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473 lines
19 KiB

# id: bugs.core_5501
# title: Unclear gstat's diagnostic when damaged page in DB file appears encrypted
# decription:
# Test creates table 'TEST' with varchar and blob fields, + index on varchar, and add some data to it.
# Blob field is filled by long values in order to prevent acomodation of its content within data pages.
# As result, this table should have pages of three different types: DataPage, BTreePage and BlobPage.
# Then we find number of first PP of this table by scrolling RDB$PAGES join RDB$RELATIONS result set.
# After this we:
# * define type of every page starting from first PP for 'TEST' table and up to total pages of DB,
# and doing this for each subsequent page, until ALL THREE different page types will be detected:
# 1) data page, 2) index B-Tree and 3) blob page.
# These page numbers are stored in variables: (brk_datapage, brk_indxpage, brk_blobpage).
# When all three page numbers are found, loop is terminated;
# * close connection and open dB as binary file for reading and writing;
# * store previous content of .fdb in variable 'raw_db_content' (for further restore);
# * move file seek pointer at the beginning of every page from list: (brk_datapage, brk_indxpage, brk_blobpage);
# * BREAK page content by writing invalid binary data in the header of page;
# This invalid data are: bytes 0...7 ==> 0xFFAACCEEBB0000CC; bytes 8...15 ==> 0xDDEEAADDCC00DDEE;
# * Close DB file handle and:
# ** 1) run 'gstat -e';
# ** 2) run online validation;
# * open DB file again as binary and restore its content from var. 'raw_db_content' in order
# fbtest framework could finish this test (by making connect and drop this database);
# * report of 'gstat -e' should contain line with text 'ENCRYPTED 3 (DB problem!)'
# (number '3' should present becase we damaged pages of THREE diff. types: DP, BTree and Blob).
# * report of online validation should contain lines with info about three diff. page types which have problems.
# Checked on (CS/SC/SS), (CS/SC/SS)
# tracker_id: CORE-5501
# min_versions: ['3.0.2']
# versions: 3.0.2
# qmid: None
import pytest
from firebird.qa import db_factory, isql_act, Action
# version: 3.0.2
# resources: None
substitutions_1 = [('total \\d+,', 'total'), ('non-crypted \\d+', 'non-crypted'), ('crypted \\d+', 'crypted')]
init_script_1 = """
alter database drop linger;
create table test(s varchar(1000) unique using index test_s_unq, b blob);
set count on;
insert into test(s, b)
rpad( '',1000, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()) ),
rpad( '',
10000, -- NB: blob should have a big size! It should NOT be stored withih a data page.
from rdb$types
rows 100;
db_1 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1)
# test_script_1
# import os
# import fdb
# import re
# import subprocess
# import time
# from fdb import services
# os.environ["ISC_USER"] = user_name
# os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = user_password
# dbnm = db_conn.database_name
# so=sys.stdout
# se=sys.stderr
# map_dbo={}
# #--------------------------------------------
# def flush_and_close( file_handle ):
# # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync
# # If you're starting with a Python file object f,
# # first do f.flush(), and
# # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk.
# global os
# file_handle.flush()
# if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb') and file_handle.name != os.devnull:
# # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"!
# os.fsync(file_handle.fileno())
# file_handle.close()
# #--------------------------------------------
# def cleanup( f_names_list ):
# global os
# for i in range(len( f_names_list )):
# if type(f_names_list[i]) == file:
# del_name = f_names_list[i].name
# elif type(f_names_list[i]) == str:
# del_name = f_names_list[i]
# else:
# print('Unrecognized type of element:', f_names_list[i], ' - can not be treated as file.')
# del_name = None
# if del_name and os.path.isfile( del_name ):
# os.remove( del_name )
# #--------------------------------------------
# def fill_dbo(con, map_dbo):
# cur=con.cursor()
# sql='''
# select rel_id, rel_name, idx_id, idx_name
# from (
# select
# rr.rdb$relation_id rel_id, -- 0
# rr.rdb$relation_name rel_name, -- 1
# -1 idx_id, -- 2
# '' idx_name, -- 3
# rr.rdb$relation_type rel_type,
# rr.rdb$system_flag sys_flag
# from rdb$relations rr
# union all
# select
# rr.rdb$relation_id rel_id, -- 0
# rr.rdb$relation_name rel_name, -- 1
# coalesce(ri.rdb$index_id-1,-1) idx_id, -- 2
# coalesce(ri.rdb$index_name,'') idx_name, -- 3
# rr.rdb$relation_type rel_type,
# rr.rdb$system_flag sys_flag
# from rdb$relations rr
# join rdb$indices ri on
# rr.rdb$relation_name = ri.rdb$relation_name
# ) r
# where
# coalesce(r.rel_type,0) = 0 -- exclude views, GTT and external tables
# and r.sys_flag is distinct from 1
# '''
# cur.execute(sql)
# for r in cur:
# map_dbo[ r[0], r[2] ] = ( r[1].strip(), r[3].strip() )
# #--------------------------------------------
# def parse_page_header(con, page_number, map_dbo):
# from struct import unpack_from
# global PAGE_TYPES
# page_buffer = con.get_page_contents( page_number )
# # dimitr, 20.01.2017 ~13:00
# # all *CHAR = 1 byte, *SHORT = 2 bytes, *LONG = 4 bytes.
# # https://docs.python.org/2/library/struct.html
# # struct.unpack_from(fmt, buffer[, offset=0])
# # Unpack the buffer according to the given format.
# # The result is a tuple even if it contains exactly one item.
# # The buffer must contain at least the amount of data required by the format
# # len(buffer[offset:]) must be at least calcsize(fmt).
# # First character of the format string can be used to indicate the byte order,
# # size and alignment of the packed data
# # Native byte order is big-endian or little-endian:
# # < little-endian
# # > big-endian
# # Intel x86 and AMD64 (x86-64) are little-endian
# # Use sys.byteorder to check the endianness of your system:
# # https://docs.python.org/2/library/struct.html#format-characters
# # c char string of length 1
# # b signed char
# # B unsigned char
# # h short
# # H unsigned short integer
# # i int integer 4
# # I unsigned int integer 4
# # l long (4)
# # L unsigned long (4)
# # q long long (8)
# # Q unsigned long long
# (page_type,) = unpack_from('<b',page_buffer)
# relation_id=-1
# index_id=-1
# segment_cnt=-1 # for Data page: number of record segments on page
# if page_type == 4:
# # POINTER pege:
# # *pag* dpg_header=16, SLONG dpg_sequence=4, SLONG ppg_next=4, USHORT ppg_count=2 ==> 16+4+4+2=26
# # struct pointer_page
# # {
# # pag ppg_header;
# # SLONG ppg_sequence; // Sequence number in relation
# # SLONG ppg_next; // Next pointer page in relation
# # USHORT ppg_count; // Number of slots active
# # USHORT ppg_relation; // Relation id
# # USHORT ppg_min_space; // Lowest slot with space available
# # USHORT ppg_max_space; // Highest slot with space available
# # SLONG ppg_page[1]; // Data page vector
# # };
# (relation_id,) = unpack_from('<H',page_buffer,26) # 'H' ==> USHORT
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# if page_type == 5:
# # DATA page:
# # *pag* dpg_header=16, SLONG dpg_sequence=4 ==> 16+4 = 20:
# # struct data_page
# # {
# # 16 pag dpg_header;
# # 4 SLONG dpg_sequence; // Sequence number in relation
# # 2 USHORT dpg_relation; // Relation id
# # 2 USHORT dpg_count; // Number of record segments on page
# # struct dpg_repeat
# # {
# # USHORT dpg_offset; // Offset of record fragment
# # USHORT dpg_length; // Length of record fragment
# # } dpg_rpt[1];
# # };
# (relation_id,) = unpack_from('<H',page_buffer,20) # 'H' ==> USHORT
# (segment_cnt,) = unpack_from('<H',page_buffer,22)
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# if page_type == 6:
# # Index root page
# # struct index_root_page
# # {
# # pag irt_header;
# # USHORT irt_relation; // relation id (for consistency)
# (relation_id,) = unpack_from('<H',page_buffer,16) # 'H' ==> USHORT
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# index_id=-1
# ix_level=-1
# btr_len=-1
# if page_type == 7:
# # B-tree page ("bucket"):
# # struct btree_page
# # {
# # 16 pag btr_header;
# # 4 SLONG btr_sibling; // right sibling page
# # 4 SLONG btr_left_sibling; // left sibling page
# # 4 SLONG btr_prefix_total; // sum of all prefixes on page
# # 2 USHORT btr_relation; // relation id for consistency
# # 2 USHORT btr_length; // length of data in bucket
# # 1 UCHAR btr_id; // index id for consistency
# # 1 UCHAR btr_level; // index level (0 = leaf)
# # btree_nod btr_nodes[1];
# # };
# (relation_id,) = unpack_from('<H',page_buffer,28) # 'H' ==> USHORT
# (btr_len,) = unpack_from('<H',page_buffer,30) # 'H' ==> USHORT // length of data in bucket
# (index_id,) = unpack_from('<B',page_buffer,32) # 'B' => UCHAR
# (ix_level,) = unpack_from('<B',page_buffer,33)
# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# if index_id>=0 and (relation_id, index_id) in map_dbo:
# u = map_dbo[ relation_id, index_id ]
# page_info = ''.join( ( PAGE_TYPES[page_type].ljust(9), ', ', u[1].strip(),', data_len=',str(btr_len),', lev=',str(ix_level) ) ) # 'Indx Page, <index_name>, <length of data in bucket>'
# elif (relation_id, -1) in map_dbo:
# u = map_dbo[ relation_id, -1 ]
# if page_type == 5:
# page_info = ''.join( ( PAGE_TYPES[page_type].ljust(9),', ',u[0].strip(),', segments on page: ',str(segment_cnt) ) ) # '<table_name>, segments on page: NNN' - for Data page
# else:
# page_info = ''.join( ( PAGE_TYPES[page_type].ljust(9),', ',u[0].strip() ) ) # '<table_name>' - for Pointer page
# elif relation_id == -1:
# page_info = PAGE_TYPES[page_type].ljust(9)
# else:
# page_info = ''.join( ('UNKNOWN; ',PAGE_TYPES[page_type].ljust(9),'; relation_id ', str(relation_id), '; index_id ', str(index_id)) )
# return (page_type, relation_id, page_info)
# # end of func parse_page_header
# fill_dbo(db_conn, map_dbo)
# # ('map_dbo:', {(128, -1): ('TEST', ''), (128, 0): ('TEST', 'TEST_S')})
# sql='''
# select p.rdb$relation_id, p.rdb$page_number
# from rdb$pages p
# join rdb$relations r on p.rdb$relation_id = r.rdb$relation_id
# where r.rdb$relation_name=upper('TEST') and p.rdb$page_type = 4
# order by p.rdb$page_number
# rows 1
# '''
# cur=db_conn.cursor()
# cur.execute(sql)
# (rel_id, pp1st) = (-1, -1)
# for r in cur:
# (rel_id, pp1st) = ( r[0], r[1] ) # (128, 192)
# PAGE_TYPES = { 0 : "undef/free",
# 1 : "DB header",
# 2 : "PIP",
# 3 : "TIP",
# 4 : "Pntr Page",
# 5 : "Data Page",
# 6 : "Indx Root",
# 7 : "Indx Data",
# 8 : "Blob Page",
# 9 : "Gens Page",
# 10 : "SCN" # only for ODS>=12
# }
# res = db_conn.db_info([fdb.isc_info_page_size, fdb.isc_info_allocation])
# pagesAllocated = res[fdb.isc_info_allocation]
# pgsize = res[fdb.isc_info_page_size]
# ##################
# # Found first page for each of three types: Data, Index and Blob
# # (loop starts from first PointerPage of table 'TEST')
# ##################
# (brk_datapage, brk_indxpage, brk_blobpage) = (-1, -1, -1)
# for i in range(pp1st,pagesAllocated):
# (page_type, relation_id, page_info) = parse_page_header(db_conn, i, map_dbo)
# #print('page:',i, '; page_type:',page_type, '; rel_id:',relation_id,';', page_info)
# if relation_id==128 and page_type == 5:
# brk_datapage = i
# if relation_id==128 and page_type == 7:
# brk_indxpage = i
# if page_type == 8:
# brk_blobpage = i
# if brk_datapage > 0 and brk_indxpage > 0 and brk_blobpage > 0:
# break
# db_conn.close()
# # Store binary content of .fdb for futher restore:
# ######################
# with open(dbnm, 'rb') as f:
# raw_db_content=f.read()
# ####################
# # Make pages damaged
# ####################
# bw=bytearray(b'\\xff\\xaa\\xcc\\xee\\xbb\\x00\\x00\\xcc\\xdd\\xee\\xaa\\xdd\\xcc\\x00\\xdd\\xee')
# with open(dbnm, 'r+b') as w:
# for brk_page in (brk_datapage, brk_indxpage, brk_blobpage):
# w.seek( brk_page * pgsize)
# w.write(bw)
# #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ######################
# # Validate DB - ensure that there are errors in pages:
# ######################
# f_onval_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_onval_c5501.log'), 'w')
# subprocess.call([context['fbsvcmgr_path'], 'localhost:service_mgr', 'action_validate', 'dbname', dbnm, 'val_lock_timeout','1'],stdout=f_onval_log, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# flush_and_close( f_onval_log )
# # RESULT: validation log should contain lines with problems about three diff. page types:
# # expected data encountered unknown
# # expected index B-tree encountered unknown
# # expected blob encountered unknown
# #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# f_gstat_log=os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_gstat_c5501.log')
# f_gstat_err=os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_gstat_c5501.err')
# sys.stdout = open( f_gstat_log, 'w')
# sys.stderr = open( f_gstat_err, 'w')
# runProgram('gstat',['-e',dsn])
# sys.stdout = so
# sys.stderr = se
# # ------------------
# # restore DB content
# # ------------------
# with open(dbnm,'wb') as f:
# f.write(raw_db_content)
# with open( f_gstat_err, 'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# print('UNEXPECTED STDERR', line)
# # Data pages: total 63, encrypted 0, non-crypted 63
# # Index pages: total 86, encrypted 0, non-crypted 86
# # Blob pages: total 199, encrypted 0, non-crypted 199
# # Other pages: total 117, ENCRYPTED 3 (DB problem!), non-crypted 114 <<< __THIS__ should appear after CORE-5501 was fixed.
# pages_info_overall_pattern=re.compile('(data|index|blob|other)\\s+pages[:]{0,1}\\s+total[:]{0,1}\\s+\\d+[,]{0,1}\\s+encrypted[:]{0,1}\\s+\\d+.*[,]{0,1}non-crypted[:]{0,1}\\s+\\d+.*', re.IGNORECASE)
# with open( f_gstat_log, 'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# if pages_info_overall_pattern.match(line.strip()):
# print(line.strip())
# ########################################################################
# # Validation log should contain following lines:
# # --------------
# # Error: Page 187 wrong type (expected data encountered unknown (255))
# # Error: Page 186 wrong type (expected blob encountered unknown (255))
# # Warning: Pointer page 180 {sequence 0} bits {0x0A large, secondary} are not consistent with data page 187 {sequence 0} state {0x05 full, swept}
# # Index 1 (TEST_S_UNQ)
# # Error: Page 184 wrong type (expected index B-tree encountered unknown (255))
# # Error: Page 184 wrong type (expected index B-tree encountered unknown (255))
# # Relation 128 (TEST) : 4 ERRORS found
# # We have to ensure that validation informs about ALL __THREE__ types of problem:
# # with DataPage, Index B-Tree and BlobPage:
# ###########################################
# (data_page_problem, indx_page_problem, blob_page_problem) = (-1, -1, -1)
# with open( f_onval_log.name, 'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# if 'expected data' in line:
# data_page_problem = 1
# if 'expected index B-tree' in line:
# indx_page_problem = 1
# if 'expected blob' in line:
# blob_page_problem = 1
# print( 'Detect all THREE page types with problem ? => %s' % ('YES' if (data_page_problem, indx_page_problem, blob_page_problem) == (1,1,1) else 'NO.') )
# # Cleanup:
# ##########
# cleanup( (f_gstat_log, f_gstat_err, f_onval_log) )
#act_1 = python_act('db_1', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions_1)
expected_stdout_1 = """
Data pages: total 63, encrypted 0, non-crypted 63
Index pages: total 88, encrypted 0, non-crypted 88
Blob pages: total 199, encrypted 0, non-crypted 199
Other pages: total 115, ENCRYPTED 3 (DB problem!), non-crypted 112
Detect all THREE page types with problem ? => YES
def test_1(db_1):
pytest.fail("Test not IMPLEMENTED")