Add load_blob test procedure

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Paul Reeves 2023-01-28 10:40:15 +01:00
parent 830a5e22d8
commit 58ea0916bd
1 changed files with 32 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ create domain D_ID as BIGINT;
create domain D_BIGINT as BIGINT;
create table test_div(
test_div_id d_id generated always as identity
test_div_id D_ID generated always as identity
, numerator D_BIGINT
, denominator D_BIGINT
, result COMPUTED BY ( DIV(numerator, denominator) )
@ -31,19 +31,21 @@ create domain D_STATUS as CHAR(1) default 'U' not null check (VALUE IN ('U', 'F'
comment on domain D_STATUS is 'unset, failed, loaded, written';
create table test_blobs(
test_blobs_id d_id generated always as identity
test_blobs_id D_ID generated always as identity
, description D_DESCRIPTION
, file_type D_FILETYPE
, source_file D_PATH
, source_status D_STATUS
, source_bytes D_BIGINT
, target_file D_PATH
, target_status D_STATUS
, target_bytes D_BIGINT
, the_blob D_BLOB
, constraint pk_test_blobs_id primary key (test_blobs_id) using index idx_test_blobs_id
set term ^;
create trigger t_iub_test_blobs for test_blobs before insert or update
create or alter trigger t_iub_test_blobs for test_blobs before insert or update
as begin
new.file_type = upper(new.file_type);
@ -51,8 +53,35 @@ as begin
new.target_status = upper(new.target_status);
end ^
set term ;^
set term ^;
create or alter procedure load_blob ( a_test_blob_id D_ID ) sql security definer
declare asource_file D_PATH;
declare ablob D_BLOB;
declare result D_BIGINT;
declare status D_STATUS;
select source_file, the_blob from test_blobs where test_blobs_id = :a_test_blob_id into asource_file, ablob;
select LoadBlobFromFile( :asource_file, :ablob ) from rdb$database into :result;
if (result > 0 ) then
status = 'L';
else if ( result < 0 ) then
status = 'F';
update test_blobs
set the_blob = :ablob
, source_bytes = :result
, source_status = :status
where test_blobs_id = :a_test_blob_id;
end ^
set term ;^