#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-7388 ISSUE: 7388 TITLE: Different invariants optimization between views and CTEs DESCRIPTION: We run two queries as described in the ticket (see variables 'query1' and 'query2'). For each of them we gather table statistics (sequential and indexed reads) and explained plan. If any value in the pair (seq, idx) differ between two statistics then we print all info about that plus explained plans. Otherwise we can consider test passed (without printing any concrete data from statistics or explained plans). NOTES: [20.01.2024] pzotov Confirmed problem on Checked on, """ import pytest from pathlib import Path from firebird.qa import * init_sql = """ create view v1 as select r.rdb$relation_id as id, r.rdb$relation_name as name from rdb$relations r inner join rdb$relation_fields rf on r.rdb$relation_name = rf.rdb$relation_name left join rdb$security_classes sc on r.rdb$security_class = sc.rdb$security_class ; commit; """ db = db_factory(init = init_sql) act = python_act('db') SUCCESS_MSG = "Expected: table statistics are identical." #---------------------------------------------------------- def replace_leading(source, char="#"): stripped = source.lstrip() return char * (len(source) - len(stripped)) + stripped #---------------------------------------------------------- @pytest.mark.version('>=5.0') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): t_map = { 'rdb$relation_fields' : -1, 'rdb$relations' : -1, 'rdb$security_classes' : -1 } query1 = """ select 1 from v1 where id = (select max(id) from v1) """ query2 = """ with sub as ( select r.rdb$relation_id as id, r.rdb$relation_name as name from rdb$relations r inner join rdb$relation_fields rf on r.rdb$relation_name = rf.rdb$relation_name left join rdb$security_classes sc on r.rdb$security_class = sc.rdb$security_class ) select * from sub where sub.id = (select max(id) from sub) """ q_map = {query1 : '', query2 : ''} with act.db.connect() as con: cur = con.cursor() for k in t_map.keys(): cur.execute(f"select rdb$relation_id from rdb$relations where rdb$relation_name = upper('{k}')") test_rel_id = None for r in cur: test_rel_id = r[0] assert test_rel_id, f"Could not find ID for relation '{k}'. Check its name!" t_map[ k ] = test_rel_id result_map = {} for qry_txt in q_map.keys(): with cur.prepare(qry_txt) as ps: q_map[qry_txt] = ps.detailed_plan for tab_nm,tab_id in t_map.items(): tabstat1 = [ p for p in con.info.get_table_access_stats() if p.table_id == tab_id ] cur.execute(qry_txt) for r in cur: pass tabstat2 = [ p for p in con.info.get_table_access_stats() if p.table_id == tab_id ] result_map[qry_txt, tab_nm] = \ ( tabstat2[0].sequential if tabstat2[0].sequential else 0 ,tabstat2[0].indexed if tabstat2[0].indexed else 0 ) if tabstat1: seq, idx = result_map[qry_txt, tab_nm] seq -= (tabstat1[0].sequential if tabstat1[0].sequential else 0) idx -= (tabstat1[0].indexed if tabstat1[0].indexed else 0) result_map[qry_txt, tab_nm] = (seq, idx) ''' print('q_map.items():') for k,v in q_map.items(): print('k=',k) print('v=',v) print('') print('') print('result_map.items():') for k,v in result_map.items(): print('(query,tab_nm)=',k) print('v=',v) print('') ''' mism_found = 0 for tab_nm in t_map.keys(): if result_map[query1, tab_nm] == result_map[query2, tab_nm]: pass else: print(f"Mismatch detected in the statistics for table '{tab_nm}'.") print('Query-1:') print('(seq,idx) =',result_map[query1, tab_nm]) print('Query-2:') print('(seq,idx) =',result_map[query2, tab_nm]) mism_found += 1 if mism_found: print('Check execution plans:') for i,qry_txt in enumerate(q_map.keys()): print('-' * 22) print(f'Query-{i+1}:') print(qry_txt) print('-' * 22) print('Plan:') print( '\n'.join([replace_leading(s) for s in q_map[qry_txt].split('\n')]) ) # explained plan, with preserving indents by replacing leading spaces with '#' print('') else: print(SUCCESS_MSG) act.expected_stdout = SUCCESS_MSG act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout