dsn), str(tmp_fbk)]) act.gbak(switches=['-c', '-KEYHOLDER', ENCRYPTION_HOLDER, str(tmp_fbk), str(tmp_res) ]) act.gfix(switches=['-v', '-full', tmp_res])