#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6691 ISSUE: 6691 TITLE: Regression: Cancel Query function no longer works DESCRIPTION: We create .sql script with 'heavy query' that for sure will run more than several seconds. Then we launch asynchronous ISQL process to perform this query and take small pause for 1-2 second. After this we send signal CTRL_C_EVENT for emulating interruption that is done by pressing Ctrl-C. Then we wait for process finish (call wait() method) - this is necessary if ISQL will continue without interruprion (i.e. if something will be broken again). When method wait() will return control back, we can obtain info about whether child process was terminated or no (using method poll()). If yes (expected) then it must return 1. Finally, we check ISQL logs for STDOUT and STDERR. They must be as follows: * STDOUT -- must be empty * STDERR -- must contain (at least) two phrases: 1. Statement failed, SQLSTATE = HY008 2. operation was cancelled ::: NB ::: Windows only: subprocess.Popen() must have argument: creationflags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP Otherwise we can not send signal Ctrl_C_EVENT to the child process. Linux: parameter 'creationflags' must be 0, signal.SIGINT is used instead of Ctrl_C_EVENT. See: https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/subprocess.html Confirmed bug on query could NOT be interrupted and we had to wait until it completed. Checked on (SS/CS): works OK, query can be interrupted via sending Ctrl-C signal. JIRA: CORE-6458 FBTEST: bugs.core_6458 """ import pytest import re import signal import subprocess import time from pathlib import Path from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory() act = python_act('db') expected_stdout = """ Was ISQL process terminated ? => 1 statement failed, sqlstate = hy008 operation was cancelled """ heavy_script = temp_file('heavy_script.sql') heavy_stdout = temp_file('heavy_script.out') heavy_stderr = temp_file('heavy_script.err') @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_1(act: Action, heavy_script: Path, heavy_stdout: Path, heavy_stderr: Path, capsys): heavy_script.write_text("set list on; select count(*) as LONG_QUERY_RESULT from (select 1 i from rdb$types a,rdb$types b,rdb$types c);") with open(heavy_stdout, mode='w') as heavy_out, open(heavy_stderr, mode='w') as heavy_err: # NB: subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP is MANDATORY FOR SENDING CTRL_C SIGNAL on Windows flags = 0 if act.platform == 'Linux' else subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP p_heavy_sql = subprocess.Popen([act.vars['isql'], '-i', str(heavy_script), '-user', act.db.user, '-password', act.db.password, act.db.dsn], stdout=heavy_out, stderr=heavy_err, creationflags=flags) try: time.sleep(4) p_heavy_sql.send_signal(signal.SIGINT if act.platform == 'Linux' else signal.CTRL_C_EVENT) p_heavy_sql.wait() print('Was ISQL process terminated ? => ', p_heavy_sql.poll()) except Exception as e: print(e) for line in heavy_stdout.read_text().splitlines(): if line.split(): print('UNEXPECTED STDOUT: ', line) allowed_patterns = [re.compile('.*SQLSTATE\\s+=\\s+HY008', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('operation\\s+(was\\s+)?cancelled', re.IGNORECASE)] for line in heavy_stderr.read_text().splitlines(): if line.split(): if act.match_any(line, allowed_patterns): print(' '.join(line.split()).lower()) # Check act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout