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# id: bugs.core_5664
# title: SIMILAR TO is substantially (500-700x) slower than LIKE on trivial pattern matches with VARCHAR data.
# decription:
# 21.11.2021. Totally re-implemented, package 'psutil' must be installed.
# We make two calls of psutil.Process(fb_pid).cpu_times() (before and after SQL code) and obtain CPU User Time
# values from each result.
# Difference between them can be considered as much more accurate performance estimation.
# On each calls of procedural code (see variable N_MEASURES) dozen execution of LIKE <pattern%> and
# SIMILAR_TO statements are performed (see variable N_COUNT_PER_MEASURE). Name of procedures which do work:
# 'sp_like_test' and 'sp_sim2_test' (first of them uses 'LIKE' statement, second uses 'SIMILAR TO'). Both procedures
# uses the same data for handling.
# Each result (difference between cpu_times().user values when PSQL code finished) is added to the list.
# Finally, we evaluate MEDIAN of ratio values between cpu user time which was received for SIMILAR_TO and LIKE statements.
# If this median is less then threshold (see var. SIM2_LIKE_MAX_RATIO) then result can be considered as ACCEPTABLE.
# See also:
# https://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#psutil.cpu_times
# Confirmed bug on WI-T4.0.0.1575
# Checked on Windows:
# : 12.620s ; : 13.388s.
# 21.11.2021. Checked on Linux (after installing pakage psutil):
# 10.107s ; 8.519s ;
# tracker_id: CORE-5664
# min_versions: ['4.0']
# versions: 4.0
# qmid: None
import pytest
from firebird.qa import db_factory, python_act, Action
# version: 4.0
# resources: None
substitutions_1 = []
init_script_1 = """"""
db_1 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1)
# test_script_1
# import os
# import psutil
# os.environ["ISC_USER"] = user_name
# os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = user_password
# #------------------
# def median(lst):
# n = len(lst)
# s = sorted(lst)
# return (sum(s[n//2-1:n//2+1])/2.0, s[n//2])[n % 2] if n else None
# #------------------
# ###########################
# ### S E T T I N G S ###
# ###########################
# # How many times we call PSQL code (two stored procedures:
# # one for performing comparisons based on LIKE, second based on SIMILAR TO statements):
# # How many iterations must be done in each of stored procedures when they work.
# # DO NOT set this value less then 10'000 otherwise lot of measures will last ~0 ms
# # and we will not able to evaluate ratio properly:
# #
# # Maximal value for MEDIAN of ratios between CPU user time when comparison was made
# # using SIMILAR TO vs LIKE. Lot of measurements show that SIMILAR_TO is FASTER then LIKE
# # when handling long string and pattern that are used in this test, ratio is ~0.9 ... 1.1
# #
# ###########################
# # Patternized code for creating TWO procedures:
# # 1) for applying LIKE
# # 2) for applying SIMILAR TO
# ############################
# sp_ddl = ''' create or alter procedure sp_%(sp_prefix)s_test (
# n_count int
# ,long_string_form varchar(20) -- 'starts_with' | 'ends_with'
# ) as
# declare i int = 0;
# declare long_text varchar(32761);
# declare word_to_search varchar(16384);
# declare pattern_to_chk varchar(32761);
# declare v_guid varchar(32755);
# begin
# v_guid = lpad( '', 16384, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()) );
# v_guid = replace(v_guid,'-','');
# -- ::: NB :::
# -- Text that we want to search (word_to_search)
# -- must either be in the beginning or at the end of string.
# -- No sense to search text if it differs with string at first characters
# -- because evaluating of result for STARTS_WITH will be instant in that case
# -- (rather thanresult for ENDS_WITH).
# -- Also, we have to remove '-' from both text and pattern because this is special
# -- character in SIMILAR TO operator (we do this just for simplification of test).
# word_to_search = replace(left(v_guid, 4096),'-','');
# if ( long_string_form = 'starts_with' ) then
# -- ............ "starts with" ..........
# begin
# long_text = word_to_search || v_guid;
# pattern_to_chk = word_to_search || '%%'; ------------ 'ABCDEF' LIKE/SIMILAR_TO 'ABC<wildcard_char>'
# end
# else -- ............ "ends with" ..........
# begin
# long_text = v_guid || word_to_search;
# pattern_to_chk = '%%' || word_to_search; ------------ 'ABCDEF' LIKE/SIMILAR_TO '<wildcard_char>DEF'
# end
# while (i < n_count) do
# begin
# -- ##############################################
# -- evaluating result: applying LIKE or SIMILAR_TO
# -- ##############################################
# i = i + iif( long_text %(sp_statement)s pattern_to_chk, 1, 1);
# end
# end
# '''
# op_map = {'like' : 'LIKE', 'sim2' : 'SIMILAR TO'}
# for sp_prefix,sp_statement in op_map.items():
# db_conn.execute_immediate( sp_ddl % locals() )
# db_conn.commit()
# # Result: procedures with names: 'sp_like_test' and 'sp_sim2_test' have been created.
# # Both of them use input parameter, n_count -- number of iterations.
# cur=db_conn.cursor()
# cur.execute('select mon$server_pid as p from mon$attachments where mon$attachment_id = current_connection')
# fb_pid = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
# # test_1: string ENDS with pattern (s like '%QWERTY' == vs== s similar to '%QWERTY' )
# # test_2: string STARTS with pattern (s like 'QWERTY%' == vs == s similar to 'QWERTY%' )
# sp_call_data = {}
# for long_text_form in ('starts_with', 'ends_with'):
# ratio_list = []
# for i in range(0, N_MEASURES):
# sp_time = {}
# for sp_name in op_map.keys():
# fb_info_init = psutil.Process(fb_pid).cpu_times()
# cur.callproc('sp_' + sp_name + '_test', (N_COUNT_PER_MEASURE, long_text_form) )
# fb_info_curr = psutil.Process(fb_pid).cpu_times()
# sp_time[ sp_name ] = max(fb_info_curr.user - fb_info_init.user, 0.000001)
# try:
# # print('measure: %5d' % i, 'ratio:', "{:9.2f}".format( sp_time['sim2'] / sp_time['like'] ), sp_time )
# ratio_list.append( sp_time['sim2'] / sp_time['like'] )
# sp_call_data[long_text_form, i] = (sp_time['sim2'], sp_time['like'])
# except ZeroDivisionError as e:
# print(e)
# # print('sim2:', sp_time['sim2'], '; like:', sp_time['like'])
# # print( 'String form: "%s", median ratio: %s' % ( long_text_form, 'acceptable' if median(ratio_list) <= SIM2_LIKE_MAX_RATIO else 'TOO BIG: ' + str(median(ratio_list)) ) )
# if median(ratio_list) <= SIM2_LIKE_MAX_RATIO:
# print('String %s pattern, result: acceptable.' % long_text_form.upper().replace('_',' '))
# else:
# print('THE SEARCH WAS TOO SLOW when string %s pattern' % long_text_form.upper().replace('_',' '))
# print("\\nCheck sp_call_data values (k=[long_text_form, i], v = (sp_time['sim2'], sp_time['like'])):" )
# for k,v in sorted(sp_call_data.items()):
# print(k,':',v, '; ratio:', v[0]/v[1])
# print('\\nCheck ratio values:')
# for i,p in enumerate(ratio_list):
# print( "%d : %12.2f" % (i,p) )
# print('\\nMedian value: %12.2f' % median(ratio_list))
# cur.close()
act_1 = python_act('db_1', substitutions=substitutions_1)
expected_stdout_1 = """
String STARTS WITH pattern, result: acceptable.
String ENDS WITH pattern, result: acceptable.
def test_1(act_1: Action):
pytest.fail("Test not IMPLEMENTED")