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# id: bugs.core_6250
# title: Signature mismatch when creating package body on identical packaged procedure header
# decription:
# Thank Adriano for suggestion.
# Bug existed because backup/restore process changed value of RDB$PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS.RDB$NULL_FLAG
# for procedure parameter from NULL to 0 (zero).
# Test creates trivial package and stores its package body in variable that will be used after b/r.
# Then we do backup / restore and attempt to apply this stored package body again, see 'sql_pk_body'.
# Confirmed bug on:, Attempt to apply 'recreate package ...' with the same SQL code fails with:
# Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000 / ... / -Procedure ... has a signature mismatch on package body ...
# Bug was partially fixed in snapshots and problem remained if procedure parameter was of built-in
# datatype rather than domain (i.e. this parameter type was TIMESTAMP or INT etc, instead of apropriate domain).
# Completely fixed in snapshots and (checked 23.02.2020).
# Added special check for parameter that is declared of built-in datatype rather than domain.
# tracker_id: CORE-6250
# min_versions: ['3.0.6']
# versions: 3.0.6
# qmid: None
import pytest
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from firebird.qa import db_factory, python_act, Action, temp_file
# version: 3.0.6
# resources: None
substitutions_1 = []
init_script_1 = """"""
db_1 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1)
# test_script_1
# import os
# import sys
# import time
# import subprocess
# from fdb import services
# from subprocess import PIPE
# os.environ["ISC_USER"] = user_name
# os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = user_password
# dba_privileged_name = 'tmp_c6250_cooldba'
# non_privileged_name = 'tmp_c6250_manager'
# this_db = db_conn.database_name
# db_conn.close()
# #--------------------------------------------
# def flush_and_close( file_handle ):
# # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync
# # If you're starting with a Python file object f,
# # first do f.flush(), and
# # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk.
# global os
# file_handle.flush()
# if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb') and file_handle.name != os.devnull:
# # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"!
# os.fsync(file_handle.fileno())
# file_handle.close()
# #--------------------------------------------
# def cleanup( f_names_list ):
# global os
# for f in f_names_list:
# if type(f) == file:
# del_name = f.name
# elif type(f) == str:
# del_name = f
# else:
# print('Unrecognized type of element:', f, ' - can not be treated as file.')
# del_name = None
# if del_name and os.path.isfile( del_name ):
# os.remove( del_name )
# #--------------------------------------------
# fdb_rest = os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_6250_restored.fdb')
# cleanup( (fdb_rest,) )
# # This part of DDL will be used twice:
# sql_pk_body = '''
# set term ^;
# recreate package body pg_test1 as
# begin
# procedure sp_test1 ( a_since dm_dts ) as begin end
# end
# ^
# recreate package body pg_test2 as
# begin
# procedure sp_test2 ( a_since timestamp ) as begin end
# end
# ^
# set term ;^
# '''
# sql_init = '''
# create domain dm_dts timestamp;
# commit;
# set term ^;
# create or alter package pg_test1 as
# begin
# procedure sp_test1 ( a_since dm_dts ) ;
# end
# ^
# create or alter package pg_test2 as
# begin
# procedure sp_test2 ( a_since timestamp ) ;
# end
# ^
# set term ;^
# %(sql_pk_body)s
# commit;
# ''' % dict(globals(), **locals())
# runProgram('isql',[ 'localhost:' + this_db ], sql_init )
# # https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#replacing-shell-pipeline
# # gbak -b localhost:$fdb_init stdout | gbak -rep stdin localhost:$fdb_rest
# p_sender = subprocess.Popen( [ context['gbak_path'], '-b', 'localhost:' + this_db, 'stdout' ], stdout=PIPE)
# p_getter = subprocess.Popen( [ context['gbak_path'], '-c', 'stdin', 'localhost:' + fdb_rest ], stdin = p_sender.stdout, stdout = PIPE )
# p_sender.stdout.close()
# p_getter_stdout, p_getter_stderr = p_getter.communicate()
# f_sql_pk_body = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_core_6250_run.sql'), 'w', buffering = 0)
# f_sql_pk_body.write( sql_pk_body )
# flush_and_close( f_sql_pk_body )
# f_run_pk_body_log = open( '.'.join( (os.path.splitext( f_sql_pk_body.name )[0], 'log') ), 'w', buffering = 0)
# f_run_pk_body_err = open( '.'.join( (os.path.splitext( f_sql_pk_body.name )[0], 'err') ), 'w', buffering = 0)
# subprocess.call( [ context['isql_path'], 'localhost:' + fdb_rest, '-q', '-i', f_sql_pk_body.name ], stdout = f_run_pk_body_log, stderr = f_run_pk_body_err)
# flush_and_close( f_run_pk_body_log )
# flush_and_close( f_run_pk_body_err )
# # Check for UNEXPECTED output:
# #############################
# for g in ( f_run_pk_body_log, f_run_pk_body_err):
# with open( g.name,'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# if line.strip():
# print( 'UNEXPECTED ' +('STDOUT' if g == f_run_pk_body_log else 'STDERR')+ ': ' + line )
# # Cleanup
# #########
# time.sleep(1)
# cleanup( [ i.name for i in ( f_sql_pk_body, f_run_pk_body_log, f_run_pk_body_err, ) ] + [ fdb_rest, ] )
act_1 = python_act('db_1', substitutions=substitutions_1)
sql_pk_body = """
set term ^;
recreate package body pg_test1 as
procedure sp_test1 ( a_since dm_dts ) as begin end
recreate package body pg_test2 as
procedure sp_test2 ( a_since timestamp ) as begin end
set term ;^
sql_init = f"""
create domain dm_dts timestamp;
set term ^;
create or alter package pg_test1 as
procedure sp_test1 ( a_since dm_dts ) ;
create or alter package pg_test2 as
procedure sp_test2 ( a_since timestamp ) ;
set term ;^
fdb_restored = temp_file('tmp_6250_restored.fdb')
def test_1(act_1: Action, fdb_restored: Path):
act_1.isql(switches=[], input=sql_init)
backup = BytesIO()
with act_1.connect_server() as srv:
srv.database.local_backup(database=act_1.db.db_path, backup_stream=backup)
srv.database.local_restore(database=fdb_restored, backup_stream=backup)
act_1.isql(switches=['-q', act_1.get_dsn(fdb_restored)], input=sql_pk_body, connect_db=False)
assert act_1.clean_stdout == act_1.clean_expected_stdout