#coding:utf-8 """ ID: tabloid.snd-7795-20120706-1249 TITLE: Common SQL. Check correctness of the results DESCRIPTION: NB: new datatype in FB 4.0 was introduces: numeric(38,0). It leads to additional ident of values when we show them in form "SET LIST ON", so we have to ignore all internal spaces - see added 'substitution' section below. Checked on: SS: 1.824s. SS: 1.387s. FBTEST: functional.tabloid.snd_7795_20120706_1249 """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory(from_backup='tabloid-snd-7795.fbk') test_script = """ set list on; with recursive n as(select -1 i from rdb$database union all select n.i+1 from n where n.i<1), c0 as ( select gate ,dts ,coalesce(sum(purchase),0) purchase ,coalesce( sum(retail),0) retail ,iif( sum(purchase) is not null, iif( sum(retail) is not null, 'u', 'i' ), 'o' ) kind ,row_number()over(partition by gate order by dts desc) r from ( select cast(i.igate as char(12)) || 'a' gate, i.idate dts, i.icost purchase, null retail from sndxi i union all select cast(ogate as char(12)) || 'a', o.odate dts, null, o.ocost retail from sndxo o union all select cast(igate as char(12)) || 'b', i.idate, i.icost, null from snd1i i union all select cast(o.ogate as char(12)) || 'b', o.odate, null, o.ocost from snd1o o )a group by gate,dts ) ,c1 as ( select gate ,max(case when i=0 then r end) r ,max(case when i=0 then purchase end) purchase ,max(case when i=0 then retail end) retail ,max(case when i=0 then dts end) dts ,max(case when i=1 then dts end) next_dts ,max(case when i=-1 then dts end) prev_dts ,max(case when i=0 then kind end) kind ,max(case when i=1 then kind end) next_kind ,max(case when i=-1 then kind end) prev_kind from c0 cross join n -- <<< small set of 3 rows, created via recursive -- this leads to VERY poor performance: --cross join ( select row_number()over()-2 i from rdb$types rows 3 ) group by gate,r-i having max(case when i=0 then r end) is not null ) --select * from c1 ,c2 as( select t1.gate g1 ,t2.gate g2 ,t1.r ,t1.dts ,t1.purchase purchase_1 ,t1.retail retail_1 ,t2.purchase purchase_2 ,t2.retail retail_2 ,row_number()over(partition by t1.gate,t2.gate order by t1.r) n ,min( min( case when t3.gate is not null and ( t3.prev_dts is null and t1.r>1 or t1.prev_dts<>t3.prev_dts or t1.prev_kind<>t3.prev_kind or t2.prev_dts<>t3.prev_dts or t2.prev_kind<>t3.prev_kind ) then t1.r when t1.r=1 and t3.r<>1 then -1 end) )over(partition by t1.gate,t2.gate) rmin1 from c1 t1 join c1 t2 on t1.gaten then n end)over(partition by g1,g2) rmin2 from c2 a ) --select * from c3 ,c4 as ( select g1 ,g2 ,min(dts) dts ,sum(retail_1) retail_1 ,sum(retail_2) retail_2 ,sum(purchase_1) purchase_1 ,sum(purchase_2) purchase_2 from c3 where (rmin2 is null and cnt>=2 or r2) and (r2 or rmin1 is null or rmin1=1) group by g1,g2 ) --select * from c4 ,c5 as( select g1 ,min(g2) g2 ,max(g2) g3 ,min(dts) dts ,max(purchase_1) purchase_1 ,max(retail_1) retail_1 ,sum(purchase_2) purchase_2 ,sum(retail_2) retail_2 from c4 group by g1 ) --select * from c5 ,t5 as( select min(g1) g1,min(g2) g2,g3,min(dts) dts, max(case when g2<>g3 then purchase_1 else 0 end) purchase_1, max(case when g2<>g3 then retail_1 else 0 end) retail_1, max(case when g2<>g3 then purchase_2 else purchase_2+purchase_1 end) purchase_2, max(case when g2<>g3 then retail_2 else retail_2+retail_1 end) retail_2 from c5 group by g3 ) ,c6 as ( select cast(substring(g1 from 1 for 12) as int) g1 ,cast(substring(g2 from 1 for 12) as int) g2 ,cast(case when g3<>g2 then substring(g3 from 1 for 12) end as int) g3 ,dts ,retail_1+retail_2 retail_sum ,purchase_1+purchase_2 purchase_sum from t5 ) --select * from c6 ,c7 as ( select case when g1<=g2 and g2<=g3 then g1||','||g2||','||g3 when g1<=g3 and g3<=g2 then g1||','||g3||','||g2 when g2<=g1 and g1<=g3 then g2||','||g1||','||g3 when g2<=g3 and g3<=g1 then g2||','||g3||','||g1 when g3<=g1 and g1<=g2 then g3||','||g1||','||g2 when g3<=g2 and g2<=g1 then g3||','||g2||','||g1 when g1<=g2 then g1||','||g2 when g2<=g1 then g2||','||g1 end gate, dts, retail_sum, purchase_sum from c6 ) select gate,dts,retail_sum,purchase_sum from c7 order by 1,2; """ act = isql_act('db', test_script, substitutions=[('[ \t]+', ' ')]) expected_stdout = """ GATE 1,1 DTS 2001-03-14 RETAIL_SUM 80778.08 PURCHASE_SUM 109400.00 GATE 100,101,102 DTS 2007-07-01 RETAIL_SUM 0.00 PURCHASE_SUM 10.00 GATE 121,122,124 DTS 2011-05-01 RETAIL_SUM 0.00 PURCHASE_SUM 9.00 GATE 141,142,144 DTS 2012-01-02 RETAIL_SUM 0.00 PURCHASE_SUM 27.00 GATE 161,162,163 DTS 2013-05-01 RETAIL_SUM 33022.00 PURCHASE_SUM 0.00 GATE 171,172 DTS 2013-01-01 RETAIL_SUM 22222.00 PURCHASE_SUM 0.00 GATE 181,182 DTS 2013-10-03 RETAIL_SUM 2200.00 PURCHASE_SUM 0.00 GATE 2,2 DTS 2001-03-22 RETAIL_SUM 24096.00 PURCHASE_SUM 24500.00 """ @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0') def test_1(act: Action): act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.execute() assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout