#coding:utf-8 # # id: bugs.core_5953 # title: Statement level read consistency in read-committed transactions # decription: # We create table with single column and inspect it TWICE by this query: 'select max(x) from test'. # Both queries are in the single procedure, but they are separated by autonomous transaction. # Initially (before 1st query) this table has one record with value=1, so the first query will return 1. # Then autonomous transaction inserts into this table 10 rows with incremental values. # After this, query runs again. # # Procedure is executed within READ COMMITTED transations. # # If current transaction was started as READ CONSISTENCY then 2nd query must return the same value as 1st. # Otherwise 2nd query return DIFFERENT (last of newly added) value and output column MAX_X will differ. # # Checked on # # ::: NB ::: # It is stated (in doc\\README.read_consistency.md ) that "In the future versions of Firebird old kinds of read-committed transactions could be removed". # But for now we can suppose that at least in FB 4.x family these modes will be preserved and we can use them beside new (READ CONSISTENCY) mode. # This means that we can check in this test BOTH modes and compare results, i.e.: # 1. Start Tx in READ CONSISTENCY mode, get result_1; commit; # 2. Start Tx in READ RECORD_VERSION, get result_2 - and it must differ from result_1. # For this test could start Tx in READ RECORD_VERSION mode, parameter ReadConsistency in firebird.conf must be set to 0 (ZERO). # THIS VALUE DIFFERS FROM DEFAULT, but it is not a problem for other major FB-versions: config is prepared separately for each of them. # So, if in the future some major FB version will exclude RECORD_VERSION at all we can prepare new section of this test # which will assume that there is no such parameter (ReadConsistency) in firebird.conf and check only one isolation mode. # # :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NB :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # 18.08.2020. FB 4.x has incompatible behaviour with all previous versions since build (06-aug-2020): # statement 'alter sequence restart with 0' changes rdb$generators.rdb$initial_value to -1 thus next call # gen_id(,1) will return 0 (ZERO!) rather than 1. # See also CORE-6084 and its fix: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/commit/23dc0c6297825b2e9006f4d5a2c488702091033d # :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # This is considered as *expected* and is noted in doc/README.incompatibilities.3to4.txt # # Because of this, it was decided to replace 'alter sequence restart...' with subtraction of two gen values: # c = gen_id(, -gen_id(, 0)) -- see procedure sp_restart_sequences. # # Checked on # # [pcisar] 3.11.2021 This test fails for v4.0.0.2496 (4.0 final) # # tracker_id: CORE-5953 # min_versions: ['4.0'] # versions: 4.0 # qmid: None import pytest from firebird.qa import db_factory, isql_act, Action # version: 4.0 # resources: None substitutions_1 = [] init_script_1 = """""" db_1 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1) test_script_1 = """ -- drop dependencies if any: create or alter procedure sp_restart_sequences as begin end; create or alter view v_check as select 1 as isol_level, 1 as max_x from rdb$database; commit; create or alter procedure sp_run_heavy_query returns( dts timestamp, max_x int ) as begin end; recreate sequence g; recreate table test(x int, constraint test_pk primary key(x) using descending index test_x_desc_pk); commit; set term ^; alter procedure sp_run_heavy_query returns( dts timestamp, max_x int ) as begin execute statement 'select max(x) from test' into max_x; dts='now'; suspend; in autonomous transaction do begin insert into test(x) select gen_id(g,1) from rdb$types rows 10; end execute statement 'select max(x) from test' into max_x; dts='now'; suspend; end ^ create or alter procedure sp_restart_sequences as declare c bigint; begin c = gen_id(g, -gen_id(g, 0)); end ^ set term ;^ commit; recreate view v_check as select t.mon$isolation_mode as mon_isol_mode ,rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'ISOLATION_LEVEL') as ctx_isol_level ,d.max_x from mon$transactions t left join sp_run_heavy_query d on 1=1 where t.mon$transaction_id = current_transaction; commit; insert into test values( gen_id(g,1) ); commit; set list on; set transaction READ COMMITTED READ CONSISTENCY lock timeout 1; select * from v_check; delete from test; execute procedure sp_restart_sequences; commit; insert into test values( gen_id(g,1) ); commit; set transaction READ COMMITTED RECORD_VERSION lock timeout 1; select * from v_check; commit; """ act_1 = isql_act('db_1', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions_1) expected_stdout_1 = """ MON_ISOL_MODE 4 CTX_ISOL_LEVEL READ COMMITTED MAX_X 1 MON_ISOL_MODE 4 CTX_ISOL_LEVEL READ COMMITTED MAX_X 1 MON_ISOL_MODE 2 CTX_ISOL_LEVEL READ COMMITTED MAX_X 1 MON_ISOL_MODE 2 CTX_ISOL_LEVEL READ COMMITTED MAX_X 11 """ @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_1(act_1: Action): act_1.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_1 act_1.execute() assert act_1.clean_stdout == act_1.clean_expected_stdout