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ID: issue-852
ISSUE: 852
TITLE: Optimization problem with COALESCE
It tests many problems Adriano found when fixing CORE-501, CORE-1343 and CORE-2041.
[25.04.2020] Fixed lot of bugs related to wrong count of updatable columns (they were not specified in DML).
Replaced test_type to 'ISQL' because all can be done wo Python calls. Checked on,
[18.11.2020] Changed expected_stderr for parametrized statement "select coalesce(1 + cast(? ...), 2 + cast(? ...)) ...":
now it must be "-No SQLDA for input values provided" (was: "-Wrong number of parameters (expected 3, got 0)").
Output became proper since CORE-6447 was fixed.
FBTEST: bugs.core_0501
import pytest
from firebird.qa import *
substitutions = [('[ \t]+', ' ')]
db = db_factory()
test_script = """
set list on;
create sequence s1;
create table t1 (
n integer primary key,
x integer,
cn computed by (coalesce(n + 0, null)),
cx computed by (coalesce(x + 0, null))
-- test update or insert
update or insert into t1 values (next value for s1, 10);
update or insert into t1 values (next value for s1, 20);
update or insert into t1 values (next value for s1, 30);
-- test update or insert using coalesce
update or insert into t1
values (coalesce((select first 1 n from t1 order by n), null), coalesce(40 + 60, 0));
select 'point-01' as msg, t.*
from t1 t;
-- test update or insert in PSQL
set term ^ ;
execute block returns (msg varchar(30), n integer, x integer, cn integer, cx integer) as
declare z integer = 200;
update or insert into t1
values (coalesce((select first 1 skip 1 n from t1 order by n), null), :z);
msg = 'point-02';
select n, x, cn, cx
from t1
into n, x, cn, cx
set term ;^
-- test view
create view v1 as
n -- integer primary key
,x -- integer
,cn --computed by (coalesce(n + 0, null))
,cx -- computed by (coalesce(x + 0, null))
,coalesce(n + 0, null) as vcn
from t1;
select 'point-03' as msg, v.*
from v1 v;
-- test update or insert into a view
update or insert into v1(n,x) values (next value for s1, 40);
select 'point-04' as msg, v.*
from v1 v;
-- test update or insert into a view in PSQL
set term ^ ;
execute block returns (msg varchar(30), n integer, x integer, cn integer, cx integer) as
declare z integer = 300;
update or insert into v1(n, x) values ( (select first 1 skip 2 n from t1 order by n), :z );
msg = 'point-05';
select n, x, cn, cx
from v1
into n, x, cn, cx
-- test view trigger
create trigger v1_bi before insert on v1 as
declare z integer = 1000;
insert into t1(n, x) values (coalesce(new.n + :z, null), new.x);
set term ;^
insert into v1(n, x) values (8, 88);
select 'point-06' as msg, v.* from v1 v;
-- several tests of COALESCE:
select 'point-07' as msg, coalesce(n * 1, null) coal_01 from v1;
select 'point-08' as msg, coalesce(n * 1, null) coal_02 from t1 group by coalesce(n * 1, null);
select 'point-09' as msg, v.* from (select coalesce(n * 1, null) coal_03 from v1 group by coalesce(n * 1, null) ) v;
select 'point-10' as msg, v.* from (select coalesce(n * 1, null) coal_04 from v1 group by 1) v;
select 'point-11' as msg, v.* from (select coalesce(n * 1, null) coal_05 from v1 group by 1 having coalesce(n * 1, null) < 100) v;
select 'point-12' as msg, v.* from (select coalesce(n * 10, null) coal_06 from v1 order by 1) v;
select 'point-13' as msg, v.* from (select coalesce(n * 10, null) coal_07a, coalesce(x * 10, null) coal_07b from v1 order by 2 desc, 1 desc) v;
select 'point-14' as msg, v.* from (select coalesce(n * 10, null) coal_08a, coalesce(x * 10, null) coal_08b from v1 order by 1 desc, 2 desc) v;
-- test 'case when ... then ... else ... end'
'point-15' as msg
from (
select case n * 1 when 1 then n * 1 else n + 0 end case_group_by_01
from v1
group by case n * 1 when 1 then n * 1 else n + 0 end
) v;
'point-16' as msg
from (
select case n * 1 when 1 then n * 1 else n + 0 end case_group_by_02
from v1 group by 1
) v;
'point-17' as msg
from (
select case n * 1 when 1 then n * 1 else n + 0 end case_group_by_03
from v1
group by 1
having case n * 1 when 1 then n * 1 else n + 0 end < 100
) v;
'point-18' as msg
from (
select case n * 1 when 1 then n * 1 else n + 0 end case_group_by_04
from v1
order by 1 desc
) v;
-- test non-valid statements (they must raise SQLSTATE = 42000 / -Invalid expression in the HAVING clause):
'point-19' as msg
from (
select coalesce(n * 1, null) non_valid_01
from v1
group by 1 having coalesce(n * 0, null) < 100
) v;
'point-20' as msg
from (
select case n * 1 when 1 then n * 1 else n + 0 end non_valid_02
from v1
group by case n * 1 when 1 then n * 1 else n + 1 end
) v;
'point-21' as msg
from (
select case n * 1 when 1 then n * 1 else n + 0 end non_valid_03
from v1
group by 1
having case n * 1 when 1 then n * 1 else n + 1 end < 100
) v;
set term ^ ;
create procedure p1 returns (n integer) as
-- This expression is VALID, no error should be here:
select coalesce(n * 1, null)
from t1
group by coalesce(n * 1, null)
into n
set term ; ^
select 'point-22' as msg, p.* from p1 p;
-- set blob all;
-- select rdb$procedure_blr from rdb$procedures where rdb$procedure_name = 'P1';
-- test coalesce in view condition
create view v2 as
t1.n as v2_n
,coalesce(n + 1, null) as v2_x1
,coalesce(n + 2, null) as v2_x2
from t1
where coalesce(0 + 0, null) = coalesce(0 + 0, null);
select 'point-23' as msg, v.* from v2 v;
-- test coalesce in view using distinct
create view v3 as
select distinct
t1.n v3_n,
coalesce(n + 1, null) + coalesce(n + 11, null) v3_x1,
coalesce(n + 2, null) + coalesce(n + 22, null) v3_x2
from t1;
select 'point-24' as msg, v.* from v3 v;
-- test coalesce with subselect with coalesce in view
create view v4 as
t1.n v4_n,
coalesce((select coalesce(0 + 1, null) from rdb$database), null) v4_x1,
coalesce((select coalesce(2 + 1, null) from rdb$database), null) v4_x2
from t1;
select 'point-25' as msg, v.* from v4 v;
-- test coalesce in view using union
create view v5 (n, x1, x2) as
t1.n v5_n,
coalesce(n + 1, null) + coalesce(n + 11, null) v5_x1,
coalesce(n + 2, null) + coalesce(n + 22, null) v5_x2
from t1
union all
coalesce(n + 1, null) + coalesce(n + 11, null),
coalesce(n + 2, null) + coalesce(n + 22, null)
from t1;
select 'point-26' as msg, v.* from v5 v;
-- test constraints on table COLUMNS:
alter table t1
add constraint t1_n check (coalesce(n + 0, null) < 10),
add constraint t1_cx check (coalesce(cx + 0, null) < 10);
insert into t1(n,x) values (5, 5);
insert into t1(n,x) values (50, 5); -- violates TABLE COLUMN constraint 't1_n': value of 'n' must be < 10; SQLSTATE = 23000
insert into t1(n,x) values (5, 50); -- violates TABLE COLUMN constraint 't1_cx': value of 'cx' must be < 10; SQLSTATE = 23000
select 'point-27' as msg, t.* from t1 t;
-- test DOMAIN constraints:
create domain dc1 as integer check (coalesce(value + 0, null) < 10);
create domain dc2 as integer check (coalesce(value + 0, null) < 10);
alter table t1
add dc1 dc1,
add dc2 dc2;
insert into t1 (n, dc1) values (6, 6);
insert into t1 (n, dc2) values (7, 7);
insert into t1 (n, dc1) values (8, 10); -- violates DOMAIN constrain 'dc1'
insert into t1 (n, dc2) values (8, 10); -- violates DOMAIN constrain 'dc2'
select 'point-28' as msg, t.* from t1 t;
-- add bad computed expression with coalesce
alter table t1
add bc computed by (coalesce(n / (n - 2), null));
select 'point-29' as msg, t.bc from t1 as t order by t.n; -- must return only one record; raises on second: SQLSTATE = 22012 / arithmetic exception... / -Integer divide by zero
-- test missed parameters:
-- This statement will raise exception related to SQLDA.
-- Old error messages:
-- -SQL error code = -804
-- -SQLDA missing or incorrect version, or incorrect number/type of variables
-- Messages since http://sourceforge.net/p/firebird/code/63010 (2016-02-23, DS):
-- -SQLDA error
-- -Wrong number of parameters (expected 3, got 0)
-- (replacement with new text was approved by dimitr, letter 24-feb-2016 22:01).
set sqlda_display on;
'point-30' as msg
,coalesce(1 + cast(? as integer)
,2 + cast(? as integer))
from rdb$database
where coalesce(3 + cast(? as bigint), null) = 0;
act_1 = isql_act('db', test_script, substitutions=substitutions)
expected_stdout = """
MSG point-01
N 1
X 100
CN 1
CX 100
MSG point-01
N 2
X 20
CN 2
CX 20
MSG point-01
N 3
X 30
CN 3
CX 30
MSG point-02
N 1
X 100
CN 1
CX 100
MSG point-02
N 2
X 200
CN 2
CX 200
MSG point-02
N 3
X 30
CN 3
CX 30
MSG point-03
N 1
X 100
CN 1
CX 100
MSG point-03
N 2
X 200
CN 2
CX 200
MSG point-03
N 3
X 30
CN 3
CX 30
MSG point-04
N 1
X 100
CN 1
CX 100
MSG point-04
N 2
X 200
CN 2
CX 200
MSG point-04
N 3
X 30
CN 3
CX 30
MSG point-04
N 4
X 40
CN 4
CX 40
MSG point-05
N 1
X 100
CN 1
CX 100
MSG point-05
N 2
X 200
CN 2
CX 200
MSG point-05
N 3
X 300
CN 3
CX 300
MSG point-05
N 4
X 40
CN 4
CX 40
MSG point-06
N 1
X 100
CN 1
CX 100
MSG point-06
N 2
X 200
CN 2
CX 200
MSG point-06
N 3
X 300
CN 3
CX 300
MSG point-06
N 4
X 40
CN 4
CX 40
MSG point-06
N 1008
X 88
CN 1008
CX 88
VCN 1008
MSG point-07
COAL_01 1
MSG point-07
COAL_01 2
MSG point-07
COAL_01 3
MSG point-07
COAL_01 4
MSG point-07
COAL_01 1008
MSG point-08
COAL_02 1
MSG point-08
COAL_02 2
MSG point-08
COAL_02 3
MSG point-08
COAL_02 4
MSG point-08
COAL_02 1008
MSG point-09
COAL_03 1
MSG point-09
COAL_03 2
MSG point-09
COAL_03 3
MSG point-09
COAL_03 4
MSG point-09
COAL_03 1008
MSG point-10
COAL_04 1
MSG point-10
COAL_04 2
MSG point-10
COAL_04 3
MSG point-10
COAL_04 4
MSG point-10
COAL_04 1008
MSG point-11
COAL_05 1
MSG point-11
COAL_05 2
MSG point-11
COAL_05 3
MSG point-11
COAL_05 4
MSG point-12
COAL_06 10
MSG point-12
COAL_06 20
MSG point-12
COAL_06 30
MSG point-12
COAL_06 40
MSG point-12
COAL_06 10080
MSG point-13
COAL_07A 30
COAL_07B 3000
MSG point-13
COAL_07A 20
COAL_07B 2000
MSG point-13
COAL_07A 10
COAL_07B 1000
MSG point-13
COAL_07A 10080
COAL_07B 880
MSG point-13
COAL_07A 40
COAL_07B 400
MSG point-14
COAL_08A 10080
COAL_08B 880
MSG point-14
COAL_08A 40
COAL_08B 400
MSG point-14
COAL_08A 30
COAL_08B 3000
MSG point-14
COAL_08A 20
COAL_08B 2000
MSG point-14
COAL_08A 10
COAL_08B 1000
MSG point-15
MSG point-15
MSG point-15
MSG point-15
MSG point-15
MSG point-16
MSG point-16
MSG point-16
MSG point-16
MSG point-16
MSG point-17
MSG point-17
MSG point-17
MSG point-17
MSG point-18
MSG point-18
MSG point-18
MSG point-18
MSG point-18
MSG point-22
N 1
MSG point-22
N 2
MSG point-22
N 3
MSG point-22
N 4
MSG point-22
N 1008
MSG point-23
V2_N 1
V2_X1 2
V2_X2 3
MSG point-23
V2_N 2
V2_X1 3
V2_X2 4
MSG point-23
V2_N 3
V2_X1 4
V2_X2 5
MSG point-23
V2_N 4
V2_X1 5
V2_X2 6
MSG point-23
V2_N 1008
V2_X1 1009
V2_X2 1010
MSG point-24
V3_N 1
V3_X1 14
V3_X2 26
MSG point-24
V3_N 2
V3_X1 16
V3_X2 28
MSG point-24
V3_N 3
V3_X1 18
V3_X2 30
MSG point-24
V3_N 4
V3_X1 20
V3_X2 32
MSG point-24
V3_N 1008
V3_X1 2028
V3_X2 2040
MSG point-25
V4_N 1
V4_X1 1
V4_X2 3
MSG point-25
V4_N 2
V4_X1 1
V4_X2 3
MSG point-25
V4_N 3
V4_X1 1
V4_X2 3
MSG point-25
V4_N 4
V4_X1 1
V4_X2 3
MSG point-25
V4_N 1008
V4_X1 1
V4_X2 3
MSG point-26
N 1
X1 14
X2 26
MSG point-26
N 2
X1 16
X2 28
MSG point-26
N 3
X1 18
X2 30
MSG point-26
N 4
X1 20
X2 32
MSG point-26
N 1008
X1 2028
X2 2040
MSG point-26
N 1
X1 14
X2 26
MSG point-26
N 2
X1 16
X2 28
MSG point-26
N 3
X1 18
X2 30
MSG point-26
N 4
X1 20
X2 32
MSG point-26
N 1008
X1 2028
X2 2040
MSG point-27
N 1
X 100
CN 1
CX 100
MSG point-27
N 2
X 200
CN 2
CX 200
MSG point-27
N 3
X 300
CN 3
CX 300
MSG point-27
N 4
X 40
CN 4
CX 40
MSG point-27
N 1008
X 88
CN 1008
CX 88
MSG point-27
N 5
X 5
CN 5
CX 5
MSG point-28
N 1
X 100
CN 1
CX 100
DC1 <null>
DC2 <null>
MSG point-28
N 2
X 200
CN 2
CX 200
DC1 <null>
DC2 <null>
MSG point-28
N 3
X 300
CN 3
CX 300
DC1 <null>
DC2 <null>
MSG point-28
N 4
X 40
CN 4
CX 40
DC1 <null>
DC2 <null>
MSG point-28
N 1008
X 88
CN 1008
CX 88
DC1 <null>
DC2 <null>
MSG point-28
N 5
X 5
CN 5
CX 5
DC1 <null>
DC2 <null>
MSG point-28
N 6
X <null>
CN 6
CX <null>
DC1 6
DC2 <null>
MSG point-28
N 7
X <null>
CN 7
CX <null>
DC1 <null>
DC2 7
MSG point-29
BC -1
INPUT message field count: 3
01: sqltype: 496 LONG Nullable scale: 0 subtype: 0 len: 4
: name: alias:
: table: owner:
02: sqltype: 496 LONG Nullable scale: 0 subtype: 0 len: 4
: name: alias:
: table: owner:
03: sqltype: 580 INT64 Nullable scale: 0 subtype: 0 len: 8
: name: alias:
: table: owner:
OUTPUT message field count: 2
01: sqltype: 452 TEXT scale: 0 subtype: 0 len: 8 charset: 0 NONE
: name: CONSTANT alias: MSG
: table: owner:
02: sqltype: 580 INT64 Nullable scale: 0 subtype: 0 len: 8
: name: COALESCE alias: COALESCE
: table: owner:
expected_stderr_1 = """
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000
Dynamic SQL Error
-SQL error code = -104
-Invalid expression in the HAVING clause (neither an aggregate function nor a part of the GROUP BY clause)
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000
Dynamic SQL Error
-SQL error code = -104
-Invalid expression in the select list (not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause)
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000
Dynamic SQL Error
-SQL error code = -104
-Invalid expression in the HAVING clause (neither an aggregate function nor a part of the GROUP BY clause)
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000
Operation violates CHECK constraint T1_N on view or table T1
-At trigger 'CHECK_1'
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000
Operation violates CHECK constraint T1_CX on view or table T1
-At trigger 'CHECK_3'
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000
validation error for column "T1"."DC1", value "10"
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000
validation error for column "T1"."DC2", value "10"
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22012
arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
-Integer divide by zero. The code attempted to divide an integer value by an integer divisor of zero.
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 07002
Dynamic SQL Error
-SQLDA error
-Wrong number of parameters (expected 3, got 0)
def test_1(act_1: Action):
act_1.expected_stdout = expected_stdout
act_1.expected_stderr = expected_stderr_1
assert (act_1.clean_stderr == act_1.clean_expected_stderr and
act_1.clean_stdout == act_1.clean_expected_stdout)
act_2 = isql_act('db', test_script, substitutions=substitutions)
expected_stderr_2 = """
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000
Dynamic SQL Error
-SQL error code = -104
-Invalid expression in the HAVING clause (neither an aggregate function nor a part of the GROUP BY clause)
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000
Dynamic SQL Error
-SQL error code = -104
-Invalid expression in the select list (not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause)
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000
Dynamic SQL Error
-SQL error code = -104
-Invalid expression in the HAVING clause (neither an aggregate function nor a part of the GROUP BY clause)
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000
Operation violates CHECK constraint T1_N on view or table T1
-At trigger 'CHECK_1'
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000
Operation violates CHECK constraint T1_CX on view or table T1
-At trigger 'CHECK_3'
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000
validation error for column "T1"."DC1", value "10"
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 23000
validation error for column "T1"."DC2", value "10"
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22012
arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
-Integer divide by zero. The code attempted to divide an integer value by an integer divisor of zero.
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 07002
Dynamic SQL Error
-SQLDA error
-No SQLDA for input values provided
#-Wrong number of parameters (expected 3, got 0)
def test_2(act_2: Action):
act_2.expected_stdout = expected_stdout
act_2.expected_stderr = expected_stderr_2
assert (act_2.clean_stderr == act_2.clean_expected_stderr and
act_2.clean_stdout == act_2.clean_expected_stdout)