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# id: bugs.core_2477
# title: mon$memory_usage: Sorting memory should be reported as owned by the statement
# decription:
# We create view that gathers monitoring info related to all needed levels of statistics (DB, attachment, transaction, call).
# Then this view is "customized" in order to leave only interested info about activity that will be started by separate isql process.
# Then we start ascynchronously ISQL and make it stay in some (small) pause. At this moment we make first "photo" of mon$ info and store
# it in dict object 'map_beg'.
# NB: we should NOT wait too long because when SORT starts it can very fast to fill whole space of TempCacheLimit and mon$memory* counters
# will not change since this poitn at all (===> one mey to get zero difference between mon$ countyers in this case).
# After small pause (in ISQL connect) will gone, ISQL starts to do "huge sort" by invoking query with 'SELECT DISTINCT FROM <huge data source>'.
# We wait about 1..2 second after this sort start and then make 2nd "photo" of monitoring counters and also store their values in another
# dict object ('map_end').
# Finally, we force ISQL to finish (by moving DB in full shutdown state) and compare differences between corresp. values of map_end and map_beg.
# Values for DATABASE level (mon$stat_group = 0) change only in SuperServer but never change in CS/SC and remain zero. We do not compare them.
# Values for TRANSACTION level never increase; moreover, mon$memory_allocated counter at the "end-point" (when sorting is running) even is reduced
# (and the reason still remain unknown for me; see letter to dimitr 04-may-2018 20:07).
# So, we compare only difference of mon$memory* counters for ATTACHMENT and STATEMENT level (mon$stat_group = 1 and 3).
# This difference must be not less than some threshold that depends on FB arch, for __BOTH__ levels (and this is main idea of this test)
# ###################
# Runs this test on firebird.conf with default TempCacheLimit show following values of differences:
# 1) for SuperServer: ~68.1 Mb;
# 2) for Classic: ~9.4 Mb
# For this reason minimal threshold for consider difference Ok is about 1 Mb (see MIN_DIFF_THRESHOLD).
# Checked on (Windows 32 bit):
# 25SC, build OK, 10.328s.
# 25sS, build OK, 14.656s.
# 30Cs, build OK, 14.234s.
# 30SS, build OK, 17.234s.
# 40CS, build OK, 11.219s.
# 40SS, build OK, 12.718s.
# tracker_id: CORE-2477
# min_versions: ['2.5.0']
# versions: 2.5
# qmid: None
import pytest
from firebird.qa import db_factory, isql_act, Action
# version: 2.5
# resources: None
substitutions_1 = []
init_script_1 = """
create or alter view v_mon as
select *
from (
m.mon$stat_group as stat_gr
,rpad( decode(m.mon$stat_group, 0,'0:database', 1,'1:attachment', 2,'2:transaction', 3,'3:statement', 4,'4:call'), 15,' ') as stat_type
,m.mon$memory_used as memo_used
,m.mon$memory_allocated as memo_allo
,m.mon$max_memory_used as max_memo_used
,m.mon$max_memory_allocated as max_memo_allo
,m.mon$stat_id as stat_id
,coalesce( s.mon$attachment_id, t.mon$attachment_id, a.mon$attachment_id, -999 ) as att_id
,coalesce( s.mon$transaction_id, t.mon$transaction_id, -999 ) as trn_id
,coalesce( s.mon$statement_id, -999) as sttm_id
,coalesce( decode( s.mon$state, 0,'finished', 1,'running', 2,'suspended' ), 'n/a') as stm_state
,lower(right( coalesce(trim(coalesce(a.mon$remote_process, a.mon$user)), ''), 20 )) as att_process -- isql.exe or Garbace Collector or Cache Writer
,lower(left( coalesce(cast(s.mon$sql_text as varchar(2000)),''), 50 )) as sql_text
from mon$memory_usage m
left join mon$statements s on m.mon$stat_group = 3 and m.mon$stat_id = s.mon$stat_id
left join mon$transactions t on
m.mon$stat_group = 2 and m.mon$stat_id = t.mon$stat_id
or m.mon$stat_group = 3 and m.mon$stat_id = s.mon$stat_id and t.mon$transaction_id = s.mon$transaction_id
left join mon$attachments a on
m.mon$stat_group = 1 and m.mon$stat_id = a.mon$stat_id
or m.mon$stat_group=2 and m.mon$stat_id = t.mon$stat_id and a.mon$attachment_id = t.mon$attachment_id
or m.mon$stat_group=3 and m.mon$stat_id = s.mon$stat_id and a.mon$attachment_id = s.mon$attachment_id
s.mon$sql_text is null
-- NB: There is additional statement like "SELECT RDB$MAP_USING, RDB$MAP_PLUGIN ..." in 4.0!
-- We have to filter it out and leave here only "our" statement that does SORT job:
s.mon$sql_text containing 'distinct'
) t
t.stat_gr = 0
t.att_process similar to '%[\\/]isql(.exe){0,1}'
order by stat_type, stat_id;
-- Aux. table for make ISQL some small delay just after it will be loaded and establish connection:
recreate table test(id int primary key);
db_1 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1)
# test_script_1
# import os
# import subprocess
# from subprocess import Popen
# import time
# from fdb import services
# os.environ["ISC_USER"] = user_name
# os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = user_password
# db_file=db_conn.database_name
# db_conn.close()
# ISQL_USER=user_name
# ISQL_PSWD=user_password
# # change on True if one need to look at intermediate results of gathering mon$ info
# # (before ISQL async launch; after launch but before starting sort; while sorting)
# RUN_DBG=False
# select
# v.att_process,
# replace(replace(replace(replace(v.sql_text, ascii_char(10),' '), ascii_char(13),' '),' ',' '),' ',' ') as sql_text,
# v.stat_type,
# v.stm_state,
# v.att_id,
# v.trn_id,
# v.sttm_id,
# v.memo_used,
# v.memo_allo,
# v.max_memo_used,
# v.max_memo_allo
# from v_mon v
# where v.att_id is distinct from current_connection
# '''
# #--------------------------------------------------------------
# def result_msg(a_diff_value, a_min_threshold):
# return ( ('OK, expected: increased significantly.') if a_diff_value > a_min_threshold else ('BAD! Did not increased as expected. Difference: ' + "{:d}".format(a_diff_value)+'.') )
# def debug_store_mon_view(dsn, SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO, file_name_suffix):
# global os
# global subprocess
# f_sql_dbg=open( os.path.join( context['temp_directory'], 'tmp_c2477_dbg' + file_name_suffix + '.sql' ), 'w')
# f_sql_dbg.write( 'set width att_process 20; set width sql_text 50; ' + SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO+';')
# f_sql_dbg.close()
# f_log_dbg=open( os.path.join( context['temp_directory'], 'tmp_c2477_dbg' + file_name_suffix + '.log' ), 'w')
# subprocess.call( [ context['isql_path'], dsn, '-q', '-n', '-i', f_sql_dbg.name ], stdout=f_log_dbg, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
# f_log_dbg.close()
# os.remove(f_sql_dbg.name)
# def forcely_clean_attachments_by_shutdown_online( db_file ):
# global RUN_DBG
# global os
# f_shutdown_log = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_shutdown_and_online_2477.log'), 'w')
# subprocess.call( [context['fbsvcmgr_path'], "localhost:service_mgr",
# "action_properties", "prp_shutdown_mode", "prp_sm_full", "prp_shutdown_db", "0",
# "dbname", db_file,
# ],
# stdout = f_shutdown_log,
# stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# subprocess.call( [context['fbsvcmgr_path'],"localhost:service_mgr",
# "action_db_stats",
# "dbname", db_file, "sts_hdr_pages"
# ],
# stdout = f_shutdown_log,
# stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# subprocess.call( [context['fbsvcmgr_path'], "localhost:service_mgr",
# "action_properties", "prp_db_online",
# "dbname", db_file,
# ],
# stdout = f_shutdown_log,
# stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# subprocess.call( [context['fbsvcmgr_path'],"localhost:service_mgr",
# "action_db_stats",
# "dbname", db_file, "sts_hdr_pages"
# ],
# stdout = f_shutdown_log,
# stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# f_shutdown_log.close()
# if not RUN_DBG:
# os.remove(f_shutdown_log.name)
# #--------------------------------------------------------
# sql_text='''
# commit;
# set transaction lock timeout %(DELAY_IN_ISQL_BEFORE_IT_STARTS_SORT)s;
# insert into test(id) values(1);
# set term ^;
# execute block returns(c int) as
# begin
# begin
# -- make ISQL stay in small pause just after connection will be established:
# execute statement ( 'insert into test(id) values(?)' ) (1)
# on external 'localhost:' || rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','DB_NAME')
# as user '%(ISQL_USER)s' password '%(ISQL_PSWD)s'
# ;
# when any do
# begin
# end
# end
# select count(*)
# from (
# -- this force to use "PLAN SORT":
# select distinct lpad('', 500, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid())) s from rdb$types a,rdb$types b, rdb$types c
# )
# into c;
# suspend;
# end
# ^
# set term ;^
# ''' %locals()
# f_isql_cmd=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_2477_sort.sql'), 'w')
# f_isql_cmd.write(sql_text)
# f_isql_cmd.close()
# if RUN_DBG:
# debug_store_mon_view(dsn, SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO, '0')
# # Launch async-ly ISQL which must establish connect and:
# # 1) stay in small delay
# # 2) start "big sorting" job (for at least 20-30 seconds):
# f_log_sort=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'tmp_2477_sort.log'), 'w')
# p_sql = subprocess.Popen( [ context['isql_path'], dsn, '-q', '-n', '-i', f_isql_cmd.name ], stdout=f_log_sort, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
# # do NOT remove this delay: we have to wait while ISQL for sure will establish connection.
# ##########################
# if RUN_DBG:
# # NOTE: assign RUN_DBG to True and look in debug snapshot file tmp_c2477_dbg1.log
# # with results of 1st gathering of mon$ info. If it will contain only one record (of DB level)
# # than it means that we have to increase DELAY_FOR_ISQL_ESTABLISH_ITS_CONNECT value):
# debug_store_mon_view(dsn, SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO, '1')
# # Start separate connect for gather monio
# con_mon=fdb.connect(dsn=dsn)
# cur_mon=con_mon.cursor()
# # Gather info from mon$memory_usage before SORT start (ISQL stays in pause now):
# ###################################
# cur_mon.execute(SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO)
# map_beg={}
# # Take at once all the records that cursor can return (actually it can return only 5 records in 3.0+ SS):
# for x in cur_mon.fetchmanymap(99):
# # we need only several for storing as KEY-VALUE pairs from the whole set of columns of view v_mon:
# (stat_type, att_id, trn_id, sttm_id) = ( v for k,v in x.items() if k in ( 'STAT_TYPE', 'ATT_ID', 'TRN_ID', 'STTM_ID') )
# val = [ v for k,v in x.items() if k in ('MEMO_USED', 'MEMO_ALLO') ]
# map_beg[ stat_type, att_id, trn_id, sttm_id ] = val
# #for k,v in sorted(map_beg.items()):
# # print('::: beg ::: k=',k,'; v=',v)
# cur_mon.close()
# # This is mandatory before any subsequent gathering mon$ info:
# con_mon.commit()
# # This *seems* not necessary but one need to test this again in SC/CS:
# con_mon.close()
# con_mon=fdb.connect(dsn=dsn)
# # this delay is mandatory and must be greater than delay in ISQL
# # (see 'set tran lock timeout N' in its sql script).
# # We have to give ISQL to actually start SORT job:
# cur_mon=con_mon.cursor()
# # Gather info from mon$memory_usage when SORT is running:
# ###################################
# cur_mon.execute(SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO)
# map_end={}
# for x in cur_mon.fetchmanymap(99):
# (stat_type, att_id, trn_id, sttm_id) = ( v for k,v in x.items() if k in ( 'STAT_TYPE', 'ATT_ID', 'TRN_ID', 'STTM_ID') )
# val = [ v for k,v in x.items() if k in ('MEMO_USED', 'MEMO_ALLO') ]
# map_end[ stat_type, att_id, trn_id, sttm_id ] = val
# cur_mon.close()
# if RUN_DBG:
# # NOTE: assign RUN_DBG to True and look in debug snapshot file tmp_c2477_dbg1.log
# # with results of 1st gathering of mon$ info.
# debug_store_mon_view(dsn, SQL_GATHER_SORT_INFO, '2')
# con_mon.close()
# # We have to be sure that NO ANY activity remains in the database before finish this test.
# # Unfortunately, it seems that just killing process of ISQL (that was launched async-ly) not enough,
# # so we turn database offline and bring back online:
# forcely_clean_attachments_by_shutdown_online( db_file )
# # ::: !! :::
# ########################################
# ########################################
# p_sql.terminate()
# f_log_sort.close()
# #time.sleep(1)
# for k,v in sorted(map_beg.items()):
# if 'database' in k[0]:
# # mon$memory_* counters always ZERO in CS/SC for database level
# pass
# if 'transaction' in k[0]:
# # mon$memory_* counters never change for transaction level (reason currently is unknown).
# pass
# if 'attachment' in k[0] or 'statement' in k[0]:
# (beg_memo_used, beg_memo_allo) = v
# (end_memo_used, end_memo_allo) = map_end.get(k)
# (dif_memo_used, dif_memo_allo) = (end_memo_used - beg_memo_used, end_memo_allo - beg_memo_allo)
# #print( k[0].rstrip()+':' )
# # 4debug: output value of mon$memory* counters difference:
# #print( ' '.join( (' * DELTA of mon$memory_used:', "{:9d}".format(dif_memo_used), result_msg(dif_memo_used, MIN_DIFF_THRESHOLD) ) ) )
# #print( ' '.join( (' * DELTA of mon$memory_allo:', "{:9d}".format(dif_memo_allo), result_msg(dif_memo_allo, MIN_DIFF_THRESHOLD) ) ) )
# print( ' '.join( k[0].split(':') ).rstrip() )
# print( ' * DELTA of mon$memory_used: ' + result_msg(dif_memo_used, MIN_DIFF_THRESHOLD) )
# print( ' * DELTA of mon$memory_allo: ' + result_msg(dif_memo_allo, MIN_DIFF_THRESHOLD) )
# # cleanup:
# ##########
# time.sleep(1)
# f_list = (f_isql_cmd, f_log_sort)
# for f in f_list:
# os.remove(f.name)
#act_1 = python_act('db_1', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions_1)
expected_stdout_1 = """
1 attachment
* DELTA of mon$memory_used: OK, expected: increased significantly.
* DELTA of mon$memory_allo: OK, expected: increased significantly.
3 statement
* DELTA of mon$memory_used: OK, expected: increased significantly.
* DELTA of mon$memory_allo: OK, expected: increased significantly.
def test_1(db_1):
pytest.fail("Test not IMPLEMENTED")