#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6932 ISSUE: 6932 TITLE: GTT's pages are not released while dropping it DESCRIPTION: We extract value of config parameter 'TempTableDirectory' in order to get directory where GTT data are stored. If this parameter is undefined then we query environment variables: FIREBIRD_TMP; TEMP and TMP - and stop after finding first non-empty value in this list. Name of this folder is stored in GTT_DIR variable. Then we create GTT and add some data in it; file 'fb_table_*' will appear in after this. We have to obtain size of this file and invoke os.path.getsize(). Result will be NON-zero, despite that Windows 'dir' command shows that this file has size 0. We initialize list 'gtt_size_list' and save this size in it as 'initial' element (with index 0). After this, we make loop for iterations and do on each of them: * drop GTT; * create GTT (with new name); * add some data into just created GTT * get GTT file size and add it to the list for further analysis (see 'gtt_size_list.append(...)') Finally, we scan list 'gtt_size_list' (starting from 2nd element) and evaluate DIFFERENCE between size of GTT file that was obtained on Nth and (N-1)th iterations. MEDIAN value of this difference must be ZERO. NB-1. BEFORE this ticket was fixed, size of GTT grew noticeably only for the first ~10 iterations. This is example how size was changed (in percents): 26.88 34.92 12.69 19.84 11.91 10.64 14.43 8.40 7.75 For big numbers of ITER_COUNT values quickly tend to zero. AFTER this fix size is changed only for 2nd iteration (and not in every measure), for ~6%. All rest changes (startingfrom 3rd measure) must be zero. NB-2. Test implemented for Windows only: there is no ability to get name of GTT file on Linux because all such files marked as deleted immediately after creation. FBTEST: bugs.core_6932 NOTES: [20.06.2022] pzotov Confirmed bug on; Checked on WINDOWS builds:,, T5.0.0.509 """ import os import sys import glob import pytest from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import TPB, Isolation #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def median(lst): n = len(lst) s = sorted(lst) return (sum(s[n//2-1:n//2+1])/2.0, s[n//2])[n % 2] if n else None #-------------------------------------------------------------------- db = db_factory() act = python_act('db') #custom_tpb = TPB(isolation=Isolation.READ_COMMITTED_RECORD_VERSION, lock_timeout=0, auto_commit = True) custom_tpb = TPB(lock_timeout=0) #, auto_commit = True) ITER_COUNT = 30 FB_GTT_PATTERN = 'fb_table_*' expected_stdout_gtt_size_median = """ GTT file size remains the same. """ @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0.9') @pytest.mark.platform('Windows') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): GTT_DIR = '' GTT_CREATE_TABLE = "recreate global temporary table gtt_%(gtt_name_idx)s(s varchar(1000) unique) on commit preserve rows" GTT_ADD_RECORDS = "insert into gtt_%(gtt_name_idx)s select lpad('', 1000, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid())) from rdb$types,rdb$types rows 1000" GTT_DROP_TABLE = "drop table gtt_%(gtt_prev_idx)s" with act.db.connect() as con: tx1 = con.transaction_manager(default_tpb=custom_tpb.get_buffer()) tx1.begin() cur = tx1.cursor() #cur.execute("select coalesce(rdb$config_value,'') from rdb$config where rdb$config_name = 'TempTableDirectory'") #for r in cur: # GTT_DIR = r[0] if not GTT_DIR: for p in ('FIREBIRD_TMP', 'TEMP', 'TMP'): GTT_DIR = os.environ.get(p, '') if GTT_DIR: break if not GTT_DIR: print('### ABEND ### Could not get directory where GTT data are stored.') assert GTT_DIR act.reset() gtt_dir_init = glob.glob( os.path.join(GTT_DIR, FB_GTT_PATTERN) ) gtt_name_idx = 0 cur.execute(GTT_CREATE_TABLE % locals()) tx1.commit() cur.execute(GTT_ADD_RECORDS % locals()) tx1.commit() gtt_dir_curr = glob.glob( os.path.join(GTT_DIR, FB_GTT_PATTERN) ) gtt_new_file = list(set(gtt_dir_curr) - set(gtt_dir_init))[0] gtt_size_list = [ (0,os.path.getsize(gtt_new_file)) ] for gtt_name_idx in range(1,ITER_COUNT): # print('Iter No %d' % gtt_name_idx) gtt_prev_idx = gtt_name_idx-1 cur.execute(GTT_DROP_TABLE % locals()) tx1.commit() cur.execute(GTT_CREATE_TABLE % locals()) tx1.commit() cur.execute(GTT_ADD_RECORDS % locals()) tx1.commit() gtt_size_list.append( (gtt_name_idx,os.path.getsize(gtt_new_file)) ) size_changes_percent_list = [] for k in range(1,len(gtt_size_list)): size_changes_percent_list.append( 100.00 * gtt_size_list[k][1] / gtt_size_list[k-1][1] - 100 ) median_size_change_percent = median(size_changes_percent_list) if median_size_change_percent == 0: print( 'GTT file size remains the same.' ) else: print('GTT file size UNEXPECTEDLY INCREASED. Check percentage:') for p in size_changes_percent_list: print( '{:.2f}'.format(p) ) act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_gtt_size_median assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset()