#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6976 ISSUE: 6976 TITLE: Lack of proper clean up after failure to initialize shared memory DESCRIPTION: Test reads content of empty database (which is created auto) and makes several checks by writing this content to another .fdb file but WITHOUT last pages. We have to start cut off last N pages and verisy that every time engine will instantly detect damage of database (i.e. not waiting for ~110 seconds as it was before fix). It is useless to cut off *last* 2..3 pages because engine makes reserving of space. Test settings for 'starting' page to be cuted off and number of pages are: SKIP_BACK_FROM_LAST_PAGE; NUM_OF_CUTED_LAST_PAGES Confirmed on WI-V4.0.1.2606: needed to wait for exactly 110s after each page starting from N-3. Checked on, FBTEST: bugs.gh_6976 NOTES: [20.07.2022] pzotov Bug reproduced on but only when it is tested just after In that case firebird.log will have following messages: HOME-AUX2 Thu Jul 21 01:25:17 2022 I/O error during "ReadFile" operation for file "C:/TEMP/.../TMP_GH_6976.CUTED_OFF.FDB" Error while trying to read from file [localized message can be here]: "end of file encountered" HOME-AUX2 Thu Jul 21 01:25:17 2022 ------------------------------------ [ 1 ] TPC: Cannot initialize the shared memory region (header) I/O error during "ReadFile" operation for file "C:/TEMP/.../TMP_GH_6976.CUTED_OFF.FDB" Error while trying to read from file [localized message can be here]: "end of file encountered" HOME-AUX2 Thu Jul 21 01:27:07 2022 ------------------------------------ [ 2 ] diff: 110 sec. Operating system call WaitForSingleObject failed. Error code 0 HOME-AUX2 Thu Jul 21 01:27:07 2022 TPC: Cannot initialize the shared memory region (header) operating system directive WaitForSingleObject failed [localized message can be here]: "operation completed successfully" NB: time interval between 01:25:17 and 01:27:07 is exactly 110 seconds. On recent FB 4.x and 5.x median duration for delivering error to client must be about 80 ms. On this was about 640 ms (in case when it was tested without previous 5.x test). For concluding whether problem exists or no, MEDIAN value of time serie is used. Recent FB build show that time to wait exception with expected gdscode = 335544344 must be less than 300 ms but it depends on ServerMode (for Classic it is about 2x more than for Super). Median value will be compared with THRESHOLD_FOR_MAKE_CONNECT_MS variable.. Each attempt to connect top broken DB must bring stack with TWO gdscodes: isc_io_error = 335544344; isc_io_read_err = 335544736; Checked on Windows: (SS/CS), (SS/CS), """ import os import subprocess import codecs import re import time from datetime import datetime as dt from datetime import timedelta from pathlib import Path import pytest from firebird.qa import * SKIP_BACK_FROM_LAST_PAGE = 15 NUM_OF_CUTED_LAST_PAGES = 20 db = db_factory() tmp_fdb = db_factory(filename = 'tmp_gh_6976.cuted_off.fdb', async_write = True) act_source = python_act('db') act_broken = python_act('tmp_fdb') #-------------------------------------------- def median(lst): n = len(lst) s = sorted(lst) return (sum(s[n//2-1:n//2+1])/2.0, s[n//2])[n % 2] if n else None #-------------------------------------------- def try_cuted_off_db(act_source, act_broken, db_page_size, db_pages_cnt, cut_off_pages_cnt): dbsrc = act_source.db.db_path dbtgt = act_broken.db.db_path with open(dbsrc, 'rb') as f: fdb_binary_content = f.read( db_page_size * (db_pages_cnt - cut_off_pages_cnt) ) with open(dbtgt, 'wb') as w: w.write(fdb_binary_content) #msg_suffix = 'on attempt to connect to DB with missed last %d pages' % cut_off_pages_cnt da = dt.now() diff_ms = -1 # isc_io_error = 335544344; # isc_io_read_err = 335544736; expected_gds_list = (335544344, 335544736) try: ######################### ### c o n n e c t ### ######################### with act_broken.db.connect(): #with act_broken.db.connect(user = 'John', password = '123'): # NOTE: this *can occur. # In that case one need to increase SKIP_BACK_FROM_LAST_PAGE setting. print('UNEXPECTED: can connect to DB with missed last %d pages' % cut_off_pages_cnt) except Exception as e: db = dt.now() diff_ms = (db-da).seconds*1000 + (db-da).microseconds//1000 if set( expected_gds_list ).issubset( set(e.gds_codes) ): pass else: print('Actual list of gdscodes:') print(e.gds_codes) print('- does not contain at least one element from following list:') print(expected_gds_list) finally: # We have to restore VALID content of target database # otherwise problem on test teardown will raise: with open(dbsrc, 'rb') as f: fdb_origin_content = f.read( db_page_size * db_pages_cnt ) with open(dbtgt, 'wb') as w: w.write(fdb_origin_content) return diff_ms #-------------------------------------------- @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0.8') @pytest.mark.platform('Windows') def test_1(act_source: Action, act_broken: Action, capsys): THRESHOLD_FOR_MAKE_CONNECT_MS = 250 if 'classic' in act_source.vars['server-arch'].lower() else 100 with act_source.db.connect() as con: db_page_size = con.info.page_size db_pages_all = con.info.pages_allocated db_pages_cnt = con.info.size_in_pages ################## ### L O O P ### ################## connect_establishing_ms = [] for i in range(SKIP_BACK_FROM_LAST_PAGE, SKIP_BACK_FROM_LAST_PAGE + NUM_OF_CUTED_LAST_PAGES, 1): ms = try_cuted_off_db( act_source, act_broken, db_page_size, db_pages_cnt, i) if ms >= 0: connect_establishing_ms.append( ms ) if len(connect_establishing_ms) > 0: median_connect_ms = median(connect_establishing_ms) msg_prefix = 'Median duration of receiving an error by the client: ' if median_connect_ms <= THRESHOLD_FOR_MAKE_CONNECT_MS: print(msg_prefix + 'acceptable.') else: print(msg_prefix + '/* perf_issue_tag */ POOR: %s - more than threshold: %s' % ( '{:9g}'.format(median_connect_ms), '{:9g}'.format(THRESHOLD_FOR_MAKE_CONNECT_MS) )) print("Check values:" ) for p in connect_establishing_ms: print(p) else: print('UNEXPECTED FINAL: ENGINE COULD NOT DETECT DAMAGE OF DATABASE.') expected_stdout = msg_prefix + 'acceptable.' act_source.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act_source.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act_source.clean_stdout == act_source.clean_expected_stdout