#coding:utf-8 # # id: bugs.core_6143 # title: Error 'Multiple maps found for ...' is raised in not appropriate case # decription: # Confirmed bug on:, # Checked on: # OK, 2.740s. # OK, 2.282s. # ::: NB ::: # There was issue about mapping of ROLES: currently mapping can be done only for trusted role. # But documentation does not mention about this. One can conclude that mapping should work # as for trusted role and also for "usual" way (i.e. when used specifies 'ROLE ...' clause). # Discussion about this with Alex was in 23-sep-2019, and his solution not yet known. # For this reason it was decided to comment code that relates tgo ROLE mapping in this test. # # [pcisar] 3.11.2021 This test fails for 4.0, WHO_AM_I = TMP$C6143_FOO # # tracker_id: CORE-6143 # min_versions: ['3.0.5'] # versions: 3.0.5 # qmid: None import pytest from firebird.qa import db_factory, isql_act, Action, user_factory, User, role_factory, Role # version: 3.0.5 # resources: None substitutions_1 = [] init_script_1 = """""" db_1 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1) test_script_1 = """ -- set echo on; set list on; set wng off; /* set term ^; execute block as begin execute statement 'drop role tmp$r6143_boss'; when any do begin end end ^ set term ;^ commit; */ create or alter view v_show_mapping as select a.rdb$map_name ,a.rdb$map_using ,a.rdb$map_plugin ,a.rdb$map_db ,a.rdb$map_from_type ,a.rdb$map_from ,a.rdb$map_to_type ,a.rdb$map_to from rdb$database d left join rdb$auth_mapping a on 1=1 where rdb$map_from containing 'tmp$c6143' or rdb$map_from containing 'tmp$r6143' ; commit; grant select on v_show_mapping to public; --create or alter user tmp$c6143_foo password '123' using plugin Srp; --commit; --revoke all on all from tmp$c6143_foo; --commit; --create role tmp$r6143_boss; --commit; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++ T E S T L O C A L M A P P I N G +++++++++++++++++++++++ create or alter mapping lmap_foo2bar_a using plugin srp from user tmp$c6143_foo to user tmp$c6143_bar; create or alter mapping lmap_foo2bar_b using plugin srp from user tmp$c6143_foo to user tmp$c6143_bar; create or alter mapping lmap_boss2acnt_a using plugin srp from role tmp$r6143_boss to role tmp$r6143_acnt; create or alter mapping lmap_boss2acnt_b using plugin srp from role tmp$c6143_boss to role tmp$r6143_acnt; commit; grant tmp$r6143_boss to user tmp$c6143_bar; commit; connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$c6143_foo password '123' role tmp$r6143_boss; select 'Connected OK when local mapping is duplicated.' as msg ,current_user as who_am_i -- <<< TMP$C6143_BAR must be shown here, *NOT* tmp$c6143_foo -- temply disabled, wait for solution by Alex, see letters to him 23.09.2019 12:02: -- ,current_role as what_my_role -- <<< WHAT ROLE MUST BE SHOWN HERE, *BOSS or *ACNT ??? from rdb$database; set count on; select * from v_show_mapping; set count on; commit; connect '$(DSN)' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; commit; drop mapping lmap_foo2bar_a; drop mapping lmap_foo2bar_b; drop mapping lmap_boss2acnt_a; drop mapping lmap_boss2acnt_b; commit; -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++ T E S T G L O B A L M A P P I N G +++++++++++++++++++++++ create or alter global mapping gmap_foo2rio_a using plugin srp from user tmp$c6143_foo to user tmp$c6143_rio; create or alter global mapping gmap_foo2rio_b using plugin srp from user tmp$c6143_foo to user tmp$c6143_rio; create or alter global mapping gmap_boss2mngr_a using plugin srp from role tmp$r6143_boss to role tmp$r6143_mngr; create or alter global mapping gmap_boss2mngr_b using plugin srp from role tmp$c6143_boss to role tmp$r6143_mngr; commit; connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$c6143_foo password '123' role tmp$r6143_boss; select 'Connected OK when global mapping is duplicated.' as msg ,current_user as who_am_i -- <<< TMP$C6143_RIO must be shown here, *NOT* tmp$c6143_foo -- temply diabled, wait for solution by Alex, see letters to him 23.09.2019 12:02: -- ,current_role as what_my_role -- <<< WHAT ROLE MUST BE SHOWN HERE, *BOSS or *MNGR or... NONE ??? from rdb$database; commit; connect '$(DSN)' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; commit; drop global mapping gmap_foo2rio_a; drop global mapping gmap_foo2rio_b; drop global mapping gmap_boss2mngr_a; drop global mapping gmap_boss2mngr_b; commit; --drop user tmp$c6143_foo using plugin Srp; --commit; --drop role tmp$r6143_boss; --commit; """ act_1 = isql_act('db_1', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions_1) expected_stdout_1 = """ MSG Connected OK when local mapping is duplicated. WHO_AM_I TMP$C6143_BAR RDB$MAP_NAME LMAP_FOO2BAR_A RDB$MAP_USING P RDB$MAP_PLUGIN SRP RDB$MAP_DB RDB$MAP_FROM_TYPE USER RDB$MAP_FROM TMP$C6143_FOO RDB$MAP_TO_TYPE 0 RDB$MAP_TO TMP$C6143_BAR RDB$MAP_NAME LMAP_FOO2BAR_B RDB$MAP_USING P RDB$MAP_PLUGIN SRP RDB$MAP_DB RDB$MAP_FROM_TYPE USER RDB$MAP_FROM TMP$C6143_FOO RDB$MAP_TO_TYPE 0 RDB$MAP_TO TMP$C6143_BAR RDB$MAP_NAME LMAP_BOSS2ACNT_A RDB$MAP_USING P RDB$MAP_PLUGIN SRP RDB$MAP_DB RDB$MAP_FROM_TYPE ROLE RDB$MAP_FROM TMP$R6143_BOSS RDB$MAP_TO_TYPE 1 RDB$MAP_TO TMP$R6143_ACNT RDB$MAP_NAME LMAP_BOSS2ACNT_B RDB$MAP_USING P RDB$MAP_PLUGIN SRP RDB$MAP_DB RDB$MAP_FROM_TYPE ROLE RDB$MAP_FROM TMP$C6143_BOSS RDB$MAP_TO_TYPE 1 RDB$MAP_TO TMP$R6143_ACNT Records affected: 4 MSG Connected OK when global mapping is duplicated. WHO_AM_I TMP$C6143_RIO Records affected: 1 """ user_foo = user_factory('db_1', name='tmp$c6143_foo', password='123', plugin='Srp') role_boss = role_factory('db_1', name='tmp$r6143_boss') @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0.5') def test_1(act_1: Action, role_boss: Role, user_foo: User): act_1.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_1 act_1.execute() assert act_1.clean_stdout == act_1.clean_expected_stdout