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synced 2025-01-22 21:43:06 +01:00
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271 lines
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# id: bugs.core_4462
# title: Make it possible to restore compressed .nbk files without explicitly decompressing them
# decription:
# Test uses three preliminarily created .zip files:
# 1. 7zip-standalone-binary.zip -- contains standalone console utility 7za.exe
# 2. zstd-standalone-binary.zip -- contains standalone console utility zstd.exe
# 3. standard_sample_databases.zip -- contains SQL statements for Firebird EMPLOYEE and Oracle "HR" schema.
# We extract files from all of these .zip archives and do following:
# * apply Firebird SQL script which creates the same DB as standard EMPLOYEE;
# * invoke "nbackup -b 0 ..." and use Python PIPE mechanism for redirecting STDOUT to 7za.exe utility which,
# in turn, will accept data from this stream and compress them to .7z file.
# This eventually creates .7z file with compressed .nbk0 file.
# * apply SQL script from Oracle "HR" schema which adds several other tables and data;
# * invoke "nbackup -b 1 ..." and use again Python PIPE mechanism for redirecting STDOUT to 7za.exe utility.
# This will create one more .7z file with compressed .nbk1 file.
# * invoke "nbackup -decompress ..." with specifying command for running 7za.exe which will extract every file
# from those which are specified in the command, i.e:
# nbackup -decompress "c:\\path oz.exe x -y" <fdb_for_restoring> <compressed_7z_with_nbk0> <compressed_7z_with_nbk1>
# * validate just restored database and check content of firebird.log: it should NOT contain any errors or warnings.
# ::: NB :::
# This is *initial* implementation! We use trivial database with ascii-only metadata and data.
# Also, we use only 7za.exe compressor and zstd.exe is not yet used.
# Later this test may be expanded for check non-ascii metadata and/or data.
# Checked on:
# SS: 7.094s.
# CS: 9.969s.
# SS: 4.750s.
# CS: 6.976s.
# tracker_id: CORE-4462
# min_versions: ['3.0.5']
# versions: 3.0.5
# qmid: None
import pytest
from firebird.qa import db_factory, isql_act, Action
# version: 3.0.5
# resources: None
substitutions_1 = []
init_script_1 = """"""
db_1 = db_factory(charset='UTF8', sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1)
# test_script_1
# import os
# import sys
# import zipfile
# import time
# import re
# import difflib
# import subprocess
# from subprocess import PIPE
# from fdb import services
# os.environ["ISC_USER"] = user_name
# os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = user_password
# #--------------------------------------------
# def svc_get_fb_log( fb_home, f_fb_log ):
# global subprocess
# subprocess.call( [ fb_home + "fbsvcmgr",
# "localhost:service_mgr",
# "action_get_fb_log"
# ],
# stdout=f_fb_log, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# return
# #--------------------------------------------
# def cleanup( f_names_list ):
# global os
# for i in range(len( f_names_list )):
# if os.path.isfile( f_names_list[i]):
# os.remove( f_names_list[i] )
# #--------------------------------------------
# fb_home = services.connect(host='localhost', user= user_name, password= user_password).get_home_directory()
# this_db = db_conn.database_name
# fdb_for_restore = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_4462_restored.fdb')
# nbk0_name = '.'.join( (os.path.splitext( this_db )[0], 'nbk0') )
# nbk1_name = '.'.join( (os.path.splitext( this_db )[0], 'nbk1') )
# zip0_name = nbk0_name + '.7z'
# zip1_name = nbk1_name + '.7z'
# f_list = ( fdb_for_restore, nbk0_name, nbk1_name, zip0_name, zip1_name )
# cleanup( f_list )
# db_conn.close()
# for z in ( '7zip-standalone-binary.zip', 'zstd-standalone-binary.zip', 'standard_sample_databases.zip'):
# zf = zipfile.ZipFile( os.path.join(context['files_location'], z ) )
# zf.extractall( context['temp_directory'] )
# zf.close()
# # Result: scripts sample-DB_-_firebird.sql, sample-DB_-_oracle.sql and
# # standalone binaries for 7-zip and zstd have been extracted into context['temp_directory']
# p7z_exe = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'7za.exe')
# zstd_exe = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'zstd.exe')
# ################################################################################################################
# f_sql_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_4462_init.log'), 'w', buffering = 0)
# subprocess.call( [ fb_home + 'isql', dsn, '-i', os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'sample-DB_-_firebird.sql') ], stdout = f_sql_log, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
# f_sql_log.close()
# # https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#replacing-shell-pipeline
# # output=`dmesg | grep hda`
# # becomes:
# # p1 = Popen(["dmesg"], stdout=PIPE)
# # p2 = Popen(["grep", "hda"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
# # p1.stdout.close() # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
# # output = p2.communicate()[0]
# # nbackup.exe -b 0 employee stdout | 7za u -siemployee.nbk0 C:\\FBSS\\employee.nbk0.7z
# p_sender = subprocess.Popen( [ fb_home+'nbackup', '-b', '0', this_db, 'stdout' ], stdout=PIPE)
# p_getter = subprocess.Popen( [ os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'7za.exe'), 'u', '-bb3', '-bt', '-bse2', '-si' + os.path.split(nbk0_name)[1], zip0_name ], stdin = p_sender.stdout, stdout = PIPE )
# p_sender.stdout.close()
# p_getter_stdout, p_getter_stderr = p_getter.communicate()
# # result: file with name = %FBT_REPO% mp\\BUGS.CORE_4462.nbk0.7z must be created at this point
# f_nbk0_to_7z_log = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_4462_nbk0_to_7z.log'), 'w', buffering = 0)
# f_nbk0_to_7z_log.write( p_getter_stdout if p_getter_stdout else '' )
# f_nbk0_to_7z_log.write( p_getter_stderr if p_getter_stderr else '' )
# f_nbk0_to_7z_log.close()
# ################################################################################################################
# f_sql_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_4462_init.log'), 'a', buffering = 0)
# subprocess.call( [ fb_home + 'isql', dsn, '-i', os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'sample-DB_-_oracle.sql') ], stdout = f_sql_log, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
# f_sql_log.close()
# p_sender = subprocess.Popen( [ fb_home+'nbackup', '-b', '1', this_db, 'stdout' ], stdout=PIPE)
# p_getter = subprocess.Popen( [ os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'7za.exe'), 'u', '-bb3', '-bt', '-bse2', '-si' + os.path.split(nbk1_name)[1], zip1_name ], stdin = p_sender.stdout, stdout = PIPE )
# p_sender.stdout.close()
# p_getter_stdout, p_getter_stderr = p_getter.communicate()
# # result: file with name = %FBT_REPO% mp\\BUGS.CORE_4462.nbk1.7z must be created at this point
# f_nbk1_to_7z_log = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_4462_nbk1_to_7z.log'), 'w', buffering = 0)
# f_nbk1_to_7z_log.write( p_getter_stdout if p_getter_stdout else '' )
# f_nbk1_to_7z_log.write( p_getter_stderr if p_getter_stderr else '' )
# f_nbk1_to_7z_log.close()
# ################################################################################################################
# # Now we can restore database from compressed .7z files by invocation of nbackup with '-de[compress]' command key:
# # nbackup -decompress "7za x -so" -r C:\\FBSS\\examples\\emp-restored\\employee-from-7z.fdb C:\\compressed_backup\\employee.nbk0.7z C:\\compressed_backup\\employee.nbk1.7z
# f_restore_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_4462_nbackup_restore_from_7z.log'), 'w', buffering = 0)
# subprocess.call( [ fb_home + 'nbackup', '-decompress', ' '.join( (p7z_exe,'x', '-y', '-so') ), '-r', fdb_for_restore, zip0_name, zip1_name ], stdout = f_restore_log, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
# f_restore_log.close()
# # Get firebird.log content BEFORE running validation:
# #################################
# f_fblog_before=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_4462_fblog_before.txt'), 'w', buffering = 0)
# svc_get_fb_log( fb_home, f_fblog_before )
# f_fblog_before.close()
# # Run VALIDATION of just restored database:
# ################
# f_validation_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_4462_gfix_validate.log'), 'w', buffering = 0)
# subprocess.call( [ fb_home + 'gfix', '-v', '-full', fdb_for_restore], stdout=f_validation_log, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# f_validation_log.close()
# # Get firebird.log content AFTER running validation:
# ################################
# f_fblog_after=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_4462_fblog_after.txt'), 'w', buffering = 0)
# svc_get_fb_log( fb_home, f_fblog_after )
# f_fblog_after.close()
# oldfb=open(f_fblog_before.name, 'r')
# newfb=open(f_fblog_after.name, 'r')
# difftext = ''.join(difflib.unified_diff(
# oldfb.readlines(),
# newfb.readlines()
# ))
# oldfb.close()
# newfb.close()
# f_diff_fblog=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_4462_fblog_diff.txt'), 'w', buffering = 0)
# f_diff_fblog.write(difftext)
# f_diff_fblog.close()
# pattern = re.compile('.*VALIDATION.*|.*ERROR:.*')
# # NB: difflib.unified_diff() can show line(s) that present in both files, without marking that line(s) with "+".
# # Usually these are 1-2 lines that placed just BEFORE difference starts.
# # So we have to check output before display diff content: lines that are really differ must start with "+".
# # Check: difference between old and new firebird.log should contain
# # only lines about validation start and finish, without errors:
# ###############################################################
# with open( f_diff_fblog.name,'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# if line.startswith('+'):
# if pattern.match(line.upper()):
# print( ' '.join(line.split()).upper() )
# # Final checks:
# ###############
# # tmp_4462_gfix_validate.log tmp_4462_nbackup_restore_from_7z.log
# # Log for "nbackup -decompress -r ..." must be EMPTY:
# with open( f_restore_log.name,'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# if line:
# print('UNEXPECTED ERROR IN ' + f_restore_log.name + ': ' + line )
# # Log of "gfix -v -full" must be EMPTY (this means that no errors and no warning were found):
# with open( f_validation_log.name,'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# if line:
# print('UNEXPECTED ERROR IN ' + f_validation_log.name + ': ' + line )
# f_list = [
# fdb_for_restore
# ,nbk0_name
# ,nbk1_name
# ,zip0_name
# ,zip1_name
# ,p7z_exe
# ,zstd_exe
# ,os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'sample-DB_-_firebird.sql')
# ,os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'sample-DB_-_oracle.sql')
# ]
# f_list += [ i.name for i in (f_sql_log, f_nbk0_to_7z_log,f_nbk1_to_7z_log,f_restore_log,f_fblog_before,f_fblog_after,f_validation_log,f_diff_fblog) ]
# cleanup( f_list )
#act_1 = python_act('db_1', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions_1)
expected_stdout_1 = """
def test_1(db_1):
pytest.fail("Test not IMPLEMENTED")