--- kind: pipeline name: build-linux platform: arch: amd64 environment: SLEEP: 600 imagedefs: - &anchor_compiler_image image: dctl-registry.dcinet:5000/suse-15.4/gcc-113 steps: - name: build <<: *anchor_compiler_image volumes: - name: tempx path: /tmp - name: cache path: /tmp/cache commands: - export CC=gcc - make -f makefile.shared test_standalone >test_gcc_1.txt 2>test_gcc_2.txt - ./test >test_std.txt 2>test_err.txt - name: build-fail <<: *anchor_compiler_image commands: - echo "Go do some debugging - you've got $${SLEEP} seconds" - sleep $${SLEEP} - cat test_gcc_1.txt - cat test_std.txt - cat test_err.txt when: status: - failure - name: build-success <<: *anchor_compiler_image commands: # - echo "Go check where the binaries are - you've got $${SLEEP} seconds" # - sleep $${SLEEP} - cat test_gcc_2.txt when: status: - success - name: build-install <<: *anchor_compiler_image commands: - make install depends_on: - build-success # ### TODO package up the contents of .libs and maybe the public header? ##-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 325206 May 13 09:06 libtfm.a ##lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 May 13 09:06 libtfm.la -> ../libtfm.la ##-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 909 May 13 09:06 libtfm.lai ##lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 May 13 09:06 libtfm.so -> libtfm.so.1.0.0 ##lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 May 13 09:06 libtfm.so.1 -> libtfm.so.1.0.0 ##-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 233136 May 13 09:06 libtfm.so.1.0.0 ##-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 671 May 13 09:06 libtfm.ver volumes: - name: cache host: path: /srv/dockerctl_icc/cache - name: staging-icc host: path: /srv/dockerctl_icc/staging - name: temp temp: {} trigger: # For now we only run on demand event: - custom # Disable running pipeline a second time when we promote a successful build exclude: - promote #--- #kind: pipeline #name: build-windows #platform: #arch: amd64 #environment: #MYCC: gcc" SHARED="-f makefile.shared" #steps: #- name: test #image: gcc #commands: #- ${MYCC}" make ${SHARED} test_standalone >test_gcc_1.txt 2>test_gcc_2.txt && ./test >test_std.txt 2>test_err.txt" ...