mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird-qa.git synced 2025-01-23 14:03:06 +01:00

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ID: issue-6932
ISSUE: 6932
TITLE: GTT's pages are not released while dropping it
We extract value of config parameter 'TempTableDirectory' in order to get directory where GTT data are stored.
If this parameter is undefined then we query environment variables: FIREBIRD_TMP; TEMP and TMP - and stop after
finding first non-empty value in this list. Name of this folder is stored in GTT_DIR variable.
Then we create GTT and add some data in it; file 'fb_table_*' will appear in <GTT_DIR> after this.
We have to obtain size of this file and invoke os.path.getsize(). Result will be NON-zero, despite that Windows
'dir' command shows that this file has size 0. We initialize list 'gtt_size_list' and save this size in it as
'initial' element (with index 0).
After this, we make loop for <ITER_COUNT> iterations and do on each of them:
* drop GTT;
* create GTT (with new name);
* add some data into just created GTT
* get GTT file size and add it to the list for further analysis (see 'gtt_size_list.append(...)')
Finally, we scan list 'gtt_size_list' (starting from 2nd element) and evaluate DIFFERENCE between size of GTT file
that was obtained on Nth and (N-1)th iterations. MEDIAN value of this difference must be ZERO.
BEFORE this ticket was fixed, size of GTT grew noticeably only for the first ~10 iterations.
This is example how size was changed (in percents):
For big numbers of ITER_COUNT values quickly tend to zero.
AFTER this fix size is changed only for 2nd iteration (and not in every measure), for ~6%.
All rest changes (startingfrom 3rd measure) must be zero.
NB-2. Test implemented for Windows only: there is no ability to get name of GTT file on Linux
because all such files marked as deleted immediately after creation.
Confirmed bug on
Checked on: WI-V4.0.1.2578; WI-T5.0.0.181 -- all OK.
import pytest
from firebird.qa import *
db = db_factory()
act = python_act('db')
expected_stdout = """
GTT file size remains the same.
@pytest.mark.skip('FIXME: Not IMPLEMENTED')
def test_1(act: Action):
pytest.fail("Not IMPLEMENTED")
# test_script_1
# import os
# import sys
# import glob
# # import fdb
# FB_GTT_PATTERN = 'fb_table_*'
# #FB_CLNT = r'C:\\FB(cs
# bclient.dll'
# #DB_NAME = 'localhost:e50'
# GTT_CREATE_TABLE="recreate global temporary table gtt_%(gtt_name_idx)s(s varchar(1000) unique) on commit preserve rows"
# GTT_ADD_RECORDS="insert into gtt_%(gtt_name_idx)s select lpad('', 1000, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid())) from rdb$types,rdb$types rows 1000"
# GTT_DROP_TABLE="drop table gtt_%(gtt_prev_idx)s"
# #con = fdb.connect( dsn = DB_NAME, fb_library_name = FB_CLNT)
# cur = db_conn.cursor()
# GTT_DIR = ''
# cur.execute("select coalesce(rdb$config_value,'') from rdb$config where rdb$config_name = 'TempTableDirectory'")
# for r in cur:
# GTT_DIR = r[0]
# cur.close()
# if not GTT_DIR:
# GTT_DIR = os.environ.get("FIREBIRD_TMP", '')
# if not GTT_DIR:
# GTT_DIR = os.environ.get("TEMP", '')
# if not GTT_DIR:
# GTT_DIR = os.environ.get("TMP", '')
# if not GTT_DIR:
# print('### ABEND ### Could not get directory where GTT data are stored.')
# exit(1)
# gtt_dir_init = glob.glob( os.path.join(GTT_DIR, FB_GTT_PATTERN) )
# gtt_name_idx = 0
# db_conn.execute_immediate(GTT_CREATE_TABLE % locals())
# db_conn.commit()
# db_conn.execute_immediate(GTT_ADD_RECORDS % locals())
# db_conn.commit()
# gtt_dir_curr = glob.glob( os.path.join(GTT_DIR, FB_GTT_PATTERN) )
# gtt_new_file = list(set(gtt_dir_curr) - set(gtt_dir_init))[0]
# #print('name of GTT: ',gtt_new_file, ', size: ', os.path.getsize(gtt_new_file))
# gtt_size_list = [ (0,os.path.getsize(gtt_new_file)) ]
# for gtt_name_idx in range(1,ITER_COUNT):
# # print('Iter No %d' % gtt_name_idx)
# gtt_prev_idx = gtt_name_idx-1
# db_conn.execute_immediate(GTT_DROP_TABLE % locals())
# db_conn.commit()
# db_conn.execute_immediate(GTT_CREATE_TABLE % locals())
# db_conn.commit()
# db_conn.execute_immediate(GTT_ADD_RECORDS % locals())
# db_conn.commit()
# #print('size: %d' % os.path.getsize(gtt_new_file) )
# #print('---------------------')
# gtt_size_list.append( (gtt_name_idx,os.path.getsize(gtt_new_file)) )
# size_changes_percent_list = []
# for k in range(1,len(gtt_size_list)):
# #print(k,':', gtt_size_list[k][1], gtt_size_list[k-1][1], 100.00 * gtt_size_list[k][1] / gtt_size_list[k-1][1] - 100 )
# size_changes_percent_list.append( 100.00 * gtt_size_list[k][1] / gtt_size_list[k-1][1] - 100 )
# #for p in sorted(size_changes_percent_list):
# # print(p)
# #print('--------------------------------------')
# n = len(size_changes_percent_list)
# median_size_change_percent = sorted(size_changes_percent_list)[ min(n-1, int(n/2)) ]
# if median_size_change_percent == 0:
# print( 'GTT file size remains the same.' )
# else:
# print('GTT file size UNEXPECTEDLY INCREASED. Check percentage:')
# for p in size_changes_percent_list:
# # print( round(p,2) )
# print( '{:.2f}'.format(p) )