#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-7506 ISSUE: 7506 TITLE: Reduce output of the SHOW GRANTS command DESCRIPTION: Test checks output of SHOW GRANT command when we allow access to: 2) user; 1) role. NOTES: Checked on """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * tmp_user_boss = user_factory('db', name='tmp$gh_7506_john', password='123', plugin = 'Srp') tmp_user_mngr = user_factory('db', name='tmp$gh_7506_mike', password='456', plugin = 'Srp') tmp_role_boss = role_factory('db', name='tmp$gh_7506_boss') tmp_role_mngr = role_factory('db', name='tmp$gh_7506_mngr') db = db_factory() act = python_act('db', substitutions=[('[ \t]+', ' ')]) @pytest.mark.version('>=5.0') def test_1(act: Action, tmp_user_boss: User, tmp_user_mngr: User, tmp_role_boss: Role, tmp_role_mngr: Role, capsys): test_user_sql = f""" recreate table test(id int primary key, f01 int, f02 int, f03 int, f04 int, f05 int, f06 int); recreate view v_test as select * from test; grant delete, insert, select, update, references on test to view v_test; grant select on test to user {tmp_user_boss.name} with grant option; grant update(f01, f03) on test to user {tmp_user_boss.name}; grant delete on test to user {tmp_user_boss.name}; grant update(f02) on test to user {tmp_user_boss.name}; grant insert on test to user {tmp_user_boss.name}; grant update(f05, f06, f04) on test to user {tmp_user_boss.name} with grant option; grant update(f01, f03) on test to user {tmp_user_mngr.name}; commit; connect '{act.db.dsn}' user {tmp_user_boss.name} password '{tmp_user_boss.password}'; grant select on test to user {tmp_user_mngr.name}; grant update(f05, f06, f04) on test to user {tmp_user_mngr.name}; show grants; """ act.expected_stdout = f""" /* Grant permissions for this database */ GRANT DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE (F01, F02, F03) ON TEST TO USER {tmp_user_boss.name.upper()} GRANT SELECT, UPDATE (F04, F05, F06) ON TEST TO USER {tmp_user_boss.name.upper()} WITH GRANT OPTION GRANT SELECT ON TEST TO USER {tmp_user_mngr.name.upper()} GRANTED BY {tmp_user_boss.name.upper()} GRANT UPDATE (F01, F03) ON TEST TO USER {tmp_user_mngr.name.upper()} GRANT UPDATE (F04, F05, F06) ON TEST TO USER {tmp_user_mngr.name.upper()} GRANTED BY {tmp_user_boss.name.upper()} GRANT ALL ON TEST TO VIEW V_TEST """ act.isql(input = test_user_sql, combine_output = True) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset() #---------------------------------------------------- test_role_sql = f""" set wng off; revoke all on all from {tmp_user_boss.name}; revoke all on all from {tmp_user_mngr.name}; drop view v_test; commit; recreate table test(id int primary key, f01 int, f02 int, f03 int, f04 int, f05 int, f06 int); grant select on test to role {tmp_role_boss.name} with grant option; grant update(f01, f03) on test to role {tmp_role_boss.name}; grant delete on test to role {tmp_role_boss.name}; grant update(f02) on test to role {tmp_role_boss.name}; grant insert on test to role {tmp_role_boss.name}; grant update(f05, f06, f04) on test to role {tmp_role_boss.name} with grant option; grant update(f01, f03) on test to role {tmp_role_mngr.name}; grant {tmp_role_boss.name} to {tmp_user_boss.name}; commit; connect '{act.db.dsn}' user {tmp_user_boss.name} password '{tmp_user_boss.password}' role {tmp_role_boss.name}; grant select on test to role {tmp_role_mngr.name}; grant update(f05, f06, f04) on test to role {tmp_role_mngr.name}; show grants; """ act.expected_stdout = f""" /* Grant permissions for this database */ GRANT DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE (F01, F02, F03) ON TEST TO ROLE TMP$GH_7506_BOSS GRANT SELECT, UPDATE (F04, F05, F06) ON TEST TO ROLE TMP$GH_7506_BOSS WITH GRANT OPTION GRANT SELECT ON TEST TO ROLE TMP$GH_7506_MNGR GRANTED BY TMP$GH_7506_JOHN GRANT UPDATE (F01, F03) ON TEST TO ROLE TMP$GH_7506_MNGR GRANT UPDATE (F04, F05, F06) ON TEST TO ROLE TMP$GH_7506_MNGR GRANTED BY TMP$GH_7506_JOHN GRANT TMP$GH_7506_BOSS TO TMP$GH_7506_JOHN """ act.isql(input = test_role_sql, combine_output = True) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset()