#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-5052 ISSUE: 5052 TITLE: Error "invalid BLOB ID" can occur when retrieving MON$STATEMENTS.MON$SQL_TEXT using ES/EDS and db_connect argument is not specified DESCRIPTION: JIRA: CORE-4747 FBTEST: bugs.core_4747 NOTES: [01.12.2023] pzotov 1. Comments between statements are now handled by ISQL as *part* of some statement that follow after. This causes these comment be reflected in mon$sql_statement.mon$sql_text if we want to search . Because of this, it was decided to take out such comment from executable code (see 'test_sql' content: previously it contained "21.05.2017: 4.0 Classic now has..." - but now this comment removed from there). This (new) behaviour of ISQL was introduced after implementation of PR #7868 See example with 'strange appearance of comments': https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/pull/7868#issuecomment-1826727278 Currently this is not considered as a bug, see note by Adriano: https://groups.google.com/g/firebird-devel/c/AM8vlA3YJws 2. QA does not allow to check too ancient FB version which is mentioned in the ticket (3.0.0 Beta 1, date: 12-apr-2015). Checked on,, """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory() substitutions=[ ('RUNNING_STT_ID[ ]+[0-9]+', 'RUNNING_STT_ID'), ('RUNNING_TRN_ID[ ]+[0-9]+', 'RUNNING_TRN_ID'), ('RUNNING_STT_TEXT.*', '') ] act = python_act('db', substitutions = substitutions) @pytest.mark.es_eds @pytest.mark.version('>=3') def test_1(act: Action): TEST_DML = "insert into test(sid, tid, txt) select s.mon$statement_id, s.mon$transaction_id, s.mon$sql_text from mon$statements s where s.mon$sql_text containing 'test' rows 1" # 21.05.2017: 4.0 Classic now has record in mon$statements with data from RDB$AUTH_MAPPING table. # We have to prevent appearance of this row in resultset which is to be analyzed, thus adding clause: # "where s.mon$sql_text containing 'test' ..." # TEST_QRY = "select s.mon$statement_id, s.mon$transaction_id, s.mon$sql_text from mon$statements s where s.mon$sql_text containing 'test' and s.mon$transaction_id = current_transaction rows 1" test_sql = f""" set list on; set blob all; recreate table test(sid int, tid int, txt blob); commit; {TEST_DML}; commit; set term ^; execute block returns( msg varchar(10), running_stt_id int, running_trn_id int, running_stt_text blob) as declare v_dbname varchar(255); declare v_stt1 varchar(1024) = 'select t.sid, t.tid, t.txt from test t'; declare v_stt2 varchar(1024) = q'!{TEST_QRY}!'; declare v_usr rdb$user = '{act.db.user}'; declare v_pwd varchar(20) = '{act.db.password}'; declare v_trn int; begin -- NOTE: v_dbname is NOT initialized with database connection string. msg = 'point-1'; execute statement (v_stt1) on external (v_dbname) as user :v_usr password :v_pwd into running_stt_id, running_trn_id, running_stt_text; suspend; msg = 'point-2'; execute statement (v_stt2) on external (v_dbname) as user :v_usr password :v_pwd into running_stt_id, running_trn_id, running_stt_text ; suspend; end ^ set term ;^ commit; """ expected_stdout = f""" MSG point-1 RUNNING_STT_ID 111 RUNNING_TRN_ID 219 RUNNING_STT_TEXT 91:0 {TEST_DML} MSG point-2 RUNNING_STT_ID 140 RUNNING_TRN_ID 224 RUNNING_STT_TEXT 0:1 {TEST_QRY} """ act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.isql(switches=['-q'], input = test_sql, combine_output = True) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout