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# id: bugs.core_4743
# title: Granted role does not work with non-ascii username
# decription:
# Test creates non-ascii user and role, and also several kind of DB objects (table, procedure, function etc).
# Then role is granted to user, and privileges for DB objects are granted to this role.
# All these actions are done in ISQL which is launched as separate (child) process.
# No errors must be raised in it (see 'f_ddl_log' - it must remain empty).
# Further, we try to establish connection to the test DB using non-ascii user and role.
# ::: NB :::
# Attempt to use ISQL for connect with non-ascii login will FAIL with:
# Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22021
# Bad international character in tag isc_dpb_user_name
# -Cannot transliterate character between character sets
# -Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
# Fortunately, this can be done without problems using fdb.connect().
# After connect, we obtain:
# * name of current user and his role (both of them must be non-ascii);
# * privileges that was granted to this user (see query to v_current_privileges);
# Finally, we disconnect, generate SQL script for drop this user and run ISQL for this
# (we have to do this because it seems that there is no way to drop NON-ASCII user via FDB Services).
# NOTE: Python package 'io' is used here instead of codecs (the latter is obsolete in Python).
# Checked on: (Windows and Linux)
# tracker_id:
# min_versions: ['4.0']
# versions: 4.0
# qmid: bugs.core_4743
import pytest
from firebird.qa import db_factory, python_act, Action, user_factory, User
# version: 4.0
# resources: None
substitutions_1 = [('[\t ]+', ' ')]
init_script_1 = """"""
db_1 = db_factory(charset='UTF8', sql_dialect=3, init=init_script_1)
# test_script_1
# import os
# import io
# #import codecs
# import subprocess
# import time
# db_conn.close()
# #--------------------------------------------
# def flush_and_close( file_handle ):
# # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync
# # If you're starting with a Python file object f,
# # first do f.flush(), and
# # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk.
# global os
# file_handle.flush()
# if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb') and file_handle.name != os.devnull:
# # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"!
# os.fsync(file_handle.fileno())
# file_handle.close()
# #--------------------------------------------
# def cleanup( f_names_list ):
# global os
# for i in range(len( f_names_list )):
# if type(f_names_list[i]) == file:
# del_name = f_names_list[i].name
# elif type(f_names_list[i]) == str:
# del_name = f_names_list[i]
# else:
# print('Unrecognized type of element:', f_names_list[i], ' - can not be treated as file.')
# print('type(f_names_list[i])=',type(f_names_list[i]))
# del_name = None
# if del_name and os.path.isfile( del_name ):
# os.remove( del_name )
# #--------------------------------------------
# sql_txt=''' set bail on;
# set names utf8;
# connect '%(dsn)s' user '%(user_name)s' password '%(user_password)s';
# create or alter user "Вася Пупкин" password '123' using plugin Srp;
# create role "Старший дворник";
# commit;
# grant "Старший дворник" to "Вася Пупкин";
# commit;
# create table "Документы"(id int primary key, pid int references "Документы");
# create exception "НЕ_число" 'Ваша строка не может быть преобразована в число.';
# create sequence "ИД_документа";
# set term ^;
# create procedure "Хранимка" as
# begin
# end
# ^
# create function "СтрВЧисло"(a_text varchar(100)) returns int as
# begin
# return 0;
# end
# ^
# create or alter package "Утилиты" as
# begin
# procedure pg_sp_worker;
# end
# ^
# recreate package body "Утилиты" as
# begin
# procedure pg_sp_worker as
# begin
# end
# end
# ^
# set term ;^
# commit;
# create or alter view v_current_privileges as
# select
# g.rdb$user as who_is_granted
# ,g.rdb$relation_name as obj_name
# ,decode( g.rdb$object_type
# ,0,'table'
# ,1,'view'
# ,2,'trigger'
# ,5,'procedure'
# ,7,'exception'
# ,9,'domain'
# ,11,'charset'
# ,13,'role'
# ,14,'generator'
# ,15,'function'
# ,16,'blob filt'
# ,18,'package'
# ,22,'systable'
# ,cast(g.rdb$object_type as varchar(50))
# ) as obj_type
# ,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='S','YES',' ')) as "privilege:select"
# ,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='I','YES',' ')) as "privilege:insert"
# ,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='U','YES',' ')) as "privilege:update"
# ,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='D','YES',' ')) as "privilege:delete"
# ,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='G','YES',' ')) as "privilege:usage"
# ,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='X','YES',' ')) as "privilege:exec"
# ,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='R','YES',' ')) as "privilege:refer"
# ,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='C','YES',' ')) as "privilege:create"
# ,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='L','YES',' ')) as "privilege:alter"
# ,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='O','YES',' ')) as "privilege:drop"
# ,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='M','YES',' ')) as "privilege:member"
# from rdb$user_privileges g
# where g.rdb$user in( current_user, current_role )
# group by 1,2,3;
# grant select on v_current_privileges to "Старший дворник";
# grant select,insert,update,delete,references on "Документы" to "Старший дворник";
# grant usage on exception "НЕ_число" to "Старший дворник";
# grant usage on sequence "ИД_документа" to "Старший дворник";
# grant execute on procedure "Хранимка" to "Старший дворник";
# grant execute on function "СтрВЧисло" to "Старший дворник";
# grant execute on package "Утилиты" to "Старший дворник";
# grant create table to "Старший дворник";
# grant alter any table to "Старший дворник";
# grant drop any table to "Старший дворник";
# commit;
# /*
# DO NOT try to use ISQL for connecti using non-ascii user name! It will fail with:
# =====
# Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 22021
# Bad international character in tag isc_dpb_user_name
# -Cannot transliterate character between character sets
# -Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
# =====
# XXX DOES NOT WORK XXX >>> connect '%(dsn)s' user "Вася Пупкин" password '123' role "Старший дворник";
# Instead, FDB connect() method must be used for this.
# */
# ''' % dict(globals(), **locals())
# f_ddl_sql = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'tmp_4743_utf8_ddl.sql'), 'w' )
# f_ddl_sql.write( sql_txt )
# flush_and_close( f_ddl_sql )
# f_ddl_log = open( os.path.splitext(f_ddl_sql.name)[0]+'.log', 'w')
# subprocess.call( [ context['isql_path'], '-q', '-i', f_ddl_sql.name ],
# stdout = f_ddl_log,
# stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# flush_and_close( f_ddl_log )
# with io.open(f_ddl_log.name, 'r', encoding='utf8' ) as f:
# result_log = f.readlines()
# for i in result_log:
# print( i.encode('utf8') ) # do not miss '.encode()' here, otherwise get: "ordinal not in range(128)"
# f_run_log = io.open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'tmp_4743_utf8_run.log'), 'w', encoding = 'utf8' )
# con = fdb.connect(dsn = dsn, user = "Вася Пупкин", password = '123', role = 'Старший дворник', charset = 'utf8', utf8params = True)
# cur = con.cursor()
# cur.execute('select m.mon$user,m.mon$role from mon$attachments m where m.mon$attachment_id = current_connection')
# col = cur.description
# for r in cur:
# for i in range(0,len(col)):
# f_run_log.write( ' '.join((col[i][0],':',r[i], '\\n')) )
# cur.execute('select v.* from v_current_privileges v')
# col = cur.description
# for r in cur:
# for i in range(0,len(col)):
# if 'privilege:' not in col[i][0] or 'privilege:' in col[i][0] and r[i] == 'YES':
# f_run_log.write( ' '.join((col[i][0],':',r[i], '\\n')) )
# flush_and_close( f_run_log )
# # Check that privileges actually work for current (non-ascii) user / role:
# #####################################
# # All following actions must not raise any exception:
# '''
# ### DEFERRED ###
# Got exception on Linux:
# - SQLCODE: -104
# - Dynamic SQL Error
# - SQL error code = -104
# - Token unknown - line 1, column 13
# - "Документы"
# -104
# 335544569
# con.execute_immediate('insert into "Документы"(id) values(gen_id("ИД_документа",1))')
# cur.callproc('"Хранимка"')
# cur.execute('select "СтрВЧисло"(?) from rdb$database', (123,))
# for r in cur:
# pass
# cur.callproc('"Утилиты".pg_sp_worker')
# '''
# cur.close()
# con.close()
# # Generate SQL script for DROP non-ascii user.
# ##############################################
# sql_txt='''
# set bail on;
# set names utf8;
# set list on;
# -- set echo on;
# connect '%(dsn)s' user '%(user_name)s' password '%(user_password)s';
# select count(*) non_ascii_user_before_drop from sec$users where sec$user_name ='Вася Пупкин';
# drop user "Вася Пупкин" using plugin Srp;
# commit;
# select count(*) non_ascii_user_after_drop from sec$users where sec$user_name ='Вася Пупкин';
# ''' % dict(globals(), **locals())
# f_drop_sql = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'], 'tmp_4743_utf8_drop.sql'), 'w' )
# f_drop_sql.write( sql_txt )
# flush_and_close( f_drop_sql )
# f_drop_log = open( os.path.splitext(f_drop_sql.name)[0]+'.log', 'w')
# subprocess.call( [ context['isql_path'], '-q', '-i', f_drop_sql.name ],
# stdout = f_drop_log,
# stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# flush_and_close( f_drop_log )
# with io.open(f_run_log.name, 'r', encoding='utf8' ) as f:
# result_in_utf8 = f.readlines()
# for i in result_in_utf8:
# print( i.encode('utf8') )
# with open(f_drop_log.name,'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# print(line)
# # cleanup:
# ###########
# time.sleep(2)
# # DO NOT use here: cleanup( (f_ddl_sql, f_ddl_log, f_drop_sql, f_drop_log, f_run_log) ) --
# # Unrecognized type of element: <closed file 'C:\\FBTESTING\\qa\\fbt-repo\\tmp\\tmp_4743_utf8_run.log', mode 'wb' at 0x0000000005A20780> - can not be treated as file.
# # type(f_names_list[i])= <type 'instance'>Traceback (most recent call last):
# cleanup( [i.name for i in (f_ddl_sql, f_ddl_log, f_drop_sql, f_drop_log, f_run_log)] )
act_1 = python_act('db_1', substitutions=substitutions_1)
ddl_script_1 = """
grant "Старший дворник" to "Вася Пупкин";
create table "Документы"(id int primary key, pid int references "Документы");
create exception "НЕ_число" 'Ваша строка не может быть преобразована в число.';
create sequence "ИД_документа";
set term ^;
create procedure "Хранимка" as
create function "СтрВЧисло"(a_text varchar(100)) returns int as
return 0;
create or alter package "Утилиты" as
procedure pg_sp_worker;
recreate package body "Утилиты" as
procedure pg_sp_worker as
set term ;^
create or alter view v_current_privileges as
g.rdb$user as who_is_granted
,g.rdb$relation_name as obj_name
,decode( g.rdb$object_type
,16,'blob filt'
,cast(g.rdb$object_type as varchar(50))
) as obj_type
,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='S','YES',' ')) as "privilege:select"
,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='I','YES',' ')) as "privilege:insert"
,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='U','YES',' ')) as "privilege:update"
,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='D','YES',' ')) as "privilege:delete"
,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='G','YES',' ')) as "privilege:usage"
,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='X','YES',' ')) as "privilege:exec"
,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='R','YES',' ')) as "privilege:refer"
,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='C','YES',' ')) as "privilege:create"
,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='L','YES',' ')) as "privilege:alter"
,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='O','YES',' ')) as "privilege:drop"
,max(iif(g.rdb$privilege='M','YES',' ')) as "privilege:member"
from rdb$user_privileges g
where g.rdb$user in( current_user, current_role )
group by 1,2,3;
grant select on v_current_privileges to "Старший дворник";
grant select,insert,update,delete,references on "Документы" to "Старший дворник";
grant usage on exception "НЕ_число" to "Старший дворник";
grant usage on sequence "ИД_документа" to "Старший дворник";
grant execute on procedure "Хранимка" to "Старший дворник";
grant execute on function "СтрВЧисло" to "Старший дворник";
grant execute on package "Утилиты" to "Старший дворник";
grant create table to "Старший дворник";
grant alter any table to "Старший дворник";
grant drop any table to "Старший дворник";
expected_stdout_1 = """
MON$USER : Вася Пупкин
MON$ROLE : Старший дворник
WHO_IS_GRANTED : Вася Пупкин
OBJ_NAME : Старший дворник
OBJ_TYPE : role
privilege:member : YES
WHO_IS_GRANTED : Старший дворник
OBJ_TYPE : systable
privilege:create : YES
privilege:alter : YES
privilege:drop : YES
WHO_IS_GRANTED : Старший дворник
OBJ_TYPE : table
privilege:select : YES
WHO_IS_GRANTED : Старший дворник
OBJ_NAME : Документы
OBJ_TYPE : table
privilege:select : YES
privilege:insert : YES
privilege:update : YES
privilege:delete : YES
privilege:refer : YES
WHO_IS_GRANTED : Старший дворник
OBJ_NAME : ИД_документа
OBJ_TYPE : generator
privilege:usage : YES
WHO_IS_GRANTED : Старший дворник
OBJ_NAME : НЕ_число
OBJ_TYPE : exception
privilege:usage : YES
WHO_IS_GRANTED : Старший дворник
OBJ_NAME : СтрВЧисло
OBJ_TYPE : function
privilege:exec : YES
WHO_IS_GRANTED : Старший дворник
OBJ_NAME : Утилиты
OBJ_TYPE : package
privilege:exec : YES
WHO_IS_GRANTED : Старший дворник
OBJ_NAME : Хранимка
OBJ_TYPE : procedure
privilege:exec : YES
non_acii_user = user_factory(name='"Вася Пупкин"', password= '123', encoding= 'utf8')
def test_1(act_1: Action, non_acii_user: User, capsys):
with act_1.test_role('"Старший дворник"', charset= 'utf8'):
act_1.isql(switches=['-b', '-q'], input=ddl_script_1)
with act_1.db.connect(user=non_acii_user.name, password=non_acii_user.password,
role='"Старший дворник"') as con:
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute('select m.mon$user,m.mon$role from mon$attachments m where m.mon$attachment_id = current_connection')
col = cur.description
for r in cur:
for i in range(len(col)):
print(' '.join((col[i][0], ':', r[i])))
cur.execute("select v.* from v_current_privileges v")
col = cur.description
for r in cur:
for i in range(len(col)):
if 'privilege:' not in col[i][0] or 'privilege:' in col[i][0] and r[i] == 'YES':
print(' '.join((col[i][0], ':', r[i])))
act_1.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_1
act_1.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out
assert act_1.clean_stdout == act_1.clean_expected_stdout