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ID: issue-2890
ISSUE: 2890
TITLE: mon$memory_usage: Sorting memory should be reported as owned by the statement
We create view that gathers monitoring info related to all needed levels of statistics (DB, attachment, transaction, call).
Then this view is "customized" in order to leave only interested info about activity that will be started by separate isql process.
Then we start ascynchronously ISQL and make it stay in some (small) pause. At this moment we make first "photo" of mon$ info and store
it in dict object 'map_beg'.
NB: we should NOT wait too long because when SORT starts it can very fast to fill whole space of TempCacheLimit and mon$memory* counters
will not change since this poitn at all (===> one mey to get zero difference between mon$ countyers in this case).
After small pause (in ISQL connect) will gone, ISQL starts to do "huge sort" by invoking query with 'SELECT DISTINCT FROM <huge data source>'.
We wait about 1..2 second after this sort start and then make 2nd "photo" of monitoring counters and also store their values in another
dict object ('map_end').
Finally, we force ISQL to finish (by moving DB in full shutdown state) and compare differences between corresp. values of map_end and map_beg.
Values for DATABASE level (mon$stat_group = 0) change only in SuperServer but never change in CS/SC and remain zero. We do not compare them.
Values for TRANSACTION level never increase; moreover, mon$memory_allocated counter at the "end-point" (when sorting is running) even is reduced
(and the reason still remain unknown for me; see letter to dimitr 04-may-2018 20:07).
So, we compare only difference of mon$memory* counters for ATTACHMENT and STATEMENT level (mon$stat_group = 1 and 3).
This difference must be not less than some threshold that depends on FB arch, for __BOTH__ levels (and this is main idea of this test)
Runs this test on firebird.conf with default TempCacheLimit show following values of differences:
1) for SuperServer: ~68.1 Mb;
2) for Classic: ~9.4 Mb
For this reason minimal threshold for consider difference Ok is about 1 Mb (see MIN_DIFF_THRESHOLD).
[16.11.2021] pcisar
This test is too complicated and fragile, and it's IMHO not worth to be implemented
FBTEST: bugs.core_2477
import pytest
from firebird.qa import *
init_script = """
create or alter view v_mon as
select *
from (
m.mon$stat_group as stat_gr
,rpad( decode(m.mon$stat_group, 0,'0:database', 1,'1:attachment', 2,'2:transaction', 3,'3:statement', 4,'4:call'), 15,' ') as stat_type
,m.mon$memory_used as memo_used
,m.mon$memory_allocated as memo_allo
,m.mon$max_memory_used as max_memo_used
,m.mon$max_memory_allocated as max_memo_allo
,m.mon$stat_id as stat_id
,coalesce( s.mon$attachment_id, t.mon$attachment_id, a.mon$attachment_id, -999 ) as att_id
,coalesce( s.mon$transaction_id, t.mon$transaction_id, -999 ) as trn_id
,coalesce( s.mon$statement_id, -999) as sttm_id
,coalesce( decode( s.mon$state, 0,'finished', 1,'running', 2,'suspended' ), 'n/a') as stm_state
,lower(right( coalesce(trim(coalesce(a.mon$remote_process, a.mon$user)), ''), 20 )) as att_process -- isql.exe or Garbace Collector or Cache Writer
,lower(left( coalesce(cast(s.mon$sql_text as varchar(2000)),''), 50 )) as sql_text
from mon$memory_usage m
left join mon$statements s on m.mon$stat_group = 3 and m.mon$stat_id = s.mon$stat_id
left join mon$transactions t on
m.mon$stat_group = 2 and m.mon$stat_id = t.mon$stat_id
or m.mon$stat_group = 3 and m.mon$stat_id = s.mon$stat_id and t.mon$transaction_id = s.mon$transaction_id
left join mon$attachments a on
m.mon$stat_group = 1 and m.mon$stat_id = a.mon$stat_id
or m.mon$stat_group=2 and m.mon$stat_id = t.mon$stat_id and a.mon$attachment_id = t.mon$attachment_id
or m.mon$stat_group=3 and m.mon$stat_id = s.mon$stat_id and a.mon$attachment_id = s.mon$attachment_id
s.mon$sql_text is null
-- NB: There is additional statement like "SELECT RDB$MAP_USING, RDB$MAP_PLUGIN ..." in 4.0!
-- We have to filter it out and leave here only "our" statement that does SORT job:
s.mon$sql_text containing 'distinct'
) t
t.stat_gr = 0
t.att_process similar to '%[\\/]isql(.exe){0,1}'
order by stat_type, stat_id;
-- Aux. table for make ISQL some small delay just after it will be loaded and establish connection:
recreate table test(id int primary key);
db = db_factory(init=init_script)
act = python_act('db')
expected_stdout = """
1 attachment
* DELTA of mon$memory_used: OK, expected: increased significantly.
* DELTA of mon$memory_allo: OK, expected: increased significantly.
3 statement
* DELTA of mon$memory_used: OK, expected: increased significantly.
* DELTA of mon$memory_allo: OK, expected: increased significantly.
@pytest.mark.skip("FIXME: Test fate to be determined")
def test_1():
pytest.fail("Not IMPLEMENTED")
# test_script_1
# import os
# import subprocess
# from subprocess import Popen
# import time
# from fdb import services
# os.environ["ISC_USER"] = user_name
# os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = user_password
# db_file=db_conn.database_name
# db_conn.close()
# ISQL_USER=user_name
# ISQL_PSWD=user_password
# # change on True if one need to look at intermediate results of gathering mon$ info
# # (before ISQL async launch; after launch but before starting sort; while sorting)
# RUN_DBG=False
# select
# v.att_process,
# replace(replace(replace(replace(v.sql_text, ascii_char(10),' '), ascii_char(13),' '),' ',' '),' ',' ') as sql_text,
# v.stat_type,
# v.stm_state,
# v.att_id,
# v.trn_id,
# v.sttm_id,
# v.memo_used,
# v.memo_allo,
# v.max_memo_used,
# v.max_memo_allo
# from v_mon v
# where v.att_id is distinct from current_connection
# '''
# #--------------------------------------------------------------
# def result_msg(a_diff_value, a_min_threshold):
# return ( ('OK, expected: increased significantly.') if a_diff_value > a_min_threshold else ('BAD! Did not increased as expected. Difference: ' + "{:d}".format(a_diff_value)+'.') )
# def debug_store_mon_view(dsn, SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO, file_name_suffix):
# global os
# global subprocess
# f_sql_dbg=open( os.path.join( context['temp_directory'], 'tmp_c2477_dbg' + file_name_suffix + '.sql' ), 'w')
# f_sql_dbg.write( 'set width att_process 20; set width sql_text 50; ' + SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO+';')
# f_sql_dbg.close()
# f_log_dbg=open( os.path.join( context['temp_directory'], 'tmp_c2477_dbg' + file_name_suffix + '.log' ), 'w')
# subprocess.call( [ context['isql_path'], dsn, '-q', '-n', '-i', f_sql_dbg.name ], stdout=f_log_dbg, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
# f_log_dbg.close()
# os.remove(f_sql_dbg.name)
# def forcely_clean_attachments_by_shutdown_online( db_file ):
# global RUN_DBG
# global os
# f_shutdown_log = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_shutdown_and_online_2477.log'), 'w')
# subprocess.call( [context['fbsvcmgr_path'], "localhost:service_mgr",
# "action_properties", "prp_shutdown_mode", "prp_sm_full", "prp_shutdown_db", "0",
# "dbname", db_file,
# ],
# stdout = f_shutdown_log,
# stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# subprocess.call( [context['fbsvcmgr_path'],"localhost:service_mgr",
# "action_db_stats",
# "dbname", db_file, "sts_hdr_pages"
# ],
# stdout = f_shutdown_log,
# stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# subprocess.call( [context['fbsvcmgr_path'], "localhost:service_mgr",
# "action_properties", "prp_db_online",
# "dbname", db_file,
# ],
# stdout = f_shutdown_log,
# stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# subprocess.call( [context['fbsvcmgr_path'],"localhost:service_mgr",
# "action_db_stats",
# "dbname", db_file, "sts_hdr_pages"
# ],
# stdout = f_shutdown_log,
# stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# f_shutdown_log.close()
# if not RUN_DBG:
# os.remove(f_shutdown_log.name)
# #--------------------------------------------------------
# sql_text='''
# commit;
# set transaction lock timeout %(DELAY_IN_ISQL_BEFORE_IT_STARTS_SORT)s;
# insert into test(id) values(1);
# set term ^;
# execute block returns(c int) as
# begin
# begin
# -- make ISQL stay in small pause just after connection will be established:
# execute statement ( 'insert into test(id) values(?)' ) (1)
# on external 'localhost:' || rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','DB_NAME')
# as user '%(ISQL_USER)s' password '%(ISQL_PSWD)s'
# ;
# when any do
# begin
# end
# end
# select count(*)
# from (
# -- this force to use "PLAN SORT":
# select distinct lpad('', 500, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid())) s from rdb$types a,rdb$types b, rdb$types c
# )
# into c;
# suspend;
# end
# ^
# set term ;^
# ''' %locals()
# f_isql_cmd=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_2477_sort.sql'), 'w')
# f_isql_cmd.write(sql_text)
# f_isql_cmd.close()
# if RUN_DBG:
# debug_store_mon_view(dsn, SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO, '0')
# # Launch async-ly ISQL which must establish connect and:
# # 1) stay in small delay
# # 2) start "big sorting" job (for at least 20-30 seconds):
# f_log_sort=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'tmp_2477_sort.log'), 'w')
# p_sql = subprocess.Popen( [ context['isql_path'], dsn, '-q', '-n', '-i', f_isql_cmd.name ], stdout=f_log_sort, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
# # do NOT remove this delay: we have to wait while ISQL for sure will establish connection.
# ##########################
# if RUN_DBG:
# # NOTE: assign RUN_DBG to True and look in debug snapshot file tmp_c2477_dbg1.log
# # with results of 1st gathering of mon$ info. If it will contain only one record (of DB level)
# # than it means that we have to increase DELAY_FOR_ISQL_ESTABLISH_ITS_CONNECT value):
# debug_store_mon_view(dsn, SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO, '1')
# # Start separate connect for gather monio
# con_mon=fdb.connect(dsn=dsn)
# cur_mon=con_mon.cursor()
# # Gather info from mon$memory_usage before SORT start (ISQL stays in pause now):
# ###################################
# cur_mon.execute(SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO)
# map_beg={}
# # Take at once all the records that cursor can return (actually it can return only 5 records in 3.0+ SS):
# for x in cur_mon.fetchmanymap(99):
# # we need only several for storing as KEY-VALUE pairs from the whole set of columns of view v_mon:
# (stat_type, att_id, trn_id, sttm_id) = ( v for k,v in x.items() if k in ( 'STAT_TYPE', 'ATT_ID', 'TRN_ID', 'STTM_ID') )
# val = [ v for k,v in x.items() if k in ('MEMO_USED', 'MEMO_ALLO') ]
# map_beg[ stat_type, att_id, trn_id, sttm_id ] = val
# #for k,v in sorted(map_beg.items()):
# # print('::: beg ::: k=',k,'; v=',v)
# cur_mon.close()
# # This is mandatory before any subsequent gathering mon$ info:
# con_mon.commit()
# # This *seems* not necessary but one need to test this again in SC/CS:
# con_mon.close()
# con_mon=fdb.connect(dsn=dsn)
# # this delay is mandatory and must be greater than delay in ISQL
# # (see 'set tran lock timeout N' in its sql script).
# # We have to give ISQL to actually start SORT job:
# cur_mon=con_mon.cursor()
# # Gather info from mon$memory_usage when SORT is running:
# ###################################
# cur_mon.execute(SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO)
# map_end={}
# for x in cur_mon.fetchmanymap(99):
# (stat_type, att_id, trn_id, sttm_id) = ( v for k,v in x.items() if k in ( 'STAT_TYPE', 'ATT_ID', 'TRN_ID', 'STTM_ID') )
# val = [ v for k,v in x.items() if k in ('MEMO_USED', 'MEMO_ALLO') ]
# map_end[ stat_type, att_id, trn_id, sttm_id ] = val
# cur_mon.close()
# if RUN_DBG:
# # NOTE: assign RUN_DBG to True and look in debug snapshot file tmp_c2477_dbg1.log
# # with results of 1st gathering of mon$ info.
# debug_store_mon_view(dsn, SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO, '2')
# con_mon.close()
# # We have to be sure that NO ANY activity remains in the database before finish this test.
# # Unfortunately, it seems that just killing process of ISQL (that was launched async-ly) not enough,
# # so we turn database offline and bring back online:
# forcely_clean_attachments_by_shutdown_online( db_file )
# # ::: !! :::
# ########################################
# ########################################
# p_sql.terminate()
# f_log_sort.close()
# #time.sleep(1)
# for k,v in sorted(map_beg.items()):
# if 'database' in k[0]:
# # mon$memory_* counters always ZERO in CS/SC for database level
# pass
# if 'transaction' in k[0]:
# # mon$memory_* counters never change for transaction level (reason currently is unknown).
# pass
# if 'attachment' in k[0] or 'statement' in k[0]:
# (beg_memo_used, beg_memo_allo) = v
# (end_memo_used, end_memo_allo) = map_end.get(k)
# (dif_memo_used, dif_memo_allo) = (end_memo_used - beg_memo_used, end_memo_allo - beg_memo_allo)
# #print( k[0].rstrip()+':' )
# # 4debug: output value of mon$memory* counters difference:
# #print( ' '.join( (' * DELTA of mon$memory_used:', "{:9d}".format(dif_memo_used), result_msg(dif_memo_used, MIN_DIFF_THRESHOLD) ) ) )
# #print( ' '.join( (' * DELTA of mon$memory_allo:', "{:9d}".format(dif_memo_allo), result_msg(dif_memo_allo, MIN_DIFF_THRESHOLD) ) ) )
# print( ' '.join( k[0].split(':') ).rstrip() )
# print( ' * DELTA of mon$memory_used: ' + result_msg(dif_memo_used, MIN_DIFF_THRESHOLD) )
# print( ' * DELTA of mon$memory_allo: ' + result_msg(dif_memo_allo, MIN_DIFF_THRESHOLD) )
# # cleanup:
# ##########
# time.sleep(1)
# f_list = (f_isql_cmd, f_log_sort)
# for f in f_list:
# os.remove(f.name)