diff --git a/test/testudrkit.sql b/test/testudrkit.sql index cb27cdf..7c30874 100644 --- a/test/testudrkit.sql +++ b/test/testudrkit.sql @@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ set names UTF8; input recreate_db.ddl; -- deploy the UDR library -shell cp -L ../build/x86_64-linux/libMyFirstUDRKit.so /opt/firebird/plugins/udr/ ; +shell cp --dereference ../build/x86_64-linux/libMyFirstUDRKit.so /opt/firebird/plugins/udr/ ; --- declare the UDR library - must be done before we declare database objects! +-- declare the UDR library - must be done before we declare +-- database objects that reference functions in the library! input ../sql/MyFirstUDRKit.ddl;