#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-2655 ISSUE: 2655 TITLE: Problem with column names with Accents and triggers DESCRIPTION: JIRA: CORE-2227 FBTEST: bugs.core_2227 NOTES: [31.10.2024] pzotov Bug was fixed for too old FB (2.1.2; 2.5 Beta1) so firebird-driver and/or QA-plugin will not able to run on this version in order to reproduce problem. Source for this test was taken from ticket almost w/o changes. Only aux view has been added ('v_conn_cset') for showing current connection protocol and character set - we make query to this view two twice: one for TCP and then for local protocol. Checked on (Windows/Linux);;;, 3,0,1,32609 """ from pathlib import Path import pytest from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory(charset='ISO8859_1') act = isql_act('db', substitutions = [ ('[ \\t]+', ' '), ('TCPv(4|6)', 'TCP') ]) tmp_sql = temp_file('tmp_core_2227.sql') @pytest.mark.intl @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0.0') def test_1(act: Action, tmp_sql: Path): test_script = f""" set bail on; set list on; recreate table testing ( "CÓDIGO" integer ); commit; set term ^; create trigger testing_i for testing active before insert position 0 as begin new."CÓDIGO" = 1; end ^ set term ;^ commit; create view v_conn_cset as select rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'NETWORK_PROTOCOL') as conn_protocol ,c.rdb$character_set_name as connection_cset ,r.rdb$character_set_name as db_default_cset from mon$attachments a join rdb$character_sets c on a.mon$character_set_id = c.rdb$character_set_id cross join rdb$database r where a.mon$attachment_id=current_connection; commit; connect '{act.db.dsn}'; select * from v_conn_cset; insert into testing default values returning "CÓDIGO"; rollback; connect '{act.db.db_path}'; select * from v_conn_cset; insert into testing default values returning "CÓDIGO"; """ tmp_sql.write_text(test_script, encoding='iso8859_1') act.expected_stdout = """ CONN_PROTOCOL TCPv4 CONNECTION_CSET ISO8859_1 DB_DEFAULT_CSET ISO8859_1 CÓDIGO 1 CONN_PROTOCOL CONNECTION_CSET ISO8859_1 DB_DEFAULT_CSET ISO8859_1 CÓDIGO 1 """ act.isql(switches = ['-q'], input_file = tmp_sql, charset = 'iso8859_1', combine_output = True) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout