#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-5044 ISSUE: 5044 TITLE: Accent insensitive comparison: diacritical letters with DIAGONAL crossing stroke pass only test on EQUALITY to their non-accented forms DESCRIPTION: JIRA: CORE-4739 FBTEST: bugs.core_4739 """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory(charset='UTF8') test_script = """ create collation co_utf8_ci_ai for utf8 from unicode case insensitive accent insensitive; commit; set list on; set count on; with recursive d as ( select cast( 'ḂĊḊḞĠṀṖṠṪ' || 'ẀẂŴŶ' || 'ŠŽ' || 'Ø' || 'Ð' || 'Ł' || 'Ŀ' || 'ĘĄĂÂÎŢŐŰĖÅĽĢÁÉÍÓÚÝÀÈÌÒÙÂÊÎÔÛÃÑÕÄËÏÖÜŸÇŠĄĘŹŻĂŞŢ' as varchar(80) character set utf8) s ,cast( 'BCDFGMPST' || 'WWWY' || 'SZ' || 'O' || 'D' || 'L' || 'L' || 'EAAAITOUEALGAEIOUYAEIOUAEIOUANOAEIOUYCSAEZZAST' as varchar(80) character set utf8) ascii_only_char from rdb$database ) ,r as(select 1 i from rdb$database union all select r.i+1 from r where r.i < 100) ,e as( select substring(d.s from r.i for 1) non_ascii_char ,substring(d.ascii_only_char from r.i for 1) ascii_only_char from d join r on r.i <= char_length(d.s) ) ,f as ( select e.non_ascii_char --as utf_char ,e.ascii_only_char ,iif( e.non_ascii_char collate co_utf8_ci_ai = e.ascii_only_char, 1, 0 ) equal_test ,iif( e.non_ascii_char collate co_utf8_ci_ai between e.ascii_only_char and e.ascii_only_char, 1, 0 ) between_test ,iif( position(e.ascii_only_char, e.non_ascii_char collate co_utf8_ci_ai) >0 , 1, 0 ) pos_test ,iif( e.non_ascii_char collate co_utf8_ci_ai starting with e.ascii_only_char, 1, 0 ) start_with_test ,iif( e.non_ascii_char collate co_utf8_ci_ai like e.ascii_only_char, 1, 0 ) like_test ,iif( e.non_ascii_char collate co_utf8_ci_ai containing e.ascii_only_char, 1, 0 ) containing_test ,iif( e.non_ascii_char collate co_utf8_ci_ai similar to e.ascii_only_char, 1, 0 ) similar_to_letter_test ,iif( e.non_ascii_char collate co_utf8_ci_ai similar to '[[:ALPHA:]]', 1, 0 ) similar_to_alpha_test from e ) select * from f where minvalue( equal_test, between_test, pos_test, start_with_test, like_test, containing_test, similar_to_letter_test, similar_to_alpha_test ) = 0 order by non_ascii_char ; """ act = isql_act('db', test_script) expected_stdout = """ Records affected: 0 """ @pytest.mark.intl @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_1(act: Action): act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.execute() assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout