#coding:utf-8 """ ID: trigger.database.trigger_on_disconnect_04 TITLE: ON DISCONNECT trigger must fire if attachment is closed by IDLE timeout. DESCRIPTION: Improvement was introduced 06-apr-2023, commit: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/commit/d64868cdcd91450e3c58aa9bfa9c1090912ac358 Test creates table 'detach_audit' which is fulfilled from ON DISCONNECT trigger if current user not SYSDBA. We create non-privileged user ('tmp_worker') and make connection to database. Also, trigger ON CONNECT is created which establishes session idle timeout to value. When user makes connection, it will be alive only for seconds, and will be closed after this time expired. This *must* cause firing trigger with adding record to 'detach_audit' table. Finally, we check that table 'detach_audit' has ONE record (containing name of non-priv user). NOTES: [28.02.2023] pzotov 1. Confirmed missed trigger firing on (05-apr-2023): table 'detach_audit' remained empty. 2. It seems that con_worker.is_closed() does not return True when connection is closed because of session timeout expiration. This cause to make additional connection ('con_admin') with check content of mon$attachments for verifying that attachment 'con_worker' was really closed (cursor must return 0 rows). Checked on - all OK. """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * import time tmp_worker = user_factory('db', name='tmp_worker', password='123') db = db_factory() act = python_act('db') expected_stdout_chk = """ ID 1 WHO TMP_WORKER Records affected: 1 """ SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 3 WORKER_IN_IDLE_STATE = SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT + 2 @pytest.mark.version('>=5.0') def test_1(act: Action, tmp_worker: User): init_sql = f""" recreate table detach_audit( id int generated always as identity ,dts timestamp default 'now' ,who varchar(31) default current_user ); commit; grant select, insert on detach_audit to public; set term ^; create trigger trg_connect on connect as begin if ( current_user != '{act.db.user}' ) then set session idle timeout {SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT} second; end ^ create trigger trg_disconnect on disconnect as begin if ( current_user != '{act.db.user}' ) then execute statement 'insert into detach_audit default values'; end ^ set term ;^ commit; """ act.expected_stdout = '' act.isql(switches=['-q'], input = init_sql, combine_output = True) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset() worker_is_closed = False with act.db.connect(no_db_triggers = True) as con_admin, act.db.connect(user = tmp_worker.name, password = tmp_worker.password) as con_worker: con_worker_attachment_id = con_worker.info.id time.sleep(WORKER_IN_IDLE_STATE) if 1==0: # NB! PROBLEM EXISTS HERE! # con_worker.is_closed() returns FALSE, despite fact that connection was closed because of timeout expiration. worker_is_closed = con_worker.is_closed() else: cur_admin = con_admin.cursor() cur_admin.execute(f'select count(*) from mon$attachments where mon$attachment_id = {con_worker_attachment_id}') worker_is_closed = True if cur_admin.fetchone()[0] == 0 else False assert worker_is_closed, f'### FAIL ### Worker attachment was not closed for {WORKER_IN_IDLE_STATE} second.' act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_chk act.isql(switches=['-q'], input = 'set count on;set list on;select id,who from detach_audit;', combine_output = True) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout