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226 lines
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ID: issue-3894
ISSUE: 3894
TITLE: There is no need to undo changes made in GTT created with ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS option when transaction is rolled back
After discuss with hvlad it was decided to use fetches & marks values that are issued in trace
ROLLBACK_TRANSACTION statistics and evaluate ratio of these values with:
1) number of inserted rows(see 'NUM_ROWS_TO_BE_ADDED' constant);
2) number of data pages that table occupies (it's retieved via 'gstat -t T_FIX_TAB').
We use three tables with the same DDL: permanent ('t_fix_tab'), GTT PRESERVE and GTT DELETE rows.
All these tables are subject to DML which does insert rows.
Permanent table is used for retrieving statistics of data pages that are in use after this DML.
Number of rows that we add into tables should not be very high, otherwise rollback will be done via TIP,
i.e. without real undone actions ==> we will not see proper ratios.
After serveral runs it was decided to use value = 45000 (rows).
All ratios should belong to some range with +/-5% of possible difference from one run to another.
Concrete values of ratio were found after several runs on 2.5.7, 3.0.2 & 4.0.0
Checked on (SS/SC), WI-V3.0.2.32644 (SS/SC/CS) and WI-T4.0.0.468 (SS/SC); (CS/SS)
1. We can estimate volume of UNDO changes in trace statistics for ROLLBACK event.
This statistics was added since 2.5.2 (see CORE-3598).
2. We have to use 'gstat -t <table>'instead of 'fbsvcmgr sts_table <...>'in 2.5.x - see CORE-5426.
FBTEST: bugs.core_3537
import pytest
from firebird.qa import *
init_script = """
set bail on;
set echo on;
create or alter procedure sp_fill_fix_tab as begin end;
create or alter procedure sp_fill_gtt_del_rows as begin end;
create or alter procedure sp_fill_gtt_sav_rows as begin end;
recreate view v_field_len as
select rf.rdb$relation_name as rel_name, f.rdb$field_length as fld_len
from rdb$relation_fields rf
join rdb$fields f on rf.rdb$field_source = f.rdb$field_name
recreate table t_fix_tab(
s1 varchar(50)
-- unique using index t_fix_tab_s1
recreate global temporary table t_gtt_del_rows(
s1 varchar(50)
-- unique using index t_gtt_del_rows_s1
) on commit DELETE rows;
recreate global temporary table t_gtt_sav_rows(
s1 varchar(50)
-- unique using index t_gtt_sav_rows_s1
) on commit PRESERVE rows;
set term ^;
create or alter procedure sp_fill_fix_tab(a_rows int) as
declare k int;
declare w int;
select v.fld_len from v_field_len v where v.rel_name=upper('t_fix_tab') into w;
while(k>0) do
insert into t_fix_tab(s1) values( rpad('', :w, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()) ) );
if (mod(k-1, 5000) = 0) then
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','DBG_FILL_FIX_TAB',a_rows - k); -- to be watched in the trace log (4DEBUG)
k = k - 1;
create or alter procedure sp_fill_gtt_del_rows(a_rows int) as
declare k int;
declare w int;
select v.fld_len from v_field_len v where v.rel_name=upper('t_gtt_del_rows') into w;
while(k>0) do
insert into t_gtt_del_rows(s1) values( rpad('', :w, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()) ) );
if (mod(k-1, 5000) = 0) then
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','DBG_FILL_GTT_DEL',a_rows - k); -- to be watched in the trace log (4DEBUG)
k = k - 1;
create or alter procedure sp_fill_gtt_sav_rows(a_rows int) as
declare k int;
declare w int;
select v.fld_len from v_field_len v where v.rel_name=upper('t_gtt_sav_rows') into w;
while(k>0) do
insert into t_gtt_sav_rows(s1) values( rpad('', :w, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()) ) );
if (mod(k-1, 5000) = 0) then
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','DBG_FILL_GTT_SAV',a_rows - k); -- to be watched in the trace log (4DEBUG)
k = k - 1;
set term ;^
# NOTE: Calculation depend on page_size=4096 !!!
db = db_factory(page_size=4096, init=init_script)
act = python_act('db')
expected_stdout = """
Check ratio_fetches_to_datapages_for_GTT_DELETE_ROWS: OK
Check ratio_fetches_to_datapages_for_GTT_PRESERVE_ROWS: OK
Check ratio_fetches_to_row_count_for_GTT_DELETE_ROWS: OK
Check ratio_fetches_to_row_count_for_GTT_PRESERVE_ROWS: OK
Check ratio_marks_to_datapages_for_GTT_DELETE_ROWS: OK
Check ratio_marks_to_datapages_for_GTT_PRESERVE_ROWS: OK
Check ratio_marks_to_row_count_for_GTT_DELETE_ROWS: OK
Check ratio_marks_to_row_count_for_GTT_PRESERVE_ROWS: OK
trace = ['log_transactions = true',
'print_perf = true',
'log_initfini = false',
def test_1(act: Action, capsys):
# Make initial data filling into PERMANENT table for retrieving later number of data pages
# (it should be the same for any kind of tables, including GTTs):
with act.db.connect() as con:
c = con.cursor()
c.call_procedure('sp_fill_fix_tab', [NUM_ROWS_TO_BE_ADDED])
with act.trace(db_events=trace):
with act.db.connect() as con1:
c = con1.cursor()
c.call_procedure('sp_fill_gtt_sav_rows', [NUM_ROWS_TO_BE_ADDED])
with act.db.connect() as con2:
c = con2.cursor()
c.call_procedure('sp_fill_gtt_del_rows', [NUM_ROWS_TO_BE_ADDED])
# Obtain statistics for table T_FIX_TAB in order to estimate numberof data pages
dp_cnt = 0
act.gstat(switches=['-a','-t', 'T_FIX_TAB', '-u', act.db.user, '-p', act.db.password])
for line in act.stdout.splitlines():
if 'data pages' in line.lower():
# Data pages: 1098, data page slots: 1098, average fill: 74% ==> 1098
dp_cnt = int(line.replace(',', ' ').split()[2])
gtt_sav_fetches = -1
gtt_sav_marks = -1
gtt_del_fetches = -1
gtt_del_marks = -1
gtt_del_trace = ''
gtt_sav_trace = ''
for line in act.trace_log:
if 'fetch' in line:
# 2.5.7:
# ['370', 'ms,', '1100', 'read(s),', '1358', 'write(s),', '410489', 'fetch(es),', '93294', 'mark(s)']
# ['2', 'ms,', '1', 'read(s),', '257', 'write(s),', '1105', 'fetch(es),', '1102', 'mark(s)']
# 3.0.2:
# 618 ms, 1 read(s), 2210 write(s), 231593 fetch(es), 92334 mark(s)
# 14 ms, 1109 write(s), 7 fetch(es), 4 mark(s)
words = line.split()
for k in range(len(words)):
if words[k].startswith('fetch'):
if gtt_sav_fetches == -1:
gtt_sav_fetches = int(words[k-1])
gtt_sav_trace = line.strip()
gtt_del_fetches = int(words[k-1])
gtt_del_trace = line.strip()
if words[k].startswith('mark'):
if gtt_sav_marks==-1:
gtt_sav_marks = int(words[k-1])
gtt_del_marks = int(words[k-1])
check_data = {
'ratio_fetches_to_row_count_for_GTT_PRESERVE_ROWS' : (1.00 * gtt_sav_fetches / NUM_ROWS_TO_BE_ADDED, 9.1219, 5.1465),
'ratio_fetches_to_row_count_for_GTT_DELETE_ROWS' : (1.00 * gtt_del_fetches / NUM_ROWS_TO_BE_ADDED, 0.0245, 0.00015),
'ratio_marks_to_row_count_for_GTT_PRESERVE_ROWS' : (1.00 * gtt_sav_marks / NUM_ROWS_TO_BE_ADDED, 2.0732, 2.05186),
'ratio_marks_to_row_count_for_GTT_DELETE_ROWS' : (1.00 * gtt_del_marks / NUM_ROWS_TO_BE_ADDED, 0.0245, 0.000089),
'ratio_fetches_to_datapages_for_GTT_PRESERVE_ROWS' : (1.00 * gtt_sav_fetches / dp_cnt, 373.85, 209.776),
'ratio_fetches_to_datapages_for_GTT_DELETE_ROWS' : (1.00 * gtt_del_fetches / dp_cnt, 1.0063, 0.00634),
'ratio_marks_to_datapages_for_GTT_PRESERVE_ROWS' : (1.00 * gtt_sav_marks / dp_cnt, 84.9672, 83.6358),
'ratio_marks_to_datapages_for_GTT_DELETE_ROWS' : (1.00 * gtt_del_marks / dp_cnt, 1.0036, 0.00362),
i = 2 # FB 3+
failed_flag = False
for k, v in sorted(check_data.items()):
msg = ('Check ' + k + ': ' +
('OK' if v[i] * ((100 - MAX_DIFF_PERCENT)/100) <= v[0] <= v[i] * (100+MAX_DIFF_PERCENT) / 100
else 'value '+str(v[0])+' not in range '+str( v[i] ) + ' +/-' + str(MAX_DIFF_PERCENT) + '%')
failed_flag = 'not in range' in msg
if failed_flag:
print('Trace for GTT PRESERVE rows: ' + gtt_sav_trace)
print('Trace for GTT DELETE rows: ' + gtt_del_trace)
# Check
act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout
act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout