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synced 2025-02-02 02:40:42 +01:00
343 lines
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343 lines
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ID: issue-6666
ISSUE: 6666
TITLE: Timezone offset in timestamp/time literal, CAST, SET TIME ZONE and AT TIME ZONE
should follow SQL standard syntax only
Test verifies miscelaneous forms of OFFSET for timezone part.
According to note by Adriano (see ticket), values that represent HOURS and MINUTES, *can* be written in single-character form,
i.e. 'H' and 'M' (rather than form 'HH' and 'MM' which was proposed by Mark).
It looks srange but currently offset parts can be written with leading (non-valuable) zeroes.
FBTEST: bugs.core_6429
import pytest
from firebird.qa import *
db = db_factory()
test_script = """
set heading off;
-- ################################## CHECK SET TIME ZONE ############################################
set time zone '-0:0'; -- must pass
set time zone '-00:00'; -- must pass
set time zone '+0:0'; -- must pass
set time zone '+00:00'; -- must pass
-- Despite on very strange view, these statements all pass:
set time zone '+0: 0';
set time zone '- 0: 0';
set time zone ' + 0 : 0 ';
-- Also passes!
set time zone ' + 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 : 00001 ';
-- All following must fail:
set time zone '';
set time zone ' ';
set time zone ' '; -- TAB
-- CR/LF
set time zone '
set time zone '00:00';
set time zone '0:0';
set time zone '+14:01'; -- must fail with "use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00"
set time zone '-14:01'; -- must fail with "use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00"
set time zone ' -0: -0'; -- must fail with "use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00"
set time zone '-0:0:'; -- must fail with "use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00"
set time zone '-0:+0'; -- must fail with "use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00"
set time zone '-0: +0'; -- must fail with "use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00"
set time zone '-0:0.0'; -- must fail with "use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00"
set time zone '+00:00.0'; -- must fail with "use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00"
-- ######################### CHECK TIMEZONE OFFSET IN TIMESTAMP LITERALS ##########################
select timestamp '2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 -03:00' from rdb$database; -- must pass
select timestamp '2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 -3:0' from rdb$database;
select timestamp '2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 -14:0' from rdb$database;
select timestamp '2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 +14:0' from rdb$database;
-- also PASSES!
select timestamp '2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 +0000000000000000000000000000014 : 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' from rdb$database;
select timestamp '2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 + 0: 0' from rdb$database;
select timestamp '2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 - 0 : 0 ' from rdb$database;
-- Must fail:
-- Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009 / Invalid time zone region
select timestamp '2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 0 : 0 ' from rdb$database;
select timestamp '2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 11:1' from rdb$database;
-- ######################### CHECK TIMEZONE OFFSET IN TIME LITERALS ##########################
select time '03:03:03.3333 -03:00' from rdb$database; -- must pass
select time '03:03:03.3333 -3:0' from rdb$database;
select time '03:03:03.3333 -14:0' from rdb$database;
select time '03:03:03.3333 +14:0' from rdb$database;
-- also PASSES!
select time '03:03:03.3333 +0000000000000000000000000000014 : 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' from rdb$database;
select time '03:03:03.3333 + 0: 0' from rdb$database;
select time '03:03:03.3333 - 0 : 0 ' from rdb$database;
-- Must fail:
-- Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009 / Invalid time zone region
select time '03:03:03.3333 0 : 0 ' from rdb$database;
select time '03:03:03.3333 11:1' from rdb$database;
-- ######################### CHECK CAST TO TIMESTAMP LITERALS WITH TIMEZONE ##########################
select cast( '2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 -03:00' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database; -- must pass
select cast( '2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 -3:0' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database;
select cast( '2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 -14:0' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database;
select cast( '2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 +14:0' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database;
-- also PASSES!
select cast( '2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 +0000000000000000000000000000014 : 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database;
select cast( '2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 + 0: 0' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database;
select cast( '2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 - 0 : 0 ' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database;
-- Must fail:
-- Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009 / Invalid time zone region
select cast( '2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 0 : 0 ' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database;
select cast( '2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 11:1' as timestamp with time zone) from rdb$database;
-- ######################### CHECK IMPLICIT CAST WITH USING 'AT TIME ZONE' ##########################
select time '05:05:05.5555' at time zone '-03:00' from rdb$database; -- must pass
select time '05:05:05.5555' at time zone '-3:0' from rdb$database;
select time '05:05:05.5555' at time zone '-14:0' from rdb$database;
select time '05:05:05.5555' at time zone '+14:0' from rdb$database;
-- also PASSES!
select time '05:05:05.5555' at time zone '+0000000000000000000000000000014 : 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' from rdb$database;
select time '05:05:05.5555' at time zone '+ 0: 0' from rdb$database;
select time '05:05:05.5555' at time zone ' - 0 : 0 ' from rdb$database;
-- Must fail:
-- Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009 / Invalid time zone region
select time '05:05:05.5555' at time zone ' 0 : 0 ' from rdb$database;
select time '05:05:05.5555' at time zone '11:1' from rdb$database;
act = isql_act('db', test_script)
expected_stdout = """
2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 -03:00
2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 -03:00
2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 -14:00
2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 +14:00
2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 +14:00
2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 +00:00
2018-01-02 02:02:02.2222 +00:00
03:03:03.3333 -03:00
03:03:03.3333 -03:00
03:03:03.3333 -14:00
03:03:03.3333 +14:00
03:03:03.3333 +14:00
03:03:03.3333 +00:00
03:03:03.3333 +00:00
2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 -03:00
2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 -03:00
2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 -14:00
2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 +14:00
2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 +14:00
2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 +00:00
2018-01-02 04:04:04.4444 +00:00
01:04:05.5555 -03:00
01:04:05.5555 -03:00
14:04:05.5555 -14:00
18:04:05.5555 +14:00
18:04:05.5555 +14:00
04:04:05.5555 +00:00
04:04:05.5555 +00:00
expected_stderr = """
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region: 00:00
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region: 0:0
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone offset: +14:01 - must use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone offset: -14:01 - must use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone offset: -0: -0 - must use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone offset: -0:0: - must use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone offset: -0:+0 - must use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone offset: -0: +0 - must use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone offset: -0:0.0 - must use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone offset: +00:00.0 - must use format +/-hours:minutes and be between -14:00 and +14:00
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region: 0 : 0
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region: 11:1
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region: 0 : 0
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region: 11:1
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region: 0 : 0
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region: 11:1
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region: 0 : 0
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22009
Invalid time zone region: 11:1
def test_1(act: Action):
act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout
act.expected_stderr = expected_stderr
assert (act.clean_stderr == act.clean_expected_stderr and
act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout)