#coding:utf-8 """ ID: syspriv.read-raw-pages TITLE: Check ability to get binary content of DB page by non-sysdba user who is granted with necessary system privilege DESCRIPTION: Test uses ability to read binary content of DB page that is provided by FDB driver (see con.get_page_contents() call). We obtain content of page with ID=1 (this is PIP) and get its type (it must be 2). This action can be done by NON-dba user only if he has apropriate system privilege, otherwise FDB raises Python-related error. We catch this error in order to prevent failing of test with 'E' outcome and print text of exception. FBTEST: functional.syspriv.read_raw_pages NOTES: [20.05.2022] pzotov Name of method to obtain raw data of page was changed in the firebird-driver: 'get_page_content()' // no tailing 's' after 't' Checked on, """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver.core import DatabaseInfoProvider3 as dbnfo from struct import unpack_from db = db_factory() tmp_hacker = user_factory('db', name = 'tmp_syspriv_raw_hacker', password = '123') tmp_reader = user_factory('db', name = 'tmp_syspriv_raw_reader', password = '123') tmp_role = role_factory('db', name='tmp_role_for_read_raw_pages') act = python_act('db') expected_stdout_isql = """ WHO_AMI TMP_SYSPRIV_RAW_READER RDB$ROLE_NAME RDB$ADMIN RDB_ROLE_IN_USE RDB$SYSTEM_PRIVILEGES FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF WHO_AMI TMP_SYSPRIV_RAW_READER RDB$ROLE_NAME TMP_ROLE_FOR_READ_RAW_PAGES RDB_ROLE_IN_USE RDB$SYSTEM_PRIVILEGES 0400000000000000 """ expected_stdout_main = """ User: TMP_SYSPRIV_RAW_HACKER. Exception occured: InterfaceError('An error response was received') User: TMP_SYSPRIV_RAW_READER. Successfully get content of page, its type: 2 """ @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_1(act: Action, tmp_hacker: User, tmp_reader: User, tmp_role: Role, capsys): init_script = f""" set wng off; set bail on; set list on; alter role {tmp_role.name} set system privileges to READ_RAW_PAGES; commit; grant default {tmp_role.name} to user {tmp_reader.name}; commit; create or alter view v_check as select current_user as who_ami ,r.rdb$role_name ,rdb$role_in_use(r.rdb$role_name) as RDB_ROLE_IN_USE ,r.rdb$system_privileges from rdb$roles r order by r.rdb$role_name; commit; grant select on v_check to public; commit; connect '{act.db.dsn}' user {tmp_reader.name} password '{tmp_reader.password}'; select * from v_check; commit; """ act.isql(switches=['-q'], input=init_script, combine_output=True) act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_isql assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset() for u in (tmp_hacker, tmp_reader): with act.db.connect(user = u.name, password = u.password) as con: dbx = None try: dbx = dbnfo(con) page_buffer = dbx.get_page_content( 1 ) (page_type,) = unpack_from('