#coding:utf-8 # # id: bugs.core_5248 # title: Improve consistency in GRANT syntax between roles and privileges according to SQL standard # decription: # Checked on; # # tracker_id: CORE-5248 # min_versions: ['3.0.1'] # versions: 3.0.1, 4.0 # qmid: None import pytest from firebird.qa import db_factory, isql_act, Action # version: 3.0.1 # resources: None substitutions_1 = [] init_script_1 = """""" db_1 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1) test_script_1 = """ set list on; set autoddl off; commit; connect '$(DSN)' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; create or alter user tmp$c5248_usr0 password 'c5248$u0'; create or alter user tmp$c5248_usrx password 'c5248$ux'; commit; grant create role to user tmp$c5248_usr0; commit; set term ^; execute block as begin execute statement 'drop role test_role1'; when any do begin end end^ set term ;^ commit; connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$c5248_usr0 password 'c5248$u0'; create role test_role1; -- tmp$c5248_usr0 is owner of role test_role1 commit; -- drop role - should fail connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$c5248_usrx password 'c5248$ux'; -- Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000 -- unsuccessful metadata update -- -DROP ROLE TEST_ROLE1 failed -- -no permission for DROP access to ROLE TEST_ROLE1 drop role test_role1; -- should fail: this user is not owner of this role and he was not granted to use it with admin option select count(*) from rdb$roles where rdb$role_name = 'TEST_ROLE1'; rollback; connect '$(DSN)' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; drop user tmp$c5248_usr0; drop user tmp$c5248_usrx; commit; """ act_1 = isql_act('db_1', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions_1) expected_stdout_1 = """ COUNT 1 """ expected_stderr_1 = """ Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000 unsuccessful metadata update -DROP ROLE TEST_ROLE1 failed -no permission for DROP access to ROLE TEST_ROLE1 """ @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0.1,<4.0') def test_1(act_1: Action): act_1.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_1 act_1.expected_stderr = expected_stderr_1 act_1.execute() assert act_1.clean_expected_stderr == act_1.clean_stderr assert act_1.clean_expected_stdout == act_1.clean_stdout # version: 4.0 # resources: None substitutions_2 = [('-TMP\\$C5248_USR1 is not grantor of (role|ROLE|Role) on TEST_ROLE1 to TMP\\$C5248_USR1.', '-TMP$C5248_USR1 is not grantor of ROLE on TEST_ROLE1 to TMP$C5248_USR1.'), ('-Effective user is.*', '')] init_script_2 = """""" db_2 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_2) test_script_2 = """ set list on; set count on; set autoddl off; --set echo on; commit; connect '$(DSN)' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; create or alter user tmp$c5248_usr0 password 'c5248$u0'; create or alter user tmp$c5248_usr1 password 'c5248$u1'; create or alter user tmp$c5248_usr2 password 'c5248$u2'; create or alter user tmp$c5248_usr3 password 'c5248$u3'; create or alter user tmp$c5248_usrx password 'c5248$ux'; commit; grant create role to user tmp$c5248_usr0; commit; set term ^; execute block as begin execute statement 'drop role test_role1'; when any do begin end end^ set term ;^ commit; recreate view v_grants as select current_user as who_am_i ,p.RDB$USER as who_was_granted ,p.RDB$PRIVILEGE as privilege_type ,p.RDB$RELATION_NAME as role_name ,r.RDB$OWNER_NAME as role_owner ,p.RDB$GRANTOR as granted_by ,p.RDB$GRANT_OPTION as grant_option from rdb$user_privileges p left join rdb$roles r on p.rdb$relation_name = r.rdb$role_name where p.rdb$object_type=13 ; commit; grant select on v_grants to public; commit; connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$c5248_usr0 password 'c5248$u0'; create role test_role1; -- tmp$c5248_usr0 is owner of role test_role1 commit; connect '$(DSN)' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; grant test_role1 to tmp$c5248_usr1 with admin option; grant test_role1 to tmp$c5248_usr3; commit; connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$c5248_usr1 password 'c5248$u1'; grant test_role1 to tmp$c5248_usr2; ----------------------- tmp$c5248_usr1 grants role to tmp$c5248_usr2 commit; -- 1. revoke - avoid cascade grants delete connect '$(DSN)' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; select * from v_grants where upper(who_was_granted) in ( upper('tmp$c5248_usr1'), upper('tmp$c5248_usr2') ); -- must contain 2 records revoke test_role1 from tmp$c5248_usr1; -- Q: whether grant on role 'test_role1' remains to user 'tmp$c5248_usr2' after revoking from 'tmp$c5248_usr1' ? select * from v_grants where upper(who_was_granted) in ( upper('tmp$c5248_usr1'), upper('tmp$c5248_usr2') ); -- must contain 1 record for tmp$c5248_usr2 -- return grant to tmp$c5248_usr1 because it was revoked just now: rollback; --grant test_role1 to tmp$c5248_usr1 with admin option; --commit; -- 2. revoke: user who has 'admin option' can revoke role from anyone EXCEPT himself connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$c5248_usr1 password 'c5248$u1'; -- Following REVOKE should fail with: -- Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000 -- unsuccessful metadata update -- -REVOKE failed -- -tmp$c5248_usr1 is not grantor of Role on TEST_ROLE1 to tmp$c5248_usr1. revoke test_role1 from tmp$c5248_usr1; select * from v_grants where upper(who_was_granted) = upper('tmp$c5248_usr1'); -- record should remain rollback; -- 3. revoke - check role owner rights connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$c5248_usr0 password 'c5248$u0'; select * from v_grants where upper(who_was_granted) = upper('tmp$c5248_usr3'); -- current user = tmp$c5248_usr0 - is owner of role test_role1, but this role was granted to tmp$c5248_usr3 by SYSDBA. -- Q: should user 'c5248$u0' (current) be able to revoke role which he did NOT grant but owns ? -- A: yes. revoke test_role1 from tmp$c5248_usr3; -- NO error/warning should be here select * from v_grants where upper(who_was_granted) = upper('tmp$c5248_usr3'); -- record should NOT appear. rollback; -- 4. revoke - check admin option connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$c5248_usr1 password 'c5248$u1'; select * from v_grants where upper(who_was_granted) in ( upper('tmp$c5248_usr1'), upper('tmp$c5248_usr3') ); -- two records should be here -- current user = tmp$c5248_usr1 - is NOT owner of role TEST_ROLE1 but he was granted to use it WITH ADMIN option -- (grant test_role1 to tmp$c5248_usr1 with admin option). -- Q: should user 'tmp$c5248_usr1' (current) be able to revoke role which he neither did grant nor owns but has admin option ? -- A: yes. revoke test_role1 from tmp$c5248_usr3; select * from v_grants where upper(who_was_granted) in (upper('tmp$c5248_usr1'), upper('tmp$c5248_usr3')); -- only one record should be here rollback; -- 5a. drop role - should fail connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$c5248_usrx password 'c5248$ux'; -- Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000 -- unsuccessful metadata update -- -DROP ROLE TEST_ROLE1 failed -- -no permission for DROP access to ROLE TEST_ROLE1 drop role test_role1; -- should fail: this user is not owner of this role and he was not granted to use it with admin option set count off; select count(*) from rdb$roles where rdb$role_name = 'TEST_ROLE1'; set count on; rollback; connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$c5248_usr0 password 'c5248$u0'; select * from v_grants where upper(role_name) = upper('TEST_ROLE1'); -- should output 3 records drop role test_role1; -- current user: 'tmp$c5248_usr0' - is owner of role test_role1 select * from rdb$roles where upper(rdb$role_name) = upper('TEST_ROLE1'); -- should output 0 records select * from v_grants where upper(role_name) = upper('TEST_ROLE1'); -- should output 0 records rollback; -- 6. drop role - check admin option connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$c5248_usr1 password 'c5248$u1'; -- current user: 'tmp$c5248_usr1' - HAS grant on role TEST_ROLE1 with admin option (but he is NOT owner of this role). select * from v_grants where upper(role_name) = upper('TEST_ROLE1'); -- should output 3 records drop role test_role1; -- current user: 'tmp$c5248_usr0' - is owner of role test_role1 select * from rdb$roles where upper(rdb$role_name) = upper('TEST_ROLE1'); -- should output 0 records select * from v_grants where upper(role_name) = upper('TEST_ROLE1'); -- should output 0 records rollback; connect '$(DSN)' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; drop user tmp$c5248_usr0; drop user tmp$c5248_usr1; drop user tmp$c5248_usr2; drop user tmp$c5248_usr3; drop user tmp$c5248_usrx; commit; """ act_2 = isql_act('db_2', test_script_2, substitutions=substitutions_2) expected_stdout_2 = """ WHO_AM_I SYSDBA WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR1 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY SYSDBA GRANT_OPTION 2 WHO_AM_I SYSDBA WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR2 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY TMP$C5248_USR1 GRANT_OPTION 0 Records affected: 2 WHO_AM_I SYSDBA WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR2 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY TMP$C5248_USR1 GRANT_OPTION 0 Records affected: 1 WHO_AM_I TMP$C5248_USR1 WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR1 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY SYSDBA GRANT_OPTION 2 Records affected: 1 WHO_AM_I TMP$C5248_USR0 WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR3 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY SYSDBA GRANT_OPTION 0 Records affected: 1 Records affected: 0 WHO_AM_I TMP$C5248_USR1 WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR1 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY SYSDBA GRANT_OPTION 2 WHO_AM_I TMP$C5248_USR1 WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR3 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY SYSDBA GRANT_OPTION 0 Records affected: 2 WHO_AM_I TMP$C5248_USR1 WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR1 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY SYSDBA GRANT_OPTION 2 Records affected: 1 COUNT 1 WHO_AM_I TMP$C5248_USR0 WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR1 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY SYSDBA GRANT_OPTION 2 WHO_AM_I TMP$C5248_USR0 WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR3 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY SYSDBA GRANT_OPTION 0 WHO_AM_I TMP$C5248_USR0 WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR2 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY TMP$C5248_USR1 GRANT_OPTION 0 Records affected: 3 Records affected: 0 Records affected: 0 WHO_AM_I TMP$C5248_USR1 WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR1 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY SYSDBA GRANT_OPTION 2 WHO_AM_I TMP$C5248_USR1 WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR3 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY SYSDBA GRANT_OPTION 0 WHO_AM_I TMP$C5248_USR1 WHO_WAS_GRANTED TMP$C5248_USR2 PRIVILEGE_TYPE M ROLE_NAME TEST_ROLE1 ROLE_OWNER TMP$C5248_USR0 GRANTED_BY TMP$C5248_USR1 GRANT_OPTION 0 Records affected: 3 Records affected: 0 Records affected: 0 """ expected_stderr_2 = """ Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000 unsuccessful metadata update -REVOKE failed -TMP$C5248_USR1 is not grantor of ROLE on TEST_ROLE1 to TMP$C5248_USR1. Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000 unsuccessful metadata update -DROP ROLE TEST_ROLE1 failed -no permission for DROP access to ROLE TEST_ROLE1 """ @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_2(act_2: Action): act_2.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_2 act_2.expected_stderr = expected_stderr_2 act_2.execute() assert act_2.clean_expected_stderr == act_2.clean_stderr assert act_2.clean_expected_stdout == act_2.clean_stdout