#coding:utf-8 """ ID: generator.alter-01 FBTEST: functional.generator.alter.01 TITLE: ALTER SEQUENCE DESCRIPTION: Create sequence and try several cases of ALTER SEQUENCE statement. Then check result that is stored in RDB$GENERATORS table and gen_id(, 0) value. NB: we have to issue 'COMMIT' after each ALTER SEQUENCE statement in order to see new values in RDB. NOTES: [07.08.2020] we have to separate test for 3.0 and 4.0 because INITIAL value of new sequence in FB 4.x now differs from "old good zero" (this is so since CORE-6084 was fixed). [13.08.2020] changed code for FB 4.x after introduction of fix for CORE-6386: value that was initially written into RDB$GENERATORD.RDB$INITIAL_VALUE column must NOT changed on any kind of ALTER EQUENCE statement, even when it contains 'RESTART WITH' clause. Checked on See also: doc/README.incompatibilities.3to4.txt """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * substitutions = [('===.*', ''), ('[ \t]+', ' ')] db = db_factory() # version: 3.0 test_script_1 = """ recreate generator g; recreate view v_info as select rdb$initial_value as rdb_init, rdb$generator_increment as rdb_incr, gen_id(g,0) as gen_id_0 from rdb$generators where rdb$generator_name=upper('g'); commit; select 'point-00' as msg, v.* from v_info v; set heading off; alter sequence g increment by -1; commit; select 'point-01' as msg, v.* from v_info v; alter sequence g increment by 1; commit; select 'point-02' as msg, v.* from v_info v; alter sequence g restart with 0; commit; select 'point-03' as msg, v.* from v_info v; alter sequence g restart with -1; commit; select 'point-04' as msg, v.* from v_info v; alter sequence g restart with -1 increment by -1; commit; select 'point-05' as msg, v.* from v_info v; alter sequence g restart with -1 increment by 1; commit; select 'point-06' as msg, v.* from v_info v; alter sequence g restart with 1 increment by -1; commit; select 'point-07' as msg, v.* from v_info v; alter sequence g restart with 1 increment by 1; commit; select 'point-08' as msg, v.* from v_info v; commit; """ act_1 = isql_act('db', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions) expected_stdout_1 = """ MSG RDB_INIT RDB_INCR GEN_ID_0 ======== ===================== ============ ===================== point-00 0 1 0 point-01 0 -1 0 point-02 0 1 0 point-03 0 1 0 point-04 -1 1 -1 point-05 -1 -1 -1 point-06 -1 1 -1 point-07 1 -1 1 point-08 1 1 1 """ @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0,<4.0') def test_1(act_1: Action): act_1.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_1 act_1.execute() assert act_1.clean_stdout == act_1.clean_expected_stdout # version: 4.0 test_script_2 = """ recreate generator g start with 7654321; set term ^; create procedure sp_gen_info returns( rdb_init bigint, rdb_incr bigint, gen_id_curr bigint, gen_id_next bigint) as begin select rdb$initial_value , rdb$generator_increment from rdb$generators where rdb$generator_name=upper('g') into rdb_init, rdb_incr; execute statement 'select gen_id(g,0) from rdb$database' into gen_id_curr; execute statement 'select next value for g from rdb$database' into gen_id_next; suspend; end^ set term ;^ commit; select 'point-00' as msg, p.* from sp_gen_info p; --set echo on; set heading off; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test when only INCREMENT BY clause presents: recreate generator g start with 7654321; commit; alter sequence g increment by -23456789; commit; select 'point-01' as msg, p.* from sp_gen_info p; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- recreate generator g start with 7654321; commit; alter sequence g increment by 23456789; commit; select 'point-02' as msg, p.* from sp_gen_info p; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test when only RESTART clause presents: recreate generator g start with 7654321; commit; alter sequence g restart with -1234567; commit; select 'point-03' as msg, p.* from sp_gen_info p; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- recreate generator g start with 7654321; commit; alter sequence g restart with 1234567; commit; select 'point-04' as msg, p.* from sp_gen_info p; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test when both RESTART and INCREMENT BY clauses present: recreate generator g start with 7654321; commit; alter sequence g restart with -1234567 increment by -23456789; commit; select 'point-05' as msg, p.* from sp_gen_info p; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- recreate generator g start with 7654321; commit; alter sequence g restart with -1234567 increment by 23456789; commit; select 'point-06' as msg, p.* from sp_gen_info p; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- recreate generator g start with 7654321; commit; alter sequence g restart with 1234567 increment by -23456789; commit; select 'point-07' as msg, p.* from sp_gen_info p; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- recreate generator g start with 7654321; commit; alter sequence g restart with 1234567 increment by 23456789; commit; select 'point-08' as msg, p.* from sp_gen_info p; """ act_2 = isql_act('db', test_script_2, substitutions=substitutions) expected_stdout_2 = """ MSG RDB_INIT RDB_INCR GEN_ID_CURR GEN_ID_NEXT ======== ===================== ===================== ===================== ===================== point-00 7654321 1 7654320 7654321 point-01 7654321 -23456789 7654320 -15802469 point-02 7654321 23456789 7654320 31111109 point-03 7654321 1 -1234568 -1234567 point-04 7654321 1 1234566 1234567 point-05 7654321 -23456789 22222222 -1234567 point-06 7654321 23456789 -24691356 -1234567 point-07 7654321 -23456789 24691356 1234567 point-08 7654321 23456789 -22222222 1234567 """ @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_2(act_2: Action): act_2.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_2 act_2.execute() assert act_2.clean_stdout == act_2.clean_expected_stdout