#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6346 ISSUE: 6346 TITLE: Connection does not see itself in the MON$ATTACHMENTS when Domain/Username (using SSPI) is 31 bytes long DESCRIPTION: Could not reproduce bug on WI-V3.0.4.33054, discussed this with dimitr and alex. Problem can appear randomly when some byte in memory contains value not equal to 0x0. NB: 1. ISC_* variables must be removed from environtment for this test properly run. 2. Length of non-ascii user must be equal to maximal possible for tested FB: 31 for 3.x and 63 for 4.x+ JIRA: CORE-6097 FBTEST: bugs.core_6097 NOTES: [17.06.2022] pzotov Checked on, """ import os import socket import getpass import pytest from firebird.qa import * import time for v in ('ISC_USER','ISC_PASSWORD'): try: del os.environ[ v ] except KeyError as e: pass db = db_factory(utf8filename=True) act = python_act('db', substitutions=[('[\t ]+', ' ')]) @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0.5') @pytest.mark.platform('Windows') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): THIS_COMPUTER_NAME = socket.gethostname() CURRENT_WIN_USER = getpass.getuser() NON_ASCII_NAME = '"Ковалевский_Олег"' if act.is_version('<4') else '"Ковалевский_Олег_НектоПупкин_Вася"' map_sql = f""" create or alter mapping tmp_mapping_6097 using plugin win_sspi from user "{THIS_COMPUTER_NAME}\\{CURRENT_WIN_USER}" to user {NON_ASCII_NAME}; commit; """ act.isql(switches=['-q'], input=map_sql, combine_output = True) print(act.stdout) act.expected_stdout = '' act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset() chk_sql = """ set bail on; set count on; set list on; select rdb$map_name as map_name, rdb$map_using as map_using, rdb$map_plugin as map_plugin, rdb$map_db as map_db, rdb$map_from_type as map_from_type, rdb$map_from as map_from, rdb$map_to_type as map_to_type, rdb$map_to as map_to from rdb$auth_mapping where rdb$map_name containing 'tmp_mapping_6097' ; select mon$user as who_am_i, -- octet_length(trim(mon$user)) as octets_in_trimmed_name, -- NB: 3.x = 31; 4.x = 78! ==> do not show it in this test; sent report to Alex et al, 17.06.2022 left(mon$remote_protocol,3) as mon_protocol, left(mon$auth_method,3) as mon_auth_method from mon$attachments where mon$attachment_id = current_connection; """ expected_stdout = f""" MAP_NAME TMP_MAPPING_6097 MAP_USING P MAP_PLUGIN WIN_SSPI MAP_DB MAP_FROM_TYPE USER MAP_FROM {THIS_COMPUTER_NAME}\\{CURRENT_WIN_USER} MAP_TO_TYPE 0 MAP_TO {NON_ASCII_NAME.replace('"','')} Records affected: 1 WHO_AM_I {NON_ASCII_NAME.replace('"','')} MON_PROTOCOL TCP MON_AUTH_METHOD Map Records affected: 1 """ act.isql(switches=['-q'], input=chk_sql, combine_output = True, credentials = False) print(act.stdout) act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout