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265 lines
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# id: bugs.core_6348
# title: Wire compression causes freezes
# decription:
# Test does TWO measures related to speed of loading big blob into database:
# 1) when WireCompression = true
# 2) when WireCompression = false
# (see below usage of 'WIRE_COMPRESSION_VALUE' variable)
# Then we compare elapsed time (stored in milliseconds) between these two measures.
# Time of loading when WireCompression = true will be greater than time for WireCompression = false.
# RATIO (i.e. <wc_ON> / <wc_OFF>) instead of absolute values is used as criteria for passing this test.
# This ratio must not exceed threshold that was defined beforehand
# I ran this test five times for each server mode, for FB 3.x and 4.x, both on Windows and Linux.
# Results depend primarily on OS: about 3.05 for Windows and 1.48 for Linux.
# This difference looks strange and may be it is a good idea to discussed this with FB developers.
# CURRENTLY threshold is set to approx. double value of maximal detected ratio (see 'MAX_RATIO_THRESHOLD').
# NOTE-1
# Test temporary changes firebird.conf, so any abnormal termination of it can cause
# problems for other tests (which are to be executed after current).
# NOTE-2
# EXTERNAL script for execution by Python is created here!
# Otherwise one can not reproduce problem described in the ticket if original firebird.conf
# We have to launch NEW (child) Python process which will run fully separately from current.
# NOTE-3
# Test uses pre-created large binary file which can not be compressed: it is compressed trace log
# with original size about 2.2 Gb which was processed by 7-Zip with '-mx9 -mfb273' switches.
# Confirmed bug on blob loading time is more than 120s.
# Checked on
# 15.04.2021. Adapted for run both on Windows and Linux. Checked on:
# Windows: SS/CS, SS/CS
# Linux: SS/CS, SS/CS
# tracker_id: CORE-6348
# min_versions: ['3.0.6']
# versions: 3.0.6
# qmid: None
import pytest
from firebird.qa import db_factory, isql_act, Action
# version: 3.0.6
# resources: None
substitutions_1 = []
init_script_1 = """"""
db_1 = db_factory(sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1)
# test_script_1
# import os
# import sys
# import subprocess
# from subprocess import Popen
# import datetime
# import time
# import shutil
# from fdb import services
# from datetime import datetime as dt
# from datetime import timedelta
# os.environ["ISC_USER"] = user_name
# os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = user_password
# #############################
# ### T H R E S H O L D ###
# #############################
# db_conn.close()
# #-----------------------------------
# def showtime():
# global dt
# return ''.join( (dt.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")[:11],'.') )
# #--------------------------------------------
# def flush_and_close( file_handle ):
# # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync
# # If you're starting with a Python file object f,
# # first do f.flush(), and
# # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk.
# global os
# file_handle.flush()
# if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb') and file_handle.name != os.devnull:
# # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"!
# os.fsync(file_handle.fileno())
# file_handle.close()
# #--------------------------------------------
# def cleanup( f_names_list ):
# global os
# for i in range(len( f_names_list )):
# if type(f_names_list[i]) == file:
# del_name = f_names_list[i].name
# elif type(f_names_list[i]) == str:
# del_name = f_names_list[i]
# else:
# print('Unrecognized type of element:', f_names_list[i], ' - can not be treated as file.')
# print('type(f_names_list[i])=',type(f_names_list[i]))
# del_name = None
# if del_name and os.path.isfile( del_name ):
# os.remove( del_name )
# #--------------------------------------------
# FB_HOME = services.connect(host='localhost', user= user_name, password= user_password).get_home_directory()
# # Resut: FB_HOME is full path to FB instance home (with trailing slash).
# if os.name == 'nt':
# # For Windows we assume that client library is always in FB_HOME dir:
# FB_CLNT=os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'fbclient.dll')
# else:
# # For Linux client library will be searched in 'lib' subdirectory of FB_HOME:
# FB_CLNT=os.path.join(FB_HOME, 'lib', 'libfbclient.so' )
# dts = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S")
# fbconf_cur = os.path.join( FB_HOME, 'firebird.conf')
# fbconf_bak = os.path.join( FB_HOME, 'firebird'+dts+'.bak')
# shutil.copy2( fbconf_cur, fbconf_bak )
# blob_load_elapsed_time = {}
# for iter in (1,2):
# # Restore original content of firebird.conf:
# ##################
# shutil.copy2( fbconf_bak, fbconf_cur )
# f_fbconf=open( fbconf_cur, 'r')
# fbconf_content=f_fbconf.readlines()
# f_fbconf.close()
# for i,s in enumerate( fbconf_content ):
# line = s.lower().lstrip()
# if line.startswith( 'wirecompression'.lower() ):
# fbconf_content[i] = '# [temply commented by fbtest for core_6348.fbt] ' + s
# WIRE_COMPRESSION_VALUE = 'true' if iter == 1 else 'false'
# text2app= '''
# WireCompression = %(WIRE_COMPRESSION_VALUE)s
# ##############################################
# ''' % locals()
# fbconf_content += [ os.linesep + x for x in text2app.split( os.linesep ) ]
# f_fbconf=open( fbconf_cur, 'w', buffering = 0)
# f_fbconf.writelines( fbconf_content )
# flush_and_close( f_fbconf )
# BLOB_FILE = os.path.join(context['files_location'],'core_6348.bin')
# external_python_code=''' from __future__ import print_function
# from datetime import datetime as dt
# from datetime import timedelta
# import fdb
# con = fdb.connect( dsn = r'%(dsn)s', user='%(user_name)s', password='%(user_password)s', fb_library_name = r'%(FB_CLNT)s' )
# con.execute_immediate('recreate table test(b blob)')
# con.commit()
# cur=con.cursor()
# blob_src = r'%(BLOB_FILE)s'
# blob_handle = open( blob_src, 'rb')
# da = dt.now()
# cur.execute('insert into test(b) values(?)',[blob_handle])
# db = dt.now()
# blob_handle.close()
# diff_ms = (db-da).seconds*1000 + (db-da).microseconds//1000
# print( str(diff_ms) )
# cur.close()
# con.commit()
# con.close()
# ''' % dict(globals(), **locals())
# f_extern_py = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_6348.' + str(iter) + '.py'), 'w')
# f_extern_py.write( '\\n'.join( [i.strip() for i in external_python_code.split('\\n')] ) )
# flush_and_close( f_extern_py )
# # f_extern_py.close()
# f_external_py_log = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_6348_py.' + str(iter) + '.log' ), 'w')
# subprocess.call( [sys.executable, f_extern_py.name], stdout = f_external_py_log, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT )
# flush_and_close( f_external_py_log )
# with open(f_external_py_log.name,'r') as f:
# blob_load_elapsed_time[ WIRE_COMPRESSION_VALUE ] = int(f.read().strip())
# cleanup( ( f_extern_py, f_external_py_log ) )
# # Restore original content of firebird.conf:
# ##################
# shutil.move( fbconf_bak, fbconf_cur )
# #print(blob_load_elapsed_time)
# #print( 1.00 * blob_load_elapsed_time['true'] / blob_load_elapsed_time['false'] )
# # SC: {'false': 2036, 'true': 126711}, ratio: 62.24
# # SS: {'false': 831, 'true': 3722}, ratio: 4.48 // LINUX: 3.42; 3.11; 3.49; 3.44; 3.45
# # CS: {'false': 2088, 'true': 6903}, ratio: 3.31 // LINUX: 1.46; 1.46; 1.48; 1.46; 1.51
# # SS: {'false': 1135, 'true': 3862}, ratio: 3.40 // LINUX: 1.52; 1.63; 1.52; 1.48; 1.51
# # CS: {'false': 2160, 'true': 7675}, ratio: 3.55 // LINUX: 1.56; 1.61; 1.56; 1.55; 1.54
# ratio = 1.00 * blob_load_elapsed_time['true'] / blob_load_elapsed_time['false']
# if os.name == 'nt':
# else:
# # ^
# # |
# # |
# # ##################
# # ### THRESHOLD ####
# # ##################
# msg = 'Ratio is acceptable.' if ratio < MAX_RATIO_THRESHOLD else (
# 'Performance degradation when WireCompression = true is too high. ' +
# 'Without compression: %15.2f, with compression: %15.2f, ratio is %15.2f - more than max. threshold = %3d' % ( blob_load_elapsed_time['false'], blob_load_elapsed_time['true'], ratio, MAX_RATIO_THRESHOLD)
# )
# print(msg)
# # Cleanup
# #########
# time.sleep(1)
# f_list=( f_extern_py, f_external_py_log )
# cleanup( [ i.name for i in f_list ] )
#act_1 = python_act('db_1', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions_1)
expected_stdout_1 = """
Ratio is acceptable.
def test_1(db_1):
pytest.fail("Test not IMPLEMENTED")