#coding:utf-8 # # id: bugs.core_3881 # title: Extend the error reported for index/constraint violations to include the problematic key value # decription: # tracker_id: CORE-3881 # min_versions: ['2.5.3'] # versions: 2.5.3 # qmid: None import pytest from firebird.qa import db_factory, isql_act, Action # version: 2.5.3 # resources: None substitutions_1 = [('-At trigger.*', '')] init_script_1 = """""" db_1 = db_factory(page_size=4096, sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1) test_script_1 = """ recreate table tmain( id int constraint tmain_pk primary key using index tmain_pk ,mka int ,mkb int ,constraint tmain_mka_mkb_constraint_unq unique(mka, mkb) using index tmain_mka_mkb_constraint_unq ,constraint tmain_fka foreign key (mka) references tmain(id) on update set null using index tmain_fka ,constraint tmain_fkb foreign key (mkb) references tmain(id) on update set null using index tmain_fkb ); create unique descending index tmain_difference_unq_idx on tmain computed by( (coalesce(mka,0) - coalesce(mkb,0)) ); commit; insert into tmain(id, mka, mkb) values( 100, 100, null); insert into tmain(id, mka, mkb) values( 200, null, 200); insert into tmain(id, mka, mkb) values( 300, 200, null); commit; -- This statement should violate primary key constraint: insert into tmain(id, mka, mkb) select 600-id, 600-id, mkb from tmain where id<>200; -- This will violate unique constraint `tmain_mka_mkb_constraint_unq` defined on two nullable fields:(mka, mkb): insert into tmain(id, mka, mkb) values(500, null,200); -- This will violate unique computed-by index `tmain_difference_unq_idx` because NULLS are treated in its expression as ZEROES: update tmain set mka=null, mkb=null; -- This will violate unique constraint `tmain_mka_mkb_constraint_unq` defined on two nullable fields:(mka, mkb): update tmain set mka=coalesce(mka, 200), mkb=coalesce(mkb, 200); -- This will force CASCADE trigger to make updating values in fields `mka` and `mkb` to NULLS. -- But it means that these NULLS will be treated as ZEROEs in expression of computed-by index `tmain_difference_unq_idx` -- and thus again will violate its uniquness: update tmain set id=0 where id=200; -- uniq idx tmain_difference_unq_idx, At trigger 'CHECK_nn' """ act_1 = isql_act('db_1', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions_1) expected_stderr_1 = """ Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000 violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint "TMAIN_PK" on table "TMAIN" -Problematic key value is ("ID" = 300) Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000 violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint "TMAIN_MKA_MKB_CONSTRAINT_UNQ" on table "TMAIN" -Problematic key value is ("MKA" = NULL, "MKB" = 200) Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000 attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "TMAIN_DIFFERENCE_UNQ_IDX" -Problematic key value is ( = 0) Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000 violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint "TMAIN_MKA_MKB_CONSTRAINT_UNQ" on table "TMAIN" -Problematic key value is ("MKA" = 200, "MKB" = 200) Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000 attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "TMAIN_DIFFERENCE_UNQ_IDX" -Problematic key value is ( = 0) -At trigger 'CHECK_2' """ @pytest.mark.version('>=2.5.3') def test_1(act_1: Action): act_1.expected_stderr = expected_stderr_1 act_1.execute() assert act_1.clean_expected_stderr == act_1.clean_stderr