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264 lines
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# id: bugs.core_4889
# title: FBSVCMGR with `action_trace_start` prevents in 3.0 SuperServer from connecting using local protocol
# decription:
# Confirmed failing to create embedded attach on build 31948.
# Confirmed successful work on build 32268, architectures: SS, SC and CS.
# 10.12.2019. Additional check:
# SS: 11.439s.
# CS: 12.078s.
# SS: 10.827s.
# CS: 11.793s.
# 13.04.2021. Adapted for run both on Windows and Linux. Checked on:
# Windows:,
# Linux:,
# tracker_id: CORE-4889
# min_versions: ['3.0']
# versions: 3.0
# qmid: None
import pytest
from firebird.qa import db_factory, isql_act, Action
# version: 3.0
# resources: None
substitutions_1 = []
init_script_1 = """"""
db_1 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1)
# test_script_1
# import os
# import subprocess
# from subprocess import Popen
# import time
# fdb_file='$(DATABASE_LOCATION)bugs.core_4889.fdb'
# os.environ["ISC_USER"] = user_name
# os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = user_password
# db_conn.close()
# #--------------------------------------------
# def flush_and_close( file_handle ):
# # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync
# # If you're starting with a Python file object f,
# # first do f.flush(), and
# # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk.
# global os
# file_handle.flush()
# if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb') and file_handle.name != os.devnull:
# # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"!
# os.fsync(file_handle.fileno())
# file_handle.close()
# #--------------------------------------------
# def cleanup( f_names_list ):
# global os
# for i in range(len( f_names_list )):
# if type(f_names_list[i]) == file:
# del_name = f_names_list[i].name
# elif type(f_names_list[i]) == str:
# del_name = f_names_list[i]
# else:
# print('Unrecognized type of element:', f_names_list[i], ' - can not be treated as file.')
# print('type(f_names_list[i])=',type(f_names_list[i]))
# del_name = None
# if del_name and os.path.isfile( del_name ):
# os.remove( del_name )
# #--------------------------------------------
# # Prepare config for trace session that will be launched by call of FBSVCMGR:
# ################
# txt = '''database= %[\\\\\\\\/]bugs.core_4889.fdb
# {
# enabled = true
# time_threshold = 0
# log_errors = true
# log_statement_finish = true
# }
# '''
# trc_cfg=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_trace_4889.cfg'), 'w')
# trc_cfg.write(txt)
# flush_and_close( trc_cfg )
# #####################################################################
# # Async. launch of trace session using FBSVCMGR action_trace_start:
# trc_log = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_trace_4889.log'), 'w')
# # Execute a child program in a new process, redirecting STDERR to the same target as of STDOUT:
# p_svcmgr = Popen( [context['fbsvcmgr_path'], "localhost:service_mgr",
# "action_trace_start","trc_cfg", trc_cfg.name],
# stdout=trc_log, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# # Wait! Trace session is initialized not instantly!
# time.sleep(2)
# #####################################################################
# # Determine active trace session ID (for further stop):
# trc_lst = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_trace_4889.lst'), 'w')
# subprocess.call([context['fbsvcmgr_path'], "localhost:service_mgr",
# "action_trace_list"],
# stdout=trc_lst, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# flush_and_close( trc_lst )
# # Session ID: 5
# # user:
# # date: 2015-08-27 15:24:14
# # flags: active, trace
# trcssn=0
# with open( trc_lst.name,'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# i=1
# if 'Session ID' in line:
# for word in line.split():
# if i==3:
# trcssn=word
# i=i+1
# break
# # Result: `trcssn` is ID of active trace session.
# # We have to terminate trace session that is running on server BEFORE we termitane process `p_svcmgr`
# if trcssn==0:
# print("Error parsing trace session ID.")
# flush_and_close( trc_log )
# else:
# #####################################################################
# # Preparing script for ISQL:
# sql_cmd='''
# set list on;
# set count on;
# select
# iif(a.mon$remote_protocol is null, 'internal', 'remote') as connection_protocol,
# iif(a.mon$remote_process is null, 'internal', 'remote') as connection_process,
# iif(a.mon$remote_pid is null, 'internal', 'remote') as connection_remote_pid,
# a.mon$auth_method as auth_method -- should be: 'User name in DPB'
# from rdb$database r
# left join mon$attachments a on a.mon$attachment_id = current_connection and a.mon$system_flag = 0;
# commit;
# '''
# isql_cmd=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_isql_4889.sql'), 'w')
# isql_cmd.write(sql_cmd)
# flush_and_close( isql_cmd )
# #######################################################################
# # Async. launch ISQL process with EMBEDDED connect.
# # ::::: NB :::::
# # Confirmed that this action:
# # works fine on WI-V3.0.0.31940, build 14-jul-2015
# # **HANGS** on WI-V3.0.0.31948, build 16-jul-2015
# isql_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_isql_4889.log'), 'w')
# p_isql = Popen( [ context['isql_path'] , fdb_file,
# "-user", "tmp$no$such$user$4889",
# "-n", "-i", isql_cmd.name ],
# stdout=isql_log,
# stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# # do NOT remove this delay:
# time.sleep(5)
# p_isql.terminate()
# flush_and_close( isql_log )
# #####################################################################
# # Stop trace session:
# trc_lst=open(trc_lst.name, "a")
# trc_lst.seek(0,2)
# subprocess.call([ context['fbsvcmgr_path'], "localhost:service_mgr",
# "action_trace_stop","trc_id",trcssn],
# stdout=trc_lst, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# flush_and_close( trc_lst )
# p_svcmgr.terminate()
# flush_and_close( trc_log )
# # do NOT remove this delay:
# time.sleep(2)
# #####################################################################
# # Output logs:
# i=0
# with open( trc_log.name,'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# i=1
# if i==1 and '1 records fetched' in line:
# i=2
# print("OK: found text in trace related to EMBEDDED connect.")
# break
# if not i==2:
# print("FAILED to found text in trace related to EMBEDDED connect.")
# if os.path.getsize(isql_log.name) == 0:
# print("FAILED to print log from EMBEDDED connect: log is EMPTY.")
# else:
# with open( isql_log.name,'r') as f:
# print(f.read())
# f.close()
# # do NOT remove this pause otherwise log of trace will not be enable for deletion and test will finish with
# # Exception raised while executing Python test script. exception: WindowsError: 32
# # On WI-V3.0.0.31948 final output was:
# # FAILED to found text in trace related to EMBEDDED connect.
# # FAILED to print log from EMBEDDED connect: log is EMPTY.
# #####################################################################
# # Cleanup:
# time.sleep(1)
# cleanup( (trc_lst, trc_cfg, trc_log,isql_cmd, isql_log) )
#act_1 = python_act('db_1', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions_1)
expected_stdout_1 = """
OK: found text in trace related to EMBEDDED connect.
AUTH_METHOD User name in DPB
Records affected: 1
def test_1(db_1):
pytest.fail("Test not IMPLEMENTED")