#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-7760 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/7760 TITLE: Parameters inside the IN list may cause a string truncation error DESCRIPTION: NOTES: [28.09.2023] pzotov Confirmed bug on, gdscodes: (335544321, 335544914, 335545033) exc test: arithmetic ... or string truncation / ... / -expected length 0, actual 1 Checked on,,, Thanks to dimitr for reproducible example. """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import tpb, Isolation, TraAccessMode, DatabaseError init_sql = """ create domain dm_test char(1) default 'M' not null check (value in ('S', 'V', 'M')); -- collate PXW_HUNDC; create table test ( id int generated by default as identity constraint test_pk primary key ,sv dm_test ,sw dm_test ); insert into test(sv, sw) values('S', 'S'); insert into test(sv, sw) values('V', 'V'); insert into test(sv, sw) values('M', 'M'); commit; set term ^; create procedure sp_test(a_sv type of column test.sv) returns (id int, sw type of column test.sv) as begin for -- execute statement (q'{ select id, sw from test where sv = 'M' or sv = ? }' ) -- WORKS fine. execute statement (q'{ select id, sw from test where sv in ('M', ?) }' ) (:a_sv) -- FAILED before fix. into id, sw do suspend; -- FAILS. end ^ set term ;^ commit; """ db = db_factory(init = init_sql, charset = 'win1250') act = python_act('db') #act = isql_act('db', test_script) @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): with act.db.connect(charset = 'utf8') as con: cur = con.cursor() try: cur.execute("select id, sw from sp_test('S') order by id") for r in cur: print(r[0],r[1]) except DatabaseError as exc: print('UNEXPECTED ERROR. Could not run cursor:') print(exc.gds_codes) print(exc.__str__()) expected_stdout = """ 1 S 3 M """ act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout