#coding:utf-8 # # id: functional.gtcs.time_zone # title: GTCS/tests/FB_SQL_TIME_ZONE. Miscelaneous tests. # decription: # Original test see in: # https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/fbtcs/blob/master/GTCS/tests/FB_SQL_TIME_ZONE.script # Checked on # 05.05.2020: added block for CORE-6271 (from GTCS). Checked on # # 28.10.2020 # Old code was completely replaced by source from GTCS. # It was changed to meet new requirements to format of timezone offset: # 1) it must include SIGN, i.e. + or -; # 2) in must contain BOTH hours and minutes delimited by colon. # # This means that following (old) statements will fail with SQLSTATE = 22009: # * set time zone '00:00' # Invalid time zone region: 00:00 # (because of missed sign "+") # # * ... datediff(hour from timestamp '... -03' to timestamp '... -03') # Invalid time zone offset: -03 - must use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00 # # See: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/commit/ff37d445ce844f991242b1e2c1f96b80a5d1636d # Checked on # # tracker_id: # min_versions: ['4.0.0'] # versions: 4.0 # qmid: None import pytest from firebird.qa import db_factory, isql_act, Action # version: 4.0 # resources: None substitutions_1 = [('[ \t]+', ' ')] init_script_1 = """""" db_1 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1) test_script_1 = """ set list on; set time zone '+00:00'; select cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone), extract(timezone_hour from cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone)), extract(timezone_minute from cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone)), extract(timezone_hour from cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone)), extract(timezone_minute from cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone)), cast(cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone) as time), cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone) as timestamp) from rdb$database; select cast('01:23:45 +02:00' as time with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp with time zone), extract(timezone_hour from cast('01:23:45 +02:00' as time with time zone)), extract(timezone_minute from cast('01:23:45 +02:00' as time with time zone)), extract(timezone_hour from cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp with time zone)), extract(timezone_minute from cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp with time zone)), cast(cast('01:23:45 +02:00' as time with time zone) as time), cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp with time zone) as timestamp) from rdb$database; select time '01:23:45 +02:00', timestamp '2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00', extract(timezone_hour from time '01:23:45 +02:00'), extract(timezone_minute from time '01:23:45 +02:00'), extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00'), extract(timezone_minute from timestamp '2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00'), cast(time '01:23:45 +02:00' as time), cast(timestamp '2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp) from rdb$database; --- set time zone '-02:00'; select cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone), extract(timezone_hour from cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone)), extract(timezone_minute from cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone)), extract(timezone_hour from cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone)), extract(timezone_minute from cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone)), cast(cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone) as time), cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone) as timestamp) from rdb$database; select cast('01:23:45 +02:00' as time with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp with time zone), extract(timezone_hour from cast('01:23:45 +02:00' as time with time zone)), extract(timezone_minute from cast('01:23:45 +02:00' as time with time zone)), extract(timezone_hour from cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp with time zone)), extract(timezone_minute from cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp with time zone)), cast(cast('01:23:45 +02:00' as time with time zone) as time), cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp with time zone) as timestamp) from rdb$database; --- select extract(hour from timestamp '2018-01-02 03:04:05.6789 -03:00'), extract(minute from timestamp '2018-01-02 03:04:05.6789 -03:00'), extract(second from timestamp '2018-01-02 03:04:05.6789 -03:00'), extract(millisecond from timestamp '2018-01-02 03:04:05.6789 -03:00'), extract(year from timestamp '2018-01-02 03:04:05.6789 -03:00'), extract(month from timestamp '2018-01-02 03:04:05.6789 -03:00'), extract(day from timestamp '2018-01-02 03:04:05.6789 -03:00') from rdb$database; select extract(hour from time '03:04:05.6789 -03:00'), extract(minute from time '03:04:05.6789 -03:00'), extract(second from time '03:04:05.6789 -03:00'), extract(millisecond from time '03:04:05.6789 -03:00') from rdb$database; --- -- DST starts at 2017-10-15 00:00 in America/Sao_Paulo select timestamp '2017-10-14 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo', extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2017-10-14 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), timestamp '2017-10-14 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' + 1, extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2017-10-14 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' + 1), timestamp '2017-10-14 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' + 2, extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2017-10-14 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' + 2), timestamp '2017-10-14 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' + 3, extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2017-10-14 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' + 3), timestamp '2017-10-16 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo', extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2017-10-16 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), timestamp '2017-10-16 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' - 1, extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2017-10-16 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' - 1), timestamp '2017-10-16 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' - 2, extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2017-10-16 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' - 2), timestamp '2017-10-16 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' - 3, extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2017-10-16 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' - 3) from rdb$database; select dateadd(1 hour to timestamp '2017-10-14 20:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), dateadd(2 hour to timestamp '2017-10-14 20:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), dateadd(3 hour to timestamp '2017-10-14 20:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), dateadd(4 hour to timestamp '2017-10-14 20:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), dateadd(5 hour to timestamp '2017-10-14 20:00 America/Sao_Paulo') from rdb$database; -- DST ends at 2018-02-18 00:00 in America/Sao_Paulo select timestamp '2018-02-17 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo', extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2018-02-17 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), timestamp '2018-02-17 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' + 1, extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2018-02-17 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' + 1), timestamp '2018-02-17 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' + 2, extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2018-02-17 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' + 2), timestamp '2018-02-17 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' + 3, extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2018-02-17 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' + 3), timestamp '2018-02-19 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo', extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2018-02-19 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), timestamp '2018-02-19 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' - 1, extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2018-02-19 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' - 1), timestamp '2018-02-19 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' - 2, extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2018-02-19 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' - 2), timestamp '2018-02-19 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' - 3, extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2018-02-19 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo' - 3) from rdb$database; select dateadd(1 hour to timestamp '2018-02-17 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), dateadd(2 hour to timestamp '2018-02-17 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), dateadd(3 hour to timestamp '2018-02-17 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), dateadd(4 hour to timestamp '2018-02-17 22:00 America/Sao_Paulo') from rdb$database; select dateadd(-1 hour to timestamp '2018-02-18 01:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), dateadd(-2 hour to timestamp '2018-02-18 01:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), dateadd(-3 hour to timestamp '2018-02-18 01:00 America/Sao_Paulo'), dateadd(-4 hour to timestamp '2018-02-18 01:00 America/Sao_Paulo') from rdb$database; --- /* 28.10.2020: ... datediff(hour from timestamp '... -03' to timestamp '... -03') Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009 Invalid time zone offset: -03 - must use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00 */ select datediff(hour from timestamp '2018-04-01 10:00:00' to timestamp '2018-04-01 10:00:00 -03:00'), datediff(hour from timestamp '2018-04-01 10:00:00 -03:0' to timestamp '2018-04-01 10:00:00 -03:0'), datediff(hour from timestamp '2018-04-01 10:00:00' to timestamp '2018-04-01 10:00:00 -2:0') from rdb$database; --- set time zone '-02:20'; select cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone), extract(timezone_hour from cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone)), extract(timezone_minute from cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone)), extract(timezone_hour from cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone)), extract(timezone_minute from cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone)), cast(cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone) as time), cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone) as timestamp) from rdb$database; select cast('01:23:45 +02:00' as time with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp with time zone), extract(timezone_hour from cast('01:23:45 +02:00' as time with time zone)), extract(timezone_minute from cast('01:23:45 +02:00' as time with time zone)), extract(timezone_hour from cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp with time zone)), extract(timezone_minute from cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp with time zone)), cast(cast('01:23:45 +02:00' as time with time zone) as time), cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +02:00' as timestamp with time zone) as timestamp) from rdb$database; select extract(timezone_hour from time '03:04:05.6789 -03:00'), extract(timezone_minute from time '03:04:05.6789 -03:00'), extract(timezone_hour from timestamp '2018-01-01 03:04:05.6789 -03:00'), extract(timezone_minute from timestamp '2018-01-01 03:04:05.6789 -03:00') from rdb$database; --- select extract(timezone_hour from cast('now' as timestamp with time zone)) = -2, extract(timezone_minute from cast('now' as timestamp with time zone)) = -20 from rdb$database; --- set time zone '-02:00'; select cast('01:23:45 -1:0' as time), cast('01:23:45 +1:0' as time), cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 -01:00' as timestamp), cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 +01:00' as timestamp) from rdb$database; select cast(cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone) as timestamp with time zone) = cast(current_date || ' 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database; select cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone) as time with time zone) from rdb$database; select cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 -04:00' as timestamp with time zone) as time with time zone) from rdb$database; select cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone) as date) from rdb$database; select cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 -04:00' as timestamp with time zone) as date) from rdb$database; select cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone) as time) from rdb$database; select cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 -04:00' as timestamp with time zone) as time) from rdb$database; select cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone) as timestamp) from rdb$database; select cast(cast('2018-01-01 01:23:45 -04:00' as timestamp with time zone) as timestamp) from rdb$database; select cast(timestamp '2018-01-01 01:23:45' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database; select cast(timestamp '2018-01-01 01:23:45' as time with time zone) from rdb$database; select cast(cast('01:23:45' as time) as timestamp with time zone) = cast(cast('01:23:45' as time with time zone) as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database; select cast(cast('01:23:45' as time) as time with time zone) = '01:23:45 -02:00' from rdb$database; select cast(cast(cast('01:23:45 -03:00' as time with time zone) as timestamp) as time) = '02:23:45' from rdb$database; select cast(cast('01:23:45 -03:00' as time with time zone) as time) = '02:23:45' from rdb$database; -- Error select cast(cast('01:23:45 -03:00' as time with time zone) as date) from rdb$database; select cast(date '2018-01-01' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database; -- Error select cast(date '2018-01-01' as time with time zone) from rdb$database; --- select timestamp '2018-02-03 America/Sao_Paulo' from rdb$database; --- select cast('23:23:34 +05:00' as time with time zone) + 1, cast('23:23:34 +05:00' as time with time zone) - 1 from rdb$database; select cast('2018-01-01 23:23:34 +05:00' as timestamp with time zone) + 1, cast('2018-01-01 23:23:34 +05:00' as timestamp with time zone) - 1 from rdb$database; select date '2018-01-01' + cast('23:23:34 +05:00' as time with time zone), cast('23:23:34 +05:00' as time with time zone) + date '2018-01-01', date '2018-01-01' + cast('23:23:34 +05:00' as time), cast('23:23:34 +05:00' as time) + date '2018-01-01' from rdb$database; select cast('12:00:00 +01:00' as time with time zone) - cast('12:00:00 +00:00' as time with time zone), cast('23:00:00 -01:00' as time with time zone) - cast('23:00:00 +00:00' as time with time zone), time '12:00:00' - cast('12:00:00 +00:00' as time with time zone), cast('12:00:00 +00:00' as time with time zone) - time '12:00:00' from rdb$database; select cast('2018-01-01 12:00:00 +01:00' as timestamp with time zone) - cast('2018-01-01 12:00:00 +00:00' as timestamp with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 23:00:00 -01:00' as timestamp with time zone) - cast('2018-01-01 23:00:00 +00:00' as timestamp with time zone), timestamp '2018-01-01 12:00:00' - cast('2018-01-01 12:00:00 +00:00' as timestamp with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 12:00:00 +00:00' as timestamp with time zone) - timestamp '2018-01-01 12:00:00' from rdb$database; --- select cast('10:00:00 +05:00' as time with time zone) = cast('10:00:00 +05:00' as time with time zone), cast('10:00:00 +05:00' as time with time zone) = cast('11:00:00 +06:00' as time with time zone), cast('10:00:00 +12:00' as time with time zone) = cast('10:00:00 -12:00' as time with time zone), cast('10:00:00 -02:00' as time with time zone) = cast('10:00:00' as time with time zone), cast('10:00:00 -02:00' as time with time zone) = cast('10:00:00' as time), cast('10:00:00' as time) = cast('10:00:00 -02:00' as time with time zone), cast('10:00:00 +05:00' as time with time zone) = cast('10:00:00 +06:00' as time with time zone), cast('10:00:00 +05:00' as time with time zone) < cast('10:00:00 +06:00' as time with time zone), cast('10:00:00 +05:00' as time with time zone) > cast('10:00:00 +06:00' as time with time zone), localtime = current_time at time zone '-02:00' from rdb$database; select cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 +05:00' as timestamp with time zone) = cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 +05:00' as timestamp with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 +05:00' as timestamp with time zone) = cast('2018-01-01 11:00:00 +06:00' as timestamp with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 +12:00' as timestamp with time zone) = cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 -12:00' as timestamp with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 -02:00' as timestamp with time zone) = cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00' as timestamp with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 -02:00' as timestamp with time zone) = cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00' as timestamp), cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00' as timestamp) = cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 -02:00' as timestamp with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 +05:00' as timestamp with time zone) = cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 +06:00' as timestamp with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 +05:00' as timestamp with time zone) < cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 +06:00' as timestamp with time zone), cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 +05:00' as timestamp with time zone) > cast('2018-01-01 10:00:00 +06:00' as timestamp with time zone), localtimestamp = current_timestamp at time zone '-02:00' from rdb$database; --- set time zone '-03:00'; select cast(time '10:11:12.1345' as time), cast(time '10:11:12.1345' as time with time zone), substring(cast(time '10:11:12.1345' as timestamp) from 12), substring(cast(time '10:11:12.1345' as timestamp with time zone) from 12) from rdb$database; select cast(timestamp '2020-05-20 10:11:12.1345' as time), cast(timestamp '2020-05-20 10:11:12.1345' as time with time zone), cast(timestamp '2020-05-20 10:11:12.1345' as timestamp), cast(timestamp '2020-05-20 10:11:12.1345' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database; select cast(time '10:11:12.1345 america/sao_paulo' as time), cast(time '10:11:12.1345 america/sao_paulo' as time with time zone), substring(cast(time '10:11:12.1345 america/sao_paulo' as timestamp) from 12), substring(cast(time '10:11:12.1345 america/sao_paulo' as timestamp with time zone) from 12) from rdb$database; select cast(timestamp '2020-05-20 10:11:12.1345 america/sao_paulo' as time), cast(timestamp '2020-05-20 10:11:12.1345 america/sao_paulo' as time with time zone), cast(timestamp '2020-05-20 10:11:12.1345 america/sao_paulo' as timestamp), cast(timestamp '2020-05-20 10:11:12.1345 america/sao_paulo' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database; --- set time zone '-02:00'; select time '20:01:02 -05:00' at time zone '-05:00', time '20:01:02 -05:00' at time zone '-02:00', time '20:01:02 -05:00' at time zone '+03:00', time '20:01:02' at time zone '-05:00', time '20:01:02' at time zone '-02:00', time '20:01:02' at time zone '+03:00', time '20:01:02 -05:00' at local, time '20:01:02' at local from rdb$database; select timestamp '2018-01-01 20:01:02 -05:00' at time zone '-05:00', timestamp '2018-01-01 20:01:02 -05:00' at time zone '-02:00', timestamp '2018-01-01 20:01:02 -05:00' at time zone '+03:00', timestamp '2018-01-01 20:01:02' at time zone '-05:00', timestamp '2018-01-01 20:01:02' at time zone '-02:00', timestamp '2018-01-01 20:01:02' at time zone '+03:00', timestamp '2018-01-01 20:01:02 -05:00' at local, timestamp '2018-01-01 20:01:02' at local from rdb$database; --- select timestamp '2018-05-01 20:01:02 America/Sao_Paulo' at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles', timestamp '2018-04-01 20:01:02 America/Sao_Paulo' at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles', timestamp '2018-03-01 20:01:02 America/Sao_Paulo' at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles', timestamp '2018-02-01 20:01:02 America/Sao_Paulo' at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles', timestamp '2018-01-01 20:01:02 America/Sao_Paulo' at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles', timestamp '2018-01-01 20:01:02 America/Sao_Paulo' at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles' + 1, 1 + timestamp '2018-01-01 20:01:02 America/Sao_Paulo' at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles', 1 + timestamp '2018-01-01 20:01:02 America/Sao_Paulo' at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles' + 1 from rdb$database; --- select first_day(of year from timestamp '2018-03-08 10:11:12 America/Sao_Paulo'), first_day(of month from timestamp '2018-03-08 10:11:12 America/Sao_Paulo'), first_day(of week from timestamp '2018-03-08 10:11:12 America/Sao_Paulo'), last_day(of year from timestamp '2018-03-08 10:11:12 America/Sao_Paulo'), last_day(of month from timestamp '2018-03-08 10:11:12 America/Sao_Paulo'), last_day(of week from timestamp '2018-03-08 10:11:12 America/Sao_Paulo') from rdb$database; --- select timestamp '2017-03-12 02:30 America/New_York' t1, timestamp '2017-03-12 02:30 America/New_York' at time zone '-05:00' t2, dateadd(-1 minute to timestamp '2017-03-12 02:30 America/New_York') t3, dateadd(1 minute to timestamp '2017-03-12 02:30 America/New_York') t4, dateadd(-1 hour to timestamp '2017-03-12 02:30 America/New_York') t5, dateadd(1 hour to timestamp '2017-03-12 02:30 America/New_York') t6 from rdb$database; select timestamp '2017-11-05 01:30 America/New_York' t1, timestamp '2017-11-05 01:30 America/New_York' at time zone '-04:00' t2, dateadd(-1 minute to timestamp '2017-11-05 01:30 America/New_York') t3, dateadd(1 minute to timestamp '2017-11-05 01:30 America/New_York') t4, dateadd(-1 hour to timestamp '2017-11-05 01:30 America/New_York') t5, dateadd(1 hour to timestamp '2017-11-05 01:30 America/New_York') t6 from rdb$database; --- set bind of timestamp with time zone to legacy; set bind of time with time zone to legacy; set sqlda_display on; select timestamp '2018-05-01 20:01:02 America/Sao_Paulo', dateadd(extract(timezone_hour from time '20:01:02 America/Sao_Paulo') + 3 hour to time '20:01:02 America/Sao_Paulo') from rdb$database; /* disabled; strange dependency of error message on previous statement; sent letter to dimitr etc, 28.10.2020 09:10 select 1 from rdb$database where current_timestamp = ? and current_time = ?; */ set sqlda_display off; set bind of timestamp with time zone to native; set bind of time with time zone to native; --- create table timetz (n integer, v time with time zone); create unique index timetz_uk on timetz (v); insert into timetz values (0, '11:33:33 America/Sao_Paulo'); insert into timetz values (1, '11:33:33.456'); insert into timetz values (2, '11:33:33.456 -1:0'); insert into timetz values (3, '11:33:33.456 +1:0'); insert into timetz values (4, '11:33:33'); insert into timetz values (5, '11:33:33 -1:0'); insert into timetz values (6, '11:33:33 +1:0'); -- Duplicate in UTC. insert into timetz values (7, '12:33:33 +0:0'); insert into timetz values (8, '13:33:33 +1:0'); insert into timetz values (9, '14:33:33 +2:0'); insert into timetz values (10, '11:33:33 -03:00'); select n, v, cast(v as time) from timetz order by v, n; select n, v from timetz order by v + 0, n; commit; drop index timetz_uk; create index timetz_idx on timetz (v); -- Duplicate in UTC. insert into timetz values (7, '12:33:33 +0:0'); insert into timetz values (8, '13:33:33 +1:0'); insert into timetz values (9, '14:33:33 +2:0'); select n, v, cast(v as time) from timetz order by cast(v as time), n; select n, v, cast(v as time) from timetz order by v, n; select n, v from timetz order by v + 0, n; commit; drop index timetz_idx; select n, v, cast(v as time) from timetz order by v, n; delete from timetz; insert into timetz values (1, '11:33:33.456'); --- create table timestamptz (n integer, v timestamp with time zone); create unique index timestamptz_uk on timestamptz (v); insert into timestamptz values (1, '2018-01-01 11:33:33.456'); insert into timestamptz values (2, '2018-01-01 11:33:33.456 -1:0'); insert into timestamptz values (3, '2018-01-01 11:33:33.456 +1:0'); insert into timestamptz values (4, '2018-01-01 11:33:33'); insert into timestamptz values (5, '2018-01-01 11:33:33 -1:0'); insert into timestamptz values (6, '2018-01-01 11:33:33 +1:0'); -- Duplicate in UTC. insert into timestamptz values (7, '2018-01-01 12:33:33 +0:0'); insert into timestamptz values (8, '2018-01-01 13:33:33 +1:0'); insert into timestamptz values (9, '2018-01-01 14:33:33 +2:0'); select n, v, cast(v as timestamp) from timestamptz order by v, n; select n, v from timestamptz order by v + 0, n; commit; drop index timestamptz_uk; create index timestamptz_idx on timestamptz (v); -- Duplicate in UTC. insert into timestamptz values (7, '2018-01-01 12:33:33 +0:0'); insert into timestamptz values (8, '2018-01-01 13:33:33 +1:0'); insert into timestamptz values (9, '2018-01-01 14:33:33 +2:0'); select n, v, cast(v as timestamp) from timestamptz order by cast(v as timestamp), n; select n, v, cast(v as timestamp) from timestamptz order by v, n; select n, v from timestamptz order by v + 0, n; commit; drop index timestamptz_idx; select n, v, cast(v as timestamp) from timestamptz order by v, n; delete from timestamptz; insert into timestamptz values (1, '2018-01-01 11:33:33.456'); --- select t.*, extract(timezone_hour from rdb$start_timestamp at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles') start_tzh, extract(timezone_minute from rdb$start_timestamp at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles') start_tzm, extract(timezone_hour from rdb$end_timestamp at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles') end_tzh, extract(timezone_minute from rdb$end_timestamp at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles') end_tzm from rdb$time_zone_util.transitions( 'America/Los_Angeles', timestamp '2015-01-01 GMT', timestamp '2019-01-01 GMT') t; /******************************* --- exit; >> fb_sql_time_zone_b.sql connect "WHERE_GDB:time_zone.fdb"; --- /******************************* select * from timetz; select * from timestamptz; --- set term ^; set time zone 'America/Sao_Paulo'^ select substring(current_timestamp from 26) from rdb$database^ execute block returns (t1 varchar(30), t2 varchar(30)) as declare procedure p0 returns (t1 varchar(30), t2 varchar(30)) as begin set time zone 'America/New_York'; t1 = substring(current_timestamp from 26); set time zone local; t2 = substring(current_timestamp from 26); end declare procedure p1 returns (t1 varchar(30), t2 varchar(30)) as begin set time zone 'America/Los_Angeles'; execute procedure p0 returning_values t1, t2; end begin execute procedure p1 returning_values t1, t2; suspend; end^ select substring(current_timestamp from 26) from rdb$database^ set time zone 'America/Sao_Paulo'^ execute block returns (n integer, t1 varchar(30), t2 varchar(30), t3 varchar(30)) as declare procedure p1 returns (n integer, t1 varchar(30), t2 varchar(30), t3 varchar(30)) as begin n = 0; while (n <= 4) do begin t1 = substring(current_timestamp from 26); set time zone 'America/Los_Angeles'; t2 = substring(current_timestamp from 26); if (n <= 2) then set time zone local; t3 = substring(current_timestamp from 26); suspend; n = n + 1; end end begin for select n, t1, t2, t3 from p1 into n, t1, t2, t3 do begin suspend; end end^ set time zone 'America/Sao_Paulo'^ create table t1 (n integer, tz1 varchar(30), tz2 varchar(30), tz3 varchar(30))^ create trigger t1_bi before insert on t1 as begin new.tz1 = substring(current_timestamp from 26); set time zone 'America/New_York'; new.tz2 = substring(current_timestamp from 26); set time zone local; new.tz3 = substring(current_timestamp from 26); end^ insert into t1 (n) values (1)^ select * from t1^ set term ;^ """ act_1 = isql_act('db_1', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions_1) expected_stdout_1 = """ CAST 01:23:45.0000 +00:00 CAST 2018-01-01 01:23:45.0000 +00:00 EXTRACT 0 EXTRACT 0 EXTRACT 0 EXTRACT 0 CAST 01:23:45.0000 CAST 2018-01-01 01:23:45.0000 CAST 01:23:45.0000 +02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 01:23:45.0000 +02:00 EXTRACT 2 EXTRACT 0 EXTRACT 2 EXTRACT 0 CAST 23:23:45.0000 CAST 2017-12-31 23:23:45.0000 CONSTANT 01:23:45.0000 +02:00 CONSTANT 2018-01-01 01:23:45.0000 +02:00 EXTRACT 2 EXTRACT 0 EXTRACT 2 EXTRACT 0 CAST 23:23:45.0000 CAST 2017-12-31 23:23:45.0000 CAST 01:23:45.0000 -02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 01:23:45.0000 -02:00 EXTRACT -2 EXTRACT 0 EXTRACT -2 EXTRACT 0 CAST 01:23:45.0000 CAST 2018-01-01 01:23:45.0000 CAST 01:23:45.0000 +02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 01:23:45.0000 +02:00 EXTRACT 2 EXTRACT 0 EXTRACT 2 EXTRACT 0 CAST 21:23:45.0000 CAST 2017-12-31 21:23:45.0000 EXTRACT 3 EXTRACT 4 EXTRACT 5.6789 EXTRACT 678.9 EXTRACT 2018 EXTRACT 1 EXTRACT 2 EXTRACT 3 EXTRACT 4 EXTRACT 5.6789 EXTRACT 678.9 CONSTANT 2017-10-14 22:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -3 ADD 2017-10-15 23:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -2 ADD 2017-10-16 23:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -2 ADD 2017-10-17 23:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -2 CONSTANT 2017-10-16 22:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -2 SUBTRACT 2017-10-15 22:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -2 SUBTRACT 2017-10-14 21:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -3 SUBTRACT 2017-10-13 21:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -3 DATEADD 2017-10-14 21:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo DATEADD 2017-10-14 22:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo DATEADD 2017-10-14 23:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo DATEADD 2017-10-15 01:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo DATEADD 2017-10-15 02:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo CONSTANT 2018-02-17 22:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -2 ADD 2018-02-18 21:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -3 ADD 2018-02-19 21:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -3 ADD 2018-02-20 21:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -3 CONSTANT 2018-02-19 22:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -3 SUBTRACT 2018-02-18 22:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -3 SUBTRACT 2018-02-17 23:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -2 SUBTRACT 2018-02-16 23:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo EXTRACT -2 DATEADD 2018-02-17 23:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo DATEADD 2018-02-17 23:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo DATEADD 2018-02-18 00:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo DATEADD 2018-02-18 01:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo DATEADD 2018-02-18 00:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo DATEADD 2018-02-17 23:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo DATEADD 2018-02-17 23:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo DATEADD 2018-02-17 22:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo DATEDIFF 1 DATEDIFF 0 DATEDIFF 0 CAST 01:23:45.0000 -02:20 CAST 2018-01-01 01:23:45.0000 -02:20 EXTRACT -2 EXTRACT -20 EXTRACT -2 EXTRACT -20 CAST 01:23:45.0000 CAST 2018-01-01 01:23:45.0000 CAST 01:23:45.0000 +02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 01:23:45.0000 +02:00 EXTRACT 2 EXTRACT 0 EXTRACT 2 EXTRACT 0 CAST 21:03:45.0000 CAST 2017-12-31 21:03:45.0000 EXTRACT -3 EXTRACT 0 EXTRACT -3 EXTRACT 0 CAST 00:23:45.0000 CAST 22:23:45.0000 CAST 2018-01-01 00:23:45.0000 CAST 2017-12-31 22:23:45.0000 CAST 01:23:45.0000 -02:00 CAST 01:23:45.0000 -04:00 CAST 2018-01-01 CAST 2018-01-01 CAST 01:23:45.0000 CAST 03:23:45.0000 CAST 2018-01-01 01:23:45.0000 CAST 2018-01-01 03:23:45.0000 CAST 2018-01-01 01:23:45.0000 -02:00 CAST 01:23:45.0000 -02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 00:00:00.0000 -02:00 CONSTANT 2018-02-03 00:00:00.0000 America/Sao_Paulo ADD 23:23:35.0000 +05:00 SUBTRACT 23:23:33.0000 +05:00 ADD 2018-01-02 23:23:34.0000 +05:00 SUBTRACT 2017-12-31 23:23:34.0000 +05:00 ADD 2018-01-01 23:23:34.0000 +05:00 ADD 2018-01-01 23:23:34.0000 +05:00 ADD 2018-01-01 16:23:34.0000 ADD 2018-01-01 16:23:34.0000 SUBTRACT -3600.0000 SUBTRACT -82800.0000 SUBTRACT 7200.0000 SUBTRACT -7200.0000 SUBTRACT -0.041666667 SUBTRACT 0.041666667 SUBTRACT 0.083333333 SUBTRACT -0.083333333 CAST 10:11:12.1345 CAST 10:11:12.1345 -03:00 SUBSTRING 10:11:12.1345 SUBSTRING 10:11:12.1345 -03:00 CAST 10:11:12.1345 CAST 10:11:12.1345 -03:00 CAST 2020-05-20 10:11:12.1345 CAST 2020-05-20 10:11:12.1345 -03:00 CAST 10:11:12.1345 CAST 10:11:12.1345 America/Sao_Paulo SUBSTRING 10:11:12.1345 SUBSTRING 10:11:12.1345 America/Sao_Paulo CAST 10:11:12.1345 CAST 10:11:12.1345 America/Sao_Paulo CAST 2020-05-20 10:11:12.1345 CAST 2020-05-20 10:11:12.1345 America/Sao_Paulo AT 20:01:02.0000 -05:00 AT 23:01:02.0000 -02:00 AT 04:01:02.0000 +03:00 AT 17:01:02.0000 -05:00 AT 20:01:02.0000 -02:00 AT 01:01:02.0000 +03:00 AT 23:01:02.0000 -02:00 AT 20:01:02.0000 -02:00 AT 2018-01-01 20:01:02.0000 -05:00 AT 2018-01-01 23:01:02.0000 -02:00 AT 2018-01-02 04:01:02.0000 +03:00 AT 2018-01-01 17:01:02.0000 -05:00 AT 2018-01-01 20:01:02.0000 -02:00 AT 2018-01-02 01:01:02.0000 +03:00 AT 2018-01-01 23:01:02.0000 -02:00 AT 2018-01-01 20:01:02.0000 -02:00 AT 2018-05-01 16:01:02.0000 America/Los_Angeles AT 2018-04-01 16:01:02.0000 America/Los_Angeles AT 2018-03-01 15:01:02.0000 America/Los_Angeles AT 2018-02-01 14:01:02.0000 America/Los_Angeles AT 2018-01-01 14:01:02.0000 America/Los_Angeles ADD 2018-01-02 14:01:02.0000 America/Los_Angeles ADD 2018-01-02 14:01:02.0000 America/Los_Angeles ADD 2018-01-03 14:01:02.0000 America/Los_Angeles FIRST_DAY 2018-01-01 10:11:12.0000 America/Sao_Paulo FIRST_DAY 2018-03-01 10:11:12.0000 America/Sao_Paulo FIRST_DAY 2018-03-04 10:11:12.0000 America/Sao_Paulo LAST_DAY 2018-12-31 10:11:12.0000 America/Sao_Paulo LAST_DAY 2018-03-31 10:11:12.0000 America/Sao_Paulo LAST_DAY 2018-03-10 10:11:12.0000 America/Sao_Paulo T1 2017-03-12 03:30:00.0000 America/New_York T2 2017-03-12 02:30:00.0000 -05:00 T3 2017-03-12 03:29:00.0000 America/New_York T4 2017-03-12 03:31:00.0000 America/New_York T5 2017-03-12 01:30:00.0000 America/New_York T6 2017-03-12 04:30:00.0000 America/New_York T1 2017-11-05 01:30:00.0000 America/New_York T2 2017-11-05 01:30:00.0000 -04:00 T3 2017-11-05 01:29:00.0000 America/New_York T4 2017-11-05 01:31:00.0000 America/New_York T5 2017-11-05 00:30:00.0000 America/New_York T6 2017-11-05 01:30:00.0000 America/New_York INPUT message field count: 0 OUTPUT message field count: 2 01: sqltype: 510 TIMESTAMP scale: 0 subtype: 0 len: 8 : name: CONSTANT alias: CONSTANT : table: owner: 02: sqltype: 560 TIME scale: 0 subtype: 0 len: 4 : name: DATEADD alias: DATEADD : table: owner: CONSTANT 2018-05-01 21:01:02.0000 DATEADD 21:01:02.0000 N 6 V 11:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 08:33:33.0000 N 3 V 11:33:33.4560 +01:00 CAST 08:33:33.4560 N 5 V 11:33:33.0000 -01:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 2 V 11:33:33.4560 -01:00 CAST 10:33:33.4560 N 4 V 11:33:33.0000 -02:00 CAST 11:33:33.0000 N 1 V 11:33:33.4560 -02:00 CAST 11:33:33.4560 N 0 V 11:33:33.0000 America/Sao_Paulo CAST 12:33:33.0000 N 6 V 11:33:33.0000 +01:00 N 3 V 11:33:33.4560 +01:00 N 5 V 11:33:33.0000 -01:00 N 2 V 11:33:33.4560 -01:00 N 4 V 11:33:33.0000 -02:00 N 1 V 11:33:33.4560 -02:00 N 0 V 11:33:33.0000 America/Sao_Paulo N 6 V 11:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 08:33:33.0000 N 3 V 11:33:33.4560 +01:00 CAST 08:33:33.4560 N 5 V 11:33:33.0000 -01:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 7 V 12:33:33.0000 +00:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 8 V 13:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 9 V 14:33:33.0000 +02:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 2 V 11:33:33.4560 -01:00 CAST 10:33:33.4560 N 4 V 11:33:33.0000 -02:00 CAST 11:33:33.0000 N 1 V 11:33:33.4560 -02:00 CAST 11:33:33.4560 N 0 V 11:33:33.0000 America/Sao_Paulo CAST 12:33:33.0000 N 6 V 11:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 08:33:33.0000 N 3 V 11:33:33.4560 +01:00 CAST 08:33:33.4560 N 5 V 11:33:33.0000 -01:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 7 V 12:33:33.0000 +00:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 8 V 13:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 9 V 14:33:33.0000 +02:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 2 V 11:33:33.4560 -01:00 CAST 10:33:33.4560 N 4 V 11:33:33.0000 -02:00 CAST 11:33:33.0000 N 1 V 11:33:33.4560 -02:00 CAST 11:33:33.4560 N 0 V 11:33:33.0000 America/Sao_Paulo CAST 12:33:33.0000 N 6 V 11:33:33.0000 +01:00 N 3 V 11:33:33.4560 +01:00 N 5 V 11:33:33.0000 -01:00 N 7 V 12:33:33.0000 +00:00 N 8 V 13:33:33.0000 +01:00 N 9 V 14:33:33.0000 +02:00 N 2 V 11:33:33.4560 -01:00 N 4 V 11:33:33.0000 -02:00 N 1 V 11:33:33.4560 -02:00 N 0 V 11:33:33.0000 America/Sao_Paulo N 6 V 11:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 08:33:33.0000 N 3 V 11:33:33.4560 +01:00 CAST 08:33:33.4560 N 5 V 11:33:33.0000 -01:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 7 V 12:33:33.0000 +00:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 8 V 13:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 9 V 14:33:33.0000 +02:00 CAST 10:33:33.0000 N 2 V 11:33:33.4560 -01:00 CAST 10:33:33.4560 N 4 V 11:33:33.0000 -02:00 CAST 11:33:33.0000 N 1 V 11:33:33.4560 -02:00 CAST 11:33:33.4560 N 0 V 11:33:33.0000 America/Sao_Paulo CAST 12:33:33.0000 N 6 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 08:33:33.0000 N 3 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 +01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 08:33:33.4560 N 5 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 -01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 2 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 -01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.4560 N 4 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 -02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 N 1 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 -02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 N 6 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 +01:00 N 3 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 +01:00 N 5 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 -01:00 N 2 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 -01:00 N 4 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 -02:00 N 1 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 -02:00 N 6 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 08:33:33.0000 N 3 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 +01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 08:33:33.4560 N 5 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 -01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 7 V 2018-01-01 12:33:33.0000 +00:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 8 V 2018-01-01 13:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 9 V 2018-01-01 14:33:33.0000 +02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 2 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 -01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.4560 N 4 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 -02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 N 1 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 -02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 N 6 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 08:33:33.0000 N 3 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 +01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 08:33:33.4560 N 5 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 -01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 7 V 2018-01-01 12:33:33.0000 +00:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 8 V 2018-01-01 13:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 9 V 2018-01-01 14:33:33.0000 +02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 2 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 -01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.4560 N 4 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 -02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 N 1 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 -02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 N 6 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 +01:00 N 3 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 +01:00 N 5 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 -01:00 N 7 V 2018-01-01 12:33:33.0000 +00:00 N 8 V 2018-01-01 13:33:33.0000 +01:00 N 9 V 2018-01-01 14:33:33.0000 +02:00 N 2 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 -01:00 N 4 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 -02:00 N 1 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 -02:00 N 6 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 08:33:33.0000 N 3 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 +01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 08:33:33.4560 N 5 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 -01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 7 V 2018-01-01 12:33:33.0000 +00:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 8 V 2018-01-01 13:33:33.0000 +01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 9 V 2018-01-01 14:33:33.0000 +02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.0000 N 2 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 -01:00 CAST 2018-01-01 10:33:33.4560 N 4 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 -02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 11:33:33.0000 N 1 V 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 -02:00 CAST 2018-01-01 11:33:33.4560 RDB$START_TIMESTAMP 2014-11-02 09:00:00.0000 GMT RDB$END_TIMESTAMP 2015-03-08 09:59:59.9999 GMT RDB$ZONE_OFFSET -480 RDB$DST_OFFSET 0 RDB$EFFECTIVE_OFFSET -480 START_TZH -8 START_TZM 0 END_TZH -8 END_TZM 0 RDB$START_TIMESTAMP 2015-03-08 10:00:00.0000 GMT RDB$END_TIMESTAMP 2015-11-01 08:59:59.9999 GMT RDB$ZONE_OFFSET -480 RDB$DST_OFFSET 60 RDB$EFFECTIVE_OFFSET -420 START_TZH -7 START_TZM 0 END_TZH -7 END_TZM 0 RDB$START_TIMESTAMP 2015-11-01 09:00:00.0000 GMT RDB$END_TIMESTAMP 2016-03-13 09:59:59.9999 GMT RDB$ZONE_OFFSET -480 RDB$DST_OFFSET 0 RDB$EFFECTIVE_OFFSET -480 START_TZH -8 START_TZM 0 END_TZH -8 END_TZM 0 RDB$START_TIMESTAMP 2016-03-13 10:00:00.0000 GMT RDB$END_TIMESTAMP 2016-11-06 08:59:59.9999 GMT RDB$ZONE_OFFSET -480 RDB$DST_OFFSET 60 RDB$EFFECTIVE_OFFSET -420 START_TZH -7 START_TZM 0 END_TZH -7 END_TZM 0 RDB$START_TIMESTAMP 2016-11-06 09:00:00.0000 GMT RDB$END_TIMESTAMP 2017-03-12 09:59:59.9999 GMT RDB$ZONE_OFFSET -480 RDB$DST_OFFSET 0 RDB$EFFECTIVE_OFFSET -480 START_TZH -8 START_TZM 0 END_TZH -8 END_TZM 0 RDB$START_TIMESTAMP 2017-03-12 10:00:00.0000 GMT RDB$END_TIMESTAMP 2017-11-05 08:59:59.9999 GMT RDB$ZONE_OFFSET -480 RDB$DST_OFFSET 60 RDB$EFFECTIVE_OFFSET -420 START_TZH -7 START_TZM 0 END_TZH -7 END_TZM 0 RDB$START_TIMESTAMP 2017-11-05 09:00:00.0000 GMT RDB$END_TIMESTAMP 2018-03-11 09:59:59.9999 GMT RDB$ZONE_OFFSET -480 RDB$DST_OFFSET 0 RDB$EFFECTIVE_OFFSET -480 START_TZH -8 START_TZM 0 END_TZH -8 END_TZM 0 RDB$START_TIMESTAMP 2018-03-11 10:00:00.0000 GMT RDB$END_TIMESTAMP 2018-11-04 08:59:59.9999 GMT RDB$ZONE_OFFSET -480 RDB$DST_OFFSET 60 RDB$EFFECTIVE_OFFSET -420 START_TZH -7 START_TZM 0 END_TZH -7 END_TZM 0 RDB$START_TIMESTAMP 2018-11-04 09:00:00.0000 GMT RDB$END_TIMESTAMP 2019-03-10 09:59:59.9999 GMT RDB$ZONE_OFFSET -480 RDB$DST_OFFSET 0 RDB$EFFECTIVE_OFFSET -480 START_TZH -8 START_TZM 0 END_TZH -8 END_TZM 0 """ expected_stderr_1 = """ Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22018 conversion error from string "01:23:45.0000 -03:00" Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22018 conversion error from string "2018-01-01" Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000 attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "TIMETZ_UK" -Problematic key value is ("V" = '12:33:33.0000 +00:00') Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000 attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "TIMETZ_UK" -Problematic key value is ("V" = '13:33:33.0000 +01:00') Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000 attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "TIMETZ_UK" -Problematic key value is ("V" = '14:33:33.0000 +02:00') Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000 attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "TIMETZ_UK" -Problematic key value is ("V" = '11:33:33.0000 -03:00') Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000 attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "TIMESTAMPTZ_UK" -Problematic key value is ("V" = '2018-01-01 12:33:33.0000 +00:00') Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000 attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "TIMESTAMPTZ_UK" -Problematic key value is ("V" = '2018-01-01 13:33:33.0000 +01:00') Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000 attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "TIMESTAMPTZ_UK" -Problematic key value is ("V" = '2018-01-01 14:33:33.0000 +02:00') """ @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_1(act_1: Action): act_1.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_1 act_1.expected_stderr = expected_stderr_1 act_1.execute() assert act_1.clean_stderr == act_1.clean_expected_stderr assert act_1.clean_stdout == act_1.clean_expected_stdout